基于soa的国库会计账簿及报表系统,本文工81页,共计5万余字基于soa的国库会计账簿及报表系统 摘要目前,传统财务软件受到来自先进的管理思想和信息技术带来的巨大挑战,网络化、管理化已成为财务软件发展的必然趋势,跨跃时间与空间的限制的网络财务随之迅速的成长起来。本文详细论述了财务信息软件当前发展现状,探讨了实现网络财务的技术平台与实现手段。针对传统财务软...

此文档由会员 bshhty 发布
摘 要
关键词 网络财务;面向服务的构架;企业级JavaBean;超文本页面组件
Currently, traditional accounting software is confronted with advanced management ideology and IT technology and thus networked accounting software with management functionalities, which is developing very quickly and breaking the time and spatial barriers, has become the main trend.
This paper discusses the current state of the development of the accounting information software in detail, the technical platforms and the implementation means of the networked finance. For the purpose of solving problems in long-distance financial transactions and delay in accounting resulted from traditional accounting software, in this paper, based on sufficient requirement analysis, service oriented architecture has been adopted in the architectural design, which involves enterprise layer, processing layer, intermediary layer, and basic layer. This paper applies object-oriented design method to do class analysis on financial transactions, dynamical class behavior design, and analysis on financing transaction flow and then, based on these designs, module designs and implementations are carried out. As for implementation techniques, according to the four-layered structure, on the distributed multi-layer technical platform of application program model, this project uses Enterprise JavaBean component to encapsulate business logics combined with dynamic Web pages to solve the problems successfully. In order for the webpages to have better presentation logic, this project uses multiple script languages, cascading style sheets and Hypertext Page Component technics.
Finally, functionality testing has been finished in enterprise layer and all the errors found have been corrected. According to the design requirements for the four-layered Service Oriented Architecture, performance analysis has been done on the system and satisfactory results are achieved.
Keywords Networking Finance, Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise JavaBean, Hypertext Page Component
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的学术背景和实际意义 1
1.2 与课题相关的国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1 财务软件的发展概况 2
1.2.2 中间件的发展概况 3
1.2.3 SOA的发展及目前的研究状况 6
1.3 本文的主要工作 8
第2章 系统分析 9
2.1 理解需求 9
2.2 分析需求 10
2.3 本章小结 14
第3章 系统设计 15
3.1 系统配置 15
3.1.1 软件配置 15
3.1.2 硬件配置 15
3.1.3 网络配置 16
3.2 国库会计账簿及报表系统的架构设计 16
3.2.1 应用程序前端 17
3.2.2 流程服务 19
3.2.3 中介服务 20
3.2.4 基本服务 21
3.3 国库会计账簿及报表系统域类分析 25
3.3.1 账务管理域类分析 26
3.3.2 款项拨付域类分析 26
3.4 域类的动态行为设计 27
3.4.1 类的状态图 28
3.4.2 类的时序图 31
3.5系统安全性设计 32
3.6 本章小结 35
第4章 系统实现 36
4.1 概述 36
4.2应用程序客户瑞的实现 36
4.3 业务流程层的实现 46
4.2.1 业务逻辑流程 46
4.2.1 业务逻辑组件 47
4.4 中介层的实现 57
4.5基础服务层的实现 58
4.3本章小结 61
第5章 系统测试与性能评测 62
5.1 概述 62
5.2 基本层的性能评测 62
5.3业务流程层和中介层性能评测 64
5.4应用程序客户端性能评测 65
5.4 本章小结 69
结论 70
参考文献 71
附录1 凭单管理子模块表 74
附录2 EJB组件说明表 75
哈尔滨工业大学学位论文原创性声明 76
致谢 77
王玲,李丽娜. 会计电算化使用方法和技巧.科技资讯. 2006,(7):145
J. Bambara. J2EE技术内幕.刘堃等译. 机械工业出版社, 2002:17~21
伊晓强. J2EE全实例教程. 北京希望电子出版社,2002:1~4
K. Meyer-Wegener. Thirty Years of Server Technology - From Transaction Processing to Web Services. Data Management In A Connected World Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005:51~65
E. Newcomer著. Understanding SOA with Web Services. 徐涵译.电子工业出版社,2006:46~48
袁荣. 网络财务存在的问题及风险防范. 集团经济研究. 2006,(9):264
肖健. 2005年中间件市场分析与预测[EB/0L].
