汽车称重系统,页数:11字数:11578 摘要:根据治理超载超限的要求,本文对进行讨论。揭示了的功能、类型与发展方向;对影响精确性的因素进行探讨;介绍了一些比较先进的数字化称重传感器及其改进方法,提出激光加工工艺在称重传感器制作过程中的应用,就计算机在汽车管理系统中的软件开发发表意见,...

此文档由会员 usactu 发布
页数:11 字数:11578
关键词:称重系统 称重传感器 GPS WIM 激光焊接
Abstracts: According to the need of deal with the phenomenon of overload , this article gives some opinions about the weighting-system for truck . Then reveal the function , type and the development of the weighting-system for truck ; Also discuss the factors which affect the exactness of the weighting-system for truck ; introduce some advanced digital weighting-transducer and the improvement way . Introduce the use of laser-welding during the manufacture of weighting- transducer . Give some opinions about the use of computer during the development of soft for weighting-system for truck . Introduce the advanced weighting-system . Keywords: weighting-system weighting- transducer GPS WIM laser-welding
汽车超载超限并不是这几年才出现的,对它的整治也不是从今天才开始的,那么我们为什么要治理它?超载超限会带来什么样的损失呢?在广州,每天都会出现车龙, 上万辆汽车堵在路上动弹不得,漫漫车龙前后绵延数十公里,十分“壮观”。由于来往车辆长期严重超载超限轧坏了路面、桥面,许多高架桥、公路、高速路被迫提前维修。另外,超载超限还是造成交通事故的重要原因。据统计,全国因为超载超限造成的事故占交通事故总数30%以上,在北京,今年1到10月共发生超载超限事故2320起,死亡314人。差不多每天死亡1人。超载超限已经成为“公路第一杀手”。
页数:11 字数:11578
关键词:称重系统 称重传感器 GPS WIM 激光焊接
Abstracts: According to the need of deal with the phenomenon of overload , this article gives some opinions about the weighting-system for truck . Then reveal the function , type and the development of the weighting-system for truck ; Also discuss the factors which affect the exactness of the weighting-system for truck ; introduce some advanced digital weighting-transducer and the improvement way . Introduce the use of laser-welding during the manufacture of weighting- transducer . Give some opinions about the use of computer during the development of soft for weighting-system for truck . Introduce the advanced weighting-system . Keywords: weighting-system weighting- transducer GPS WIM laser-welding
汽车超载超限并不是这几年才出现的,对它的整治也不是从今天才开始的,那么我们为什么要治理它?超载超限会带来什么样的损失呢?在广州,每天都会出现车龙, 上万辆汽车堵在路上动弹不得,漫漫车龙前后绵延数十公里,十分“壮观”。由于来往车辆长期严重超载超限轧坏了路面、桥面,许多高架桥、公路、高速路被迫提前维修。另外,超载超限还是造成交通事故的重要原因。据统计,全国因为超载超限造成的事故占交通事故总数30%以上,在北京,今年1到10月共发生超载超限事故2320起,死亡314人。差不多每天死亡1人。超载超限已经成为“公路第一杀手”。