pb胁迫下sbr系统的脱氮除磷,pb胁迫下sbr系统的脱氮除磷页数:21字数:12345包括任务书目录中文摘要1英文摘要11.文献综述21.1 sbr法概述21.1.1 sbr法的工艺原理21.1.2 sbr法的工艺特点31.1.3 常用生物处理方法的比较41.2 sbr法的应用与发展41.2.1 sbr法在国内外应用概况41.2.2 sbr法的发展...
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页数:21 字数:12345
目 录
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 1
1.文献综述 2
1.1 SBR法概述 2
1.1.1 SBR法的工艺原理 2
1.1.2 SBR法的工艺特点 3
1.1.3 常用生物处理方法的比较 4
1.2 SBR法的应用与发展 4
1.2.1 SBR法在国内外应用概况 4
1.2.2 SBR法的发展 5
1.3 SBR法的脱氮除磷 5
1.3.1 SBR法脱氮除磷的机理 5
1.3.2 SBR法脱氮除磷的研究现状 7
1.4 重金属作用下SBR法脱氮除磷的研究现状 7
1.4.1 不同浓度重金属对脱氮除磷的影响 7
1.4.2 不同重金属临界浓度 8
1.5 SBR法的其它影响因素 9
1.5.1 溶解氧 9
1.5.2 pH值 9
1.5.3 基质浓度和BOD5-MLSS负荷 9
1.5.4 污泥龄(SRT) 9
1.5.5 SBR工艺中脱氮与除磷之间的相互影响 10
1.6 SBR法存在的问题 10
2 引言 11
3 试验材料与方法 11
3.1 主要试验设备 11
3.2试验用水及活性污泥 12
3.3试验分析方法 12
3.4实施方案 12
3.4.1 SBR法脱氮除磷的最优工况的确定 12
3.4.2 Pb对SBR法脱氮除磷临界浓度的确定 13
4 结果与分析 13
4.1 选择最优工况的确定 13
4.2 Pb2+临界浓度的确定 14
5 结论 16
参考文献 16
致 谢 18
采用SBR系统对模拟污水进行生物脱氮除磷试验研究,确定SBR系统脱氮除磷的最优运行工况,以及在最优工况条件下,梯度浓度Pb2﹢胁迫下系统的脱氮除磷。试验结果表明:SBR法在去除有机物的同时可以完成脱氮除磷。最优运行工况为:搅拌进水1h、搅拌曝气4.5h、停曝搅拌2h、沉淀2h、排水0.5h,运行周期为10h。试验配水处理后:CODCr47.04mg/L,TN5.17mg/L,NH3-N4.3mg/L,TP0.71mg/L。Pb2﹢的临界浓度为10.02mg/L 。
Denitrogen and Dephosphorus in SBR Intimidated by Lead
Abstract:The SBR was used to denitrogen and dephosphorus from simulated sewage, in order to investigate the best operation cycle for denitrogen and dephosphorus, and find out the critical concentration of Pb2+ in SBR .The results showed that organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus could removed at the same time. The operational parameters of experiment were suggested as follows: 10h of operation cycle, 1h of Filling, 4.5h of Reaction, 2h of Settlement, 2h of Decant, and 0.5h of Idling. The effluent concentration of COD, TN, NH3-N and TP was 47.04, 5.17, 4.3 and 0.71mg/L.The critical concentration of Pb2﹢ was 10.02 mg/L.
Keywords:SBR; Denitrogen; Dephosphorus; Lead
页数:21 字数:12345
目 录
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 1
1.文献综述 2
1.1 SBR法概述 2
1.1.1 SBR法的工艺原理 2
1.1.2 SBR法的工艺特点 3
1.1.3 常用生物处理方法的比较 4
1.2 SBR法的应用与发展 4
1.2.1 SBR法在国内外应用概况 4
1.2.2 SBR法的发展 5
1.3 SBR法的脱氮除磷 5
1.3.1 SBR法脱氮除磷的机理 5
1.3.2 SBR法脱氮除磷的研究现状 7
1.4 重金属作用下SBR法脱氮除磷的研究现状 7
1.4.1 不同浓度重金属对脱氮除磷的影响 7
1.4.2 不同重金属临界浓度 8
1.5 SBR法的其它影响因素 9
1.5.1 溶解氧 9
1.5.2 pH值 9
1.5.3 基质浓度和BOD5-MLSS负荷 9
1.5.4 污泥龄(SRT) 9
1.5.5 SBR工艺中脱氮与除磷之间的相互影响 10
1.6 SBR法存在的问题 10
2 引言 11
3 试验材料与方法 11
3.1 主要试验设备 11
3.2试验用水及活性污泥 12
3.3试验分析方法 12
3.4实施方案 12
3.4.1 SBR法脱氮除磷的最优工况的确定 12
3.4.2 Pb对SBR法脱氮除磷临界浓度的确定 13
4 结果与分析 13
4.1 选择最优工况的确定 13
4.2 Pb2+临界浓度的确定 14
5 结论 16
参考文献 16
致 谢 18
采用SBR系统对模拟污水进行生物脱氮除磷试验研究,确定SBR系统脱氮除磷的最优运行工况,以及在最优工况条件下,梯度浓度Pb2﹢胁迫下系统的脱氮除磷。试验结果表明:SBR法在去除有机物的同时可以完成脱氮除磷。最优运行工况为:搅拌进水1h、搅拌曝气4.5h、停曝搅拌2h、沉淀2h、排水0.5h,运行周期为10h。试验配水处理后:CODCr47.04mg/L,TN5.17mg/L,NH3-N4.3mg/L,TP0.71mg/L。Pb2﹢的临界浓度为10.02mg/L 。
Denitrogen and Dephosphorus in SBR Intimidated by Lead
Abstract:The SBR was used to denitrogen and dephosphorus from simulated sewage, in order to investigate the best operation cycle for denitrogen and dephosphorus, and find out the critical concentration of Pb2+ in SBR .The results showed that organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus could removed at the same time. The operational parameters of experiment were suggested as follows: 10h of operation cycle, 1h of Filling, 4.5h of Reaction, 2h of Settlement, 2h of Decant, and 0.5h of Idling. The effluent concentration of COD, TN, NH3-N and TP was 47.04, 5.17, 4.3 and 0.71mg/L.The critical concentration of Pb2﹢ was 10.02 mg/L.
Keywords:SBR; Denitrogen; Dephosphorus; Lead