窦蕾,袁臻,刘冬. 基于构件的中间件技术J2EE. 计算机科学.2006,30(6):13~15
冯平. 电子商务网站访问性能研究.华中科技大学. 2006,(4):68
牟玉萍. 网络财务与企业资源计划系统——试论我国财务软件的发展趋势.中国会计电算化. 2004,(4):9~10
由雯,李宏,赵翠华. 网络财务与企业资源计划系统.理论界. 2006,(6):245
魏勇,张权. 中间件技术研究. 电子技术应用.2004,(11):1~2
吴涛,曲凡,苏春萍. 基于中间件和XML技术的医学信息集成系统. 情报杂志. 2006,(7):24
E. Roman. Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans. 电子工业出版社,2002:15~19
H. Y. Jeong. The Implementation of Component Based Web Courseware in Middleware Systems. Grid And Cooperative Computing-GCC. 2005:1108~1118
K. H. Kim, H. J. Ahn. An EJB-based Very Large Scale Workflow System and Its Performance Measurement. Advanced Web And NetWork Technologies, And Applications, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005:526~537
W. Li, S. Zhang and W. Dai. A Multi-tiered Collaborative Commerce Model Based on the Integration of CORBA and EJB. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2004: 4078~4083
肖玎,刘建成. 一种电子商务的设计与实现.企业技术开发. 2005,(1): 58
新明. JSP环境下电子商务购物车实现研究.微计算机应用. 2005,(2): 278
Y. Liu, A. Fekete and I. Gorton. Design-level Performance Prediction of Component-based Applications. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering. 2005, 31(11): 92~94
H. Schuhart, D. Pietzsch and V. Linnemann. Developing A Web Service for Distributed Persistent Objects in the Context of An XML Database Programming Language. On The Move To Meaningful Internet Systems. 2005: 613~630
K. H. Kim. A XML-based Workflow Event Logging Mechanism for Workflow Mining. Advanced Web And NetWork Technologies, And Applications, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2006: 132~136
J. Arlow. UML和统一过程实用面向对象的分析和设计.方贵宾译.机机械工业出版社,2003: 9~15
周建升. 基于业务流程重组(BPR)的会计业务流程重组.中国管理信息化. 2005, (5): 248
A. Leff. Enterprise JavaBeans Caching in Clustered Environments. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 2005: 1027~1051
H. Haddad. Y. Xie. Wrapper-based Framework for Domain-specific Software Reuse. Journal of Information Science And Engineering. 2006,22(2): 269~282
K. Kim, J. Lee and C. Kim. A Real-time Cooperative Swim-lane Business Process Modeler. Computational Science And Its Applications - ICCSA. 2005:176~185
Anon. A Hike Through Post-EJB J2EE Web Application Architecture, part II. Computing in Science and Engineering. 2006,79~87
W. Li, S. Zhang, W. Dai, S. Moon, S. Shin and Y. Yang. The Design and Implementation of Enterprise JavaBean(EJB) Wrapper for Legacy System. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2001: 1988~1992
摘 要
关键词 网络财务;面向服务的构架;企业级JavaBean;超文本页面组件
Currently, traditional accounting software is confronted with advanced management ideology and IT technology and thus networked accounting software with management functionalities, which is developing very quickly and breaking the time and spatial barriers, has become the main trend.
This paper discusses the current state of the development of the accounting information software in detail, the technical platforms and the implementation means of the networked finance. For the purpose of solving problems in long-distance financial transactions and delay in accounting resulted from traditional accounting software, in this paper, based on sufficient requirement analysis, service oriented architecture has been adopted in the architectural design, which involves enterprise layer, processing layer, intermediary layer, and basic layer. This paper applies object-oriented design method to do class analysis on financial transactions, dynamical class behavior design, and analysis on financing transