绿色壁垒对企业的影响,①页数:55页②字数:30695字③ 摘要:随着现代科学技术的发展和人们生活质量的提高, 人类对于赖以生存的自然环境也提出了越来越高的要求,人类物质文明发展中对资源能源需求的急剧扩张,已经造成了对环境和资源的破坏及绿色平衡的失调,尤其是信息产业的高速发展带来了废旧电子产品污染日益严重的隐患。进入21...
此文档由会员 fuller_zhao 发布
③ 摘要:
随着现代科学技术的发展和人们生活质量的提高, 人类对于赖以生存的自然环境也提出了越来越高的要求,人类物质文明发展中对资源能源需求的急剧扩张,已经造成了对环境和资源的破坏及绿色平衡的失调,尤其是信息产业的高速发展带来了废旧电子产品污染日益严重的隐患。进入21世纪以来,大多数国家先后相应地调整了自己的发展战略,尤其是西方发达国家,全球性的产业结构呈现了绿色发展战略的趋势。随着人们环保意识的增强,废弃的电气电子产品越来越引起欧盟各国的关注。因此欧盟颁布了两项环保指令--《关于在电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》和《电气电子设备废弃指令》。欧盟的环保指令对中国电子产业影响巨大,足以构成绿色贸易壁垒。
With the development of modern science and technology and improving the quality of people's lives, The humanity also set more and more high request regarding the livelihood natural environment,In humanity material civilization development to resources energy need sudden expansion,have resulted in the destruction of the environment and resources and green balance disorders, especially information industries' high speed development has brought the worn out electronic products pollution day by day serious hidden danger. Since entering the 21st century, The majority countries have adjusted their developmental strategy correspondingly successively, especially Western developed country, The global industrial structure has presented the green developmental strategy tendency. Along with people's environmental consciousness enhancement,Waste electrical and electronic products has attracted the concern of the European Union, Therefore European Union has promulgated two environmental protection instructions---- 《The Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment》and 《Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment》. European Union's environmental protection instruction is huge to the Chinese electron industry influence, Sufficient to constitute the green trade barriers.
This article concrete study European Union two environmental protection instruction actual content And to our country Export enterprise's influence, put forward some proposals to deal with, To explore how to build a business should be in line with the requirements of RoHS directive and can be proven system, to ensure that its products comply with RoHS.
Pointed out, that enterprises should implement the green supply chain management, the adoption of green procurement, green design, green production, green packaging, green marketing, realizing the electronic electric appliance product to maximize the overall efficiency in the entire supply chain, and satisfies European Union's environmental protection instruction request, at present, electronic and electrical appliances for enterprises and sustainable development of green strategy, enhances supplies chain's overall benefit to have the important meaning. It is also the realization of Green Supply Chain Management, sharpens the enterprise survivability and the competitive ability effective guarantee
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 研究方法 3
第二章 环保壁垒 4
2.1 企业简介 4
2.2 销售市场及面临的问题 5
2.3 欧盟环保指令 6
2.4 影响 10
第三章 对策 15
3.1 电子产业的发展趋势及环保诉求 15
3.2 WEEE结构 16
3.3 对ROHS 指令与WEEE指令理解的误区 17
3.4 欧盟指令对企业各部门的影响 18
3.5 应对措施 21
3.6 绿色供应链管理 21
第四章 绿色管理 37
4.1 企业建立和实施ROHS体系的策略 37
4.2 建立和实施ROHS 管理体系的步骤 38
4.3 DL公司的体系 45
第五章 结论 48
参考文献 49
论文摘要 1
WEEE RoHS 影响 环保 绿色供应链 原材料控制 企业RoHS体系 绿色管理
[1]电子电气产品出口生产企业应对欧盟RoHS 指令探讨 ,王昆毅 ,经济师,2008 .10 ,44-45
[2]RoHS指令对我国机电产品出口的影响及对策,黄晓雨 杜丽莉 严学军, 消费导刊,2007.11,197-198
[3]RoHS 指令检验监管中的风险管理,刘成早,现代家电,2007.13,42-43
[4]欧洲电子电器公司如何执行中欧RoHS 法令,陈蓉,科技创业月刊,2008. 7 ,58-59
[6]欧盟两项环保指令对我国出口企业的影响分析,王 静,总512期,7-8
[7]绿色供应链及其现状分析,张春翠, 董文祥, 吴飞..
