基于网络的进销存系统的设计与实现,硕士论文页数:58字数:28714摘 要 步入二十一世纪,人类进入了信息时代,信息产业更以其飞快的速度发展着,并且推动着各行各业的进步。在此基础上现在有很多的商品批发商还是用手工出货,进货,计算,统计,那么成本方面和效率方面一定不高,如果达到以最小的成本得到最大的利润,那么一定需要选择科...

此文档由会员 cnlula 发布
页数:58 字数:28714
摘 要
本文主要阐述如何利用DELPHI系统、Access 2000数据库[1]设计一个“客户机/服务器(C/S)体系结构的进销存系统”,实现多个经营地点能同步进行经营业务的功能,突破了地域的限止,并使经营者能在这系统平台上办理业务、发布信息、查询业务、查阅业绩、管理人员等;另外本文还比较详细地讲述了对“网络商业进销存系统”进行的需求分析、详细设计、系统集成和测试等内容。
关键词: 商业进销 网络 数据库 C/S
Into for the 21st century, the humanity entered the information age, the information industries are developing by it very fast speed, and the humanity enters is impelling all the various trades' and occupations' progress. The present has many commodity wholesaler in this foundation to use to produce goods manually, Inventory, and the humanity enters is impelling each line of each computation, statistical that cost aspect, is not certainly high with the efficiency aspect, if achieved obtains the biggest profit by the smallest cost, then must certainly choose the science, automatic management way. If the operator does not grasp now market development this trend, cannot manage the modernized management to take develops diligently goal, if the operator does not grasp the market development this to be unable to cause the management detachably now, the source of wealth to be luxuriant, uses the advanced data bank administration software management, may solve puzzle enterprise information questions and so on work security, reliability, single plane/Uses under the advanced number network environment the running rate to be quicker, the performance is stapler, data exchange speed even more quickly, accurate, running rate to be possible to hold the many client side concurrent operation quickly. It is the network and the data bank technology union product. this article preliminary analysis current service industry corporate management aspect has existed question, operation quickly to serve industry the company enterprise interior communication not good in view of at present and so on the question present situations simultaneously to relate the actual situation design to realize one to control the physical distribution primarily management software. This system has realized the part ERP function, to move achieves with every effort reduces the implementation cost, Reduce dim lamentation risk, Speeds up the implementation progress, increases the investment repayment.
The article states how to use Delphi System, Access 2000 Database [1] to design an opening Business Distribution long distant operation system. Via this system, boss could set operation and clientele submit their operation online. Meanwhile boss and operator could use the system to submit information, answer questions, search results, and send emails and so on. Otherwise, it also describes the inquiry analysis, design, integration, test and long distant operation management of long distant Business Distribution system.
Keyword: Business Distribution Networks Database C/S
目 录
摘 要及 关 键 词 I
Abstract and Keywords II
第一章 绪 论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2 国内外发展 5
1.3主要研究工作及设计目标 6
第二章 关键技术 9
2.1 三层C/S模式 9
2.2 为什么采用三层C/S模式 11
2.3多层分布式应用技术 15
第三章 系统需求分析与设计 17
3.1 需求分析 17
3.2 系统总体设计 24
3.3 系统详细设计 34
3.4系统总体结构 41
3.5数据库实现设计 42
第四章 系统实现与测试 45
4.1各模块功能的实现设计 45
4.2系统测试策略说明 48
4.3测试报告 48
第五章 总结 51
致谢 53
参考文献 54
页数:58 字数:28714
摘 要
本文主要阐述如何利用DELPHI系统、Access 2000数据库[1]设计一个“客户机/服务器(C/S)体系结构的进销存系统”,实现多个经营地点能同步进行经营业务的功能,突破了地域的限止,并使经营者能在这系统平台上办理业务、发布信息、查询业务、查阅业绩、管理人员等;另外本文还比较详细地讲述了对“网络商业进销存系统”进行的需求分析、详细设计、系统集成和测试等内容。
关键词: 商业进销 网络 数据库 C/S
Into for the 21st century, the humanity entered the information age, the information industries are developing by it very fast speed, and the humanity enters is impelling all the various trades' and occupations' progress. The present has many commodity wholesaler in this foundation to use to produce goods manually, Inventory, and the humanity enters is impelling each line of each computation, statistical that cost aspect, is not certainly high with the efficiency aspect, if achieved obtains the biggest profit by the smallest cost, then must certainly choose the science, automatic management way. If the operator does not grasp now market development this trend, cannot manage the modernized management to take develops diligently goal, if the operator does not grasp the market development this to be unable to cause the management detachably now, the source of wealth to be luxuriant, uses the advanced data bank administration software management, may solve puzzle enterprise information questions and so on work security, reliability, single plane/Uses under the advanced number network environment the running rate to be quicker, the performance is stapler, data exchange speed even more quickly, accurate, running rate to be possible to hold the many client side concurrent operation quickly. It is the network and the data bank technology union product. this article preliminary analysis current service industry corporate management aspect has existed question, operation quickly to serve industry the company enterprise interior communication not good in view of at present and so on the question present situations simultaneously to relate the actual situation design to realize one to control the physical distribution primarily management software. This system has realized the part ERP function, to move achieves with every effort reduces the implementation cost, Reduce dim lamentation risk, Speeds up the implementation progress, increases the investment repayment.
The article states how to use Delphi System, Access 2000 Database [1] to design an opening Business Distribution long distant operation system. Via this system, boss could set operation and clientele submit their operation online. Meanwhile boss and operator could use the system to submit information, answer questions, search results, and send emails and so on. Otherwise, it also describes the inquiry analysis, design, integration, test and long distant operation management of long distant Business Distribution system.
Keyword: Business Distribution Networks Database C/S
目 录
摘 要及 关 键 词 I
Abstract and Keywords II
第一章 绪 论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2 国内外发展 5
1.3主要研究工作及设计目标 6
第二章 关键技术 9
2.1 三层C/S模式 9
2.2 为什么采用三层C/S模式 11
2.3多层分布式应用技术 15
第三章 系统需求分析与设计 17
3.1 需求分析 17
3.2 系统总体设计 24
3.3 系统详细设计 34
3.4系统总体结构 41
3.5数据库实现设计 42
第四章 系统实现与测试 45
4.1各模块功能的实现设计 45
4.2系统测试策略说明 48
4.3测试报告 48
第五章 总结 51
致谢 53
参考文献 54