

我国家电行业国际竞争力评价分析与对策研究,①页数:65页②字数:45149字③ 摘要:家电业是我国开放最早的行业之一,经过二十多年的发展,已经成为全球家电产品的重要生产基地,出口规模持续扩大。随着经济全球化的发展,中国经济与世界经济的关系越来越紧密,中国产业同世界产业的竞争关系也越来越复杂,中国家电企业同许多跨国家电企业...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 fuller_zhao 发布




③ 摘要:




China's household electrical appliance industry is open one of the earliest industries, after twenty years of development, has been formed all over the world to become a major household electrical appliances production base continues to expand exports. With the development of economic globalization, China's economic relations with the world economy more and more closely, the Chinese industry's competitiveness with the world's industrial relations more and more complex, with many Chinese household electrical appliance enterprises of household electrical appliance enterprises cross-border competition. Chinese home appliance industry,how to assess the international competitiveness of our country for the Government to formulate economic policy-related industries and consumer electronics companies to develop strategies for the internationalization of great significance.

This study, in the relevant research results in international competition on the basis of China's household electrical appliance industry in the development process and the status quo, the international competitiveness of the development of a systematic analysis of the situation; to build a home electrical appliance industry, our country's international competitiveness eva luation index system, and the use of eva luation index system of China's household electrical appliance enterprises in the international competitiveness of a comprehensive assessment of the situation; as a basis for China's household electrical appliance industry in the economic globalization and international competition in the era of knowledge economy, how China's household electrical appliance industry, improve the international competitiveness of put forward countermeasures and suggestions related. Through the study of this article, on the one hand, the international competitiveness of enterprises of strategic theory in China's household electrical appliance industry empirical research to expand the field of theory, on the other hand, China's household electrical appliance industry to improve international competitiveness through international operation to provide a scientific theoretical basis and practical guidance. Therefore, this study, regardless of the development dimension in the theory or the implementation of specific operations at all levels play an important role and value.


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 论文研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文的总体思路及研究框架 5

1.4 论文研究方法 5

第二章 企业国际竞争力的相关理论基础 7

2.1 企业国际竞争力的内涵 7

2.2 企业国际竞争力的理论演进 8

2.3 影响企业国际竞争力的因素 12

第三章 我国家电行业的发展现状与存在的问题 15

3.1 我国家电行业的发展现状与趋势 15

3.2 我国家电行业的区域分布及产业集聚度演变 20

3.3 我国家电行业发展还存在的主要问题 25

第四章 我国家电行业的国际竞争环境分析 26

4.1 国际家电行业的行业结构分析 26

4.2 国际家电市场竞争态势分析 29

4.3 从环境分析看我国家电企业参与国际竞争的机遇与挑战 33

第五章 我国家电行业国际竞争力评价指标体系的构建及评估35

5.1 我国家电行业国际竞争力评价指标体系的构建原则 35

5.2 我国家电行业国际竞争力评价指标体系的构建 36

5.3 我国家电行业国际竞争力的单项评价 38

5.4 我国家电行业国际竞争力的总体评价 46

第六章 提升我国家电行业国际竞争力的对策建议 48

6.1 政府层面对家电行业提高国际竞争力的支持建议 48

6.2 对家电企业自身提高国际竞争力的对策建议 49

结束语 56

参考文献 57

论文摘要 1

Abstract 2


家电行业 国际竞争力 家电行业国际竞争力评价



