overviewofbluetooth,overviewofbluetooth页数:7字数:2431overview of bluetooth i.abstract the bluetooth’s wireless technology was created to solve a simple problem: replace the cables use...

此文档由会员 usactu 发布
页数:7 字数:2431
Overview of Bluetooth I. ABSTRACT
The Bluetooth’s wireless technology was created to solve a simple problem: replace the cables used on mobile devices with radio frequency waves. The technology encompasses a simple low-cost, low-power, global radio system for integration into mobile devices. Such devices can form a quick ad-hoc secure "piconet" and communicate among the connected devices. This technology creates many useful mobile usage models because the connections can occur while mobile devices are being carried in pockets and briefcases (therefore, there are no line-of-sight restrictions). This paper provides a brief description of some of these usage models and explains how the Bluetooth architecture is optimized to enable them.
Bluetooth, Piconet, IEEE, 802.15, PAN, Wireless, CMOS Radio, Data Access Points, Cable Replacement, WLAN, Global, Frequency Hopping, SIG
The Bluetooth technology was developed to provide a wireless interconnect between small mobile devices and their peripherals. Target markets were the mobile computer, the mobile phone, small personal digital assistants and peripherals. These markets were represented by the companies who created the technology: Intel, 3COM, Ericsson, IBM, Motorola, Nokia, and Toshiba, and were further supported by the 1,600 other early adopter companies.
The goals of the technology did not include developing another Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology, for which there were already many in the market and many more being developed. Rather, whereas WLANs are designed to efficiently conne
页数:7 字数:2431
Overview of Bluetooth I. ABSTRACT
The Bluetooth’s wireless technology was created to solve a simple problem: replace the cables used on mobile devices with radio frequency waves. The technology encompasses a simple low-cost, low-power, global radio system for integration into mobile devices. Such devices can form a quick ad-hoc secure "piconet" and communicate among the connected devices. This technology creates many useful mobile usage models because the connections can occur while mobile devices are being carried in pockets and briefcases (therefore, there are no line-of-sight restrictions). This paper provides a brief description of some of these usage models and explains how the Bluetooth architecture is optimized to enable them.
Bluetooth, Piconet, IEEE, 802.15, PAN, Wireless, CMOS Radio, Data Access Points, Cable Replacement, WLAN, Global, Frequency Hopping, SIG
The Bluetooth technology was developed to provide a wireless interconnect between small mobile devices and their peripherals. Target markets were the mobile computer, the mobile phone, small personal digital assistants and peripherals. These markets were represented by the companies who created the technology: Intel, 3COM, Ericsson, IBM, Motorola, Nokia, and Toshiba, and were further supported by the 1,600 other early adopter companies.
The goals of the technology did not include developing another Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology, for which there were already many in the market and many more being developed. Rather, whereas WLANs are designed to efficiently conne
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