湖南师大虚拟校园的初步实现,页数:6字数:4559摘要: arcgis9.0是美国环境系统研究所开发的新一代gis软件,是世界上应用广泛的gis软件之一,是我国gis领域常用的商业软件,其功能十分强大。通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、建立三维可视化等一系列步骤,利用arcgis 9.0软件,...

此文档由会员 cnlula 发布
页数:6 字数:4559
摘 要: ArcGIS9.0是美国环境系统研究所开发的新一代GIS软件,是世界上应用广泛的GIS软件之一,是我国GIS领域常用的商业软件,其功能十分强大。通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、建立三维可视化等一系列步骤,利用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对湖南师范大学北校区虚拟校园进行了初步实现。通过虚拟校园,可将现实校园的各项资源数字化形成一个数字空间,实现学校的教学、科研、管理、服务等活动的全部过程,从而达到提高教学质量、科研水平、管理水平的目的。
A Preliminary Realization of Virtual Campus of Hunan Normal University
Abstract: ArcGIS9.0 software, newly developed by American Environment System Research Institute, is one of the most extensive application in the world, is a set of business software which is often used in China GIS field, and is very powerful. Through a series of steps, such as collecting information, preprocessing data, making models of construction using 3DMAX , importing the 3D models to ArcGIS, and displaying three-dimensional visualization ,.the virtual campus in the Northern Campus of Hunan Normal Unive
页数:6 字数:4559
摘 要: ArcGIS9.0是美国环境系统研究所开发的新一代GIS软件,是世界上应用广泛的GIS软件之一,是我国GIS领域常用的商业软件,其功能十分强大。通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、建立三维可视化等一系列步骤,利用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对湖南师范大学北校区虚拟校园进行了初步实现。通过虚拟校园,可将现实校园的各项资源数字化形成一个数字空间,实现学校的教学、科研、管理、服务等活动的全部过程,从而达到提高教学质量、科研水平、管理水平的目的。
A Preliminary Realization of Virtual Campus of Hunan Normal University
Abstract: ArcGIS9.0 software, newly developed by American Environment System Research Institute, is one of the most extensive application in the world, is a set of business software which is often used in China GIS field, and is very powerful. Through a series of steps, such as collecting information, preprocessing data, making models of construction using 3DMAX , importing the 3D models to ArcGIS, and displaying three-dimensional visualization ,.the virtual campus in the Northern Campus of Hunan Normal Unive