
此文档由会员 fuller_zhao 发布
在本文中,作者首先对供应链中的牛鞭效应进行分析,阐述了牛鞭效应会使供应链上各节点企业不能对客户的产品需求进行准确预测,从而造成供应链各节点企业的库存浪费,增加企业成本。并具体分析了供应商管理库存(VMI)、联合库存管理(JMI)、 协同规划、预测和连续供货(CPFR)等各种供应链环境下的库存管理模式,并对各种库存管理模式优缺点及适用性进行比较分析。同时,本文针对××公司库存存在库存周转天数高、缺货现象严重等现状和特点,并结合新宝公司自身的企业特点,研究设计了××公司库存优化方案并将方案应用到实践管理活动中去。
1. 从供应链的角度对企业库存管理问题进行了系统研究。首先对库存及 供应链管理的基本原理进行了阐述,对供应链理论和供应链环境下的库存管理问题进行了分析,以及对供应链中不确定因素的产生及其对供应链库存的影响进行了分析和阐述。
2. 在理论分析的基础上,对××公司库存管理现状存在的问题进行了详细分析。首先对××公司所涉及的供应链环境进行了分析,包括客户群特点以及供应商特点。然后从××公司产品特点、库存管理现状进行了分析,并指出××公司库存管理现状所存在的问题(如物料需求量大,频次高以及库存成本高,库存周转天数高等)所产生的原因为:(1) 缺乏科学的库存管理理念;(2) 缺乏供应商管理;(3) 缺乏科学的订单预测系统;(4) 物料配套上线率低;
3. 在分析问题的基础上,本文提出了××公司库存管理的具体改进措施:(1)首先根据××公司自身特点,建立起以××公司为核心企业的供应商库存管理模式;(2) 建立起供应链管理机制,包括从组织上成立物流管理中心,专职负责物流管理工作,并建立了供应商协调管理机制、合作机制、激励机制以及供应库存绩效考核体系,以促使供应链库存管理顺利推进。(3)其次对订单运作流程及采购运作流程等相关工作流程进行了优化:如建立了订单预测系统,以及在采购运作流程中,增加了需求计划的制定等,这对开展供应链库存管理提供了系统的保障。(4)最后,对公司日常库存管理措施进行改进,明确了加强各部门协同合作,提高工作效率;优化企业内部流程,强化存货管理;完善ABC库存分类管理;落实循环盘点制度以及适时制采购机制。
Fast-changing market demand, competition, the increasing level of intensity. In the supply chain environment, effective inventory management will improve the supply chain nodes enterprise competitiveness in the market and reduce inventory waste of each node enterprise, and reduce business cost has an important role. With the development of information technology, competition among enterprises would become increasingly fierce. Today's enterprises need to face a more complex environment, need to be at a lower cost, higher quality to meet customer needs.
XINBAO is a typical OEM / ODM manufacturer of small household appliances, because as a new company, so inventory management, it continued use of some old, outdated inventory management strategies that inventory management does not reflect the overall thinking of the supply chain .The inventory backlog and waste of resources was very serious. It has affected the normal operation of enterprises. In this article, based on analysis of the inventory management for XINBAO, from the perspective of process and inventory control, identify the problems in inventory management of XINBAO, and propose appropriate optimization measures for improvement. The new improved inventory management was has a positive and practical significance for XINBAO, but also of the same type of enterprise inventory management also has some value.
In this article, the author analyzed the bullwhip effect in supply chain in first, and expounded the bullwhip effect will effect each node company which can not accurately predict the product demand of customer in the supply chain. Therefore, causing the inventory waste of each node company in the supply chain and increase business cost. And make a concrete analyzed for Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI), and Joint Inventory Management (JMI), and Collaboration Planning,Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) and other supply chain inventory management models in detail, compared and analyzed disadvantages and applicability of various inventory management models. At the same time, this arti..
在本文中,作者首先对供应链中的牛鞭效应进行分析,阐述了牛鞭效应会使供应链上各节点企业不能对客户的产品需求进行准确预测,从而造成供应链各节点企业的库存浪费,增加企业成本。并具体分析了供应商管理库存(VMI)、联合库存管理(JMI)、 协同规划、预测和连续供货(CPFR)等各种供应链环境下的库存管理模式,并对各种库存管理模式优缺点及适用性进行比较分析。同时,本文针对××公司库存存在库存周转天数高、缺货现象严重等现状和特点,并结合新宝公司自身的企业特点,研究设计了××公司库存优化方案并将方案应用到实践管理活动中去。
1. 从供应链的角度对企业库存管理问题进行了系统研究。首先对库存及 供应链管理的基本原理进行了阐述,对供应链理论和供应链环境下的库存管理问题进行了分析,以及对供应链中不确定因素的产生及其对供应链库存的影响进行了分析和阐述。
2. 在理论分析的基础上,对××公司库存管理现状存在的问题进行了详细分析。首先对××公司所涉及的供应链环境进行了分析,包括客户群特点以及供应商特点。然后从××公司产品特点、库存管理现状进行了分析,并指出××公司库存管理现状所存在的问题(如物料需求量大,频次高以及库存成本高,库存周转天数高等)所产生的原因为:(1) 缺乏科学的库存管理理念;(2) 缺乏供应商管理;(3) 缺乏科学的订单预测系统;(4) 物料配套上线率低;
3. 在分析问题的基础上,本文提出了××公司库存管理的具体改进措施:(1)首先根据××公司自身特点,建立起以××公司为核心企业的供应商库存管理模式;(2) 建立起供应链管理机制,包括从组织上成立物流管理中心,专职负责物流管理工作,并建立了供应商协调管理机制、合作机制、激励机制以及供应库存绩效考核体系,以促使供应链库存管理顺利推进。(3)其次对订单运作流程及采购运作流程等相关工作流程进行了优化:如建立了订单预测系统,以及在采购运作流程中,增加了需求计划的制定等,这对开展供应链库存管理提供了系统的保障。(4)最后,对公司日常库存管理措施进行改进,明确了加强各部门协同合作,提高工作效率;优化企业内部流程,强化存货管理;完善ABC库存分类管理;落实循环盘点制度以及适时制采购机制。
Fast-changing market demand, competition, the increasing level of intensity. In the supply chain environment, effective inventory management will improve the supply chain nodes enterprise competitiveness in the market and reduce inventory waste of each node enterprise, and reduce business cost has an important role. With the development of information technology, competition among enterprises would become increasingly fierce. Today's enterprises need to face a more complex environment, need to be at a lower cost, higher quality to meet customer needs.
XINBAO is a typical OEM / ODM manufacturer of small household appliances, because as a new company, so inventory management, it continued use of some old, outdated inventory management strategies that inventory management does not reflect the overall thinking of the supply chain .The inventory backlog and waste of resources was very serious. It has affected the normal operation of enterprises. In this article, based on analysis of the inventory management for XINBAO, from the perspective of process and inventory control, identify the problems in inventory management of XINBAO, and propose appropriate optimization measures for improvement. The new improved inventory management was has a positive and practical significance for XINBAO, but also of the same type of enterprise inventory management also has some value.
In this article, the author analyzed the bullwhip effect in supply chain in first, and expounded the bullwhip effect will effect each node company which can not accurately predict the product demand of customer in the supply chain. Therefore, causing the inventory waste of each node company in the supply chain and increase business cost. And make a concrete analyzed for Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI), and Joint Inventory Management (JMI), and Collaboration Planning,Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) and other supply chain inventory management models in detail, compared and analyzed disadvantages and applicability of various inventory management models. At the same time, this arti..