③ 摘要:
随着现代科学技术的发展和人们生活质量的提高, 人类对于赖以生存的自然环境也提出了越来越高的要求,人类物质文明发展中对资源能源需求的急剧扩张,已经造成了对环境和资源的破坏及绿色平衡的失调,尤其是信息产业的高速发展带来了废旧电子产品污染日益严重的隐患。进入21世纪以来,大多数国家先后相应地调整了自己的发展战略,尤其是西方发达国家,全球性的产业结构呈现了绿色发展战略的趋势。随着人们环保意识的增强,废弃的电气电子产品越来越引起欧盟各国的关注。因此欧盟颁布了两项环保指令--《关于在电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》和《电气电子设备废弃指令》。欧盟的环保指令对中国电子产业影响巨大,足以构成绿色贸易壁垒。
With the development of modern science and technology and improving the quality of people's lives, The humanity also set more and more high request regarding the livelihood natural environment,In humanity material civilization development to resources energy need sudden expansion,have resulted in the destruction of the environment and resources and green balance disorders, especially information industries' high speed development has brought the worn out electronic products pollution day by day serious hidden danger. Since entering the 21st century, The majority countries have adjusted their developmental strategy correspondingly successively, especially Western developed country, The global industrial structure has presented the green developmental strategy tendency. Along with people's environmental consciousness enhancement,Waste electrical and electronic products has attracted the concern of the European Union, Therefore European Union has promulgated two environmental protection instructions---- 《The Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment》and 《Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment》. European Union's environmental protection instruction is huge to the Chinese electron industry influence, Sufficient to constitute the green trade barriers.
This article concrete study European Union two environmental protection instruction actual content And to our country Export enterprise's influence, put forward some proposals to deal with, To explore how to build a business should be in line with the requirements of RoHS directive and can be proven system, to ensure that its products comply with RoHS.
Pointed out, that enterprises should implement the green supply chain management, the adoption of green procurement, green design, green production, green packaging, green marketing, realizing the electronic electric appliance product to maximize the overall efficiency in the entire supply chain, and satisfies European Union's environmental protection instruction request, at present, electronic and electrical appliances for enterprises and sustainable development of green strategy, enhances supplies chain's overall benefit to have the important meaning. It is also the realization of Green Supply Chain Management, sharpens the enterprise survivability and the competitive ability effective guarantee
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 研究方法 3
第二章 环保壁垒 4
2.1 企业简介 4
2.2 销售市场及面临的问题 5
2.3 欧盟环保指令 6
2.4 影响 10
第三章 对策 15
3.1 电子产业的发展趋势及环保诉求 15
3.2 WEEE结构 16
3.3 对ROHS 指令与WEEE指令理解的误区 17
3.4 欧盟指令对企业各部门的影响 18
3.5 应对措施 21
3.6 绿色供应链管理 21
第四章 绿色管理 37
4.1 企业建立和实施ROHS体系的策略 37
4.2 建立和实施ROHS 管理体系的步骤 38
4.3 DL公司的体系 45
第五章 结论 48
参考文献 49
论文摘要 1
WEEE RoHS 影响 环保 绿色供应链 原材料控制 企业RoHS体系 绿色管理
[1]电子电气产品出口生产企业应对欧盟RoHS 指令探讨 ,王昆毅 ,经济师,2008 .10 ,44-45
[2]RoHS指令对我国机电产品出口的影响及对策,黄晓雨 杜丽莉 严学军, 消费导刊,2007.11,197-198
[3]RoHS 指令检验监管中的风险管理,刘成早,现代家电,2007.13,42-43
[4]欧洲电子电器公司如何执行中欧RoHS 法令,陈蓉,科技创业月刊,2008. 7 ,58-59
[6]欧盟两项环保指令对我国出口企业的影响分析,王 静,总512期,7-8
[7]绿色供应链及其现状分析,张春翠, 董文祥, 吴飞..
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