重庆市紫色土磷素的吸附与解吸动力学特征研究,页数:16字数:10374目录中文摘要1英文摘要1文献综述21.1 前言21.2 土壤中磷素的形态31.2.1 土壤中的无机磷31.2.2 土壤中的有机磷41.3 沉积物磷的化学行为41.3.1 沉积物磷的形态41.3.2 影响沉积物磷释放的因素51.4 淹水及干湿交替对土壤(...
此文档由会员 usactu 发布
页数:16 字数:10374
目 录
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 1
文献综述 2
1.1 前言 2
1.2 土壤中磷素的形态 3
1.2.1 土壤中的无机磷 3
1.2.2 土壤中的有机磷 4
1.3 沉积物磷的化学行为 4
1.3.1 沉积物磷的形态 4
1.3.2 影响沉积物磷释放的因素 5
1.4 淹水及干湿交替对土壤(沉积物)磷释放的影响 5
1.4.1 淹水条件下土壤物理化学性质变化 5
1.4.2 干——湿交替条件下土壤磷素释放 6
1.引言 7
2.材料与方法 7
2.1 土壤基本性质的测定 7
2.2 土样等温吸附曲线的测定 8
2.3 干—湿交替过程下土壤等温曲线的测定 8
2.4 土壤解吸曲线的测定 8
3. 结果与讨论 9
3.1 供试土壤的基本化学性质 9
3.2 土壤对磷的吸附与解吸 9
3.2.1 土壤干样对磷的吸附 9
3.2.2 土壤干样对磷的解吸 10
3.2.3 淹水及干—湿交替后土壤对磷的吸附 10
3.2.4 淹水及干—湿交替后土壤对磷的解吸 12
4. 结论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
关键词:紫色土 磷 吸附 解吸
Abstract: Aim at various defects of some past researches on both release characteristic of phosphorus from flooding soil or periodically flooding soil and its environmental effect, typical purple soils from the different using types of Chongqing Province were studied in this research by conducting release and sorption experiments of phosphorus under simulated inundation condition, results showed: Alternately dried and flooded condition has significant influence on soils isothermal sorption-desorption ability of phosphorus. The adsorption maximum of phosphorus (qm) and the maximum buffer capacity (MBC) of soil follow the order of flooding > drying after flooding > unflooding. The desorption ability of soil phosphorus follow the sequence of unflooding > drying after flooding > flooding. The phosphorus release risk of purple soils in Chongqing follow the sequence of upland soil > paddy soil.
Keywords: purple soil , phosphorus , sorption ,desorption
文 献 综 述
1.1 前言
页数:16 字数:10374
目 录
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 1
文献综述 2
1.1 前言 2
1.2 土壤中磷素的形态 3
1.2.1 土壤中的无机磷 3
1.2.2 土壤中的有机磷 4
1.3 沉积物磷的化学行为 4
1.3.1 沉积物磷的形态 4
1.3.2 影响沉积物磷释放的因素 5
1.4 淹水及干湿交替对土壤(沉积物)磷释放的影响 5
1.4.1 淹水条件下土壤物理化学性质变化 5
1.4.2 干——湿交替条件下土壤磷素释放 6
1.引言 7
2.材料与方法 7
2.1 土壤基本性质的测定 7
2.2 土样等温吸附曲线的测定 8
2.3 干—湿交替过程下土壤等温曲线的测定 8
2.4 土壤解吸曲线的测定 8
3. 结果与讨论 9
3.1 供试土壤的基本化学性质 9
3.2 土壤对磷的吸附与解吸 9
3.2.1 土壤干样对磷的吸附 9
3.2.2 土壤干样对磷的解吸 10
3.2.3 淹水及干—湿交替后土壤对磷的吸附 10
3.2.4 淹水及干—湿交替后土壤对磷的解吸 12
4. 结论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
关键词:紫色土 磷 吸附 解吸
Abstract: Aim at various defects of some past researches on both release characteristic of phosphorus from flooding soil or periodically flooding soil and its environmental effect, typical purple soils from the different using types of Chongqing Province were studied in this research by conducting release and sorption experiments of phosphorus under simulated inundation condition, results showed: Alternately dried and flooded condition has significant influence on soils isothermal sorption-desorption ability of phosphorus. The adsorption maximum of phosphorus (qm) and the maximum buffer capacity (MBC) of soil follow the order of flooding > drying after flooding > unflooding. The desorption ability of soil phosphorus follow the sequence of unflooding > drying after flooding > flooding. The phosphorus release risk of purple soils in Chongqing follow the sequence of upland soil > paddy soil.
Keywords: purple soil , phosphorus , sorption ,desorption
文 献 综 述
1.1 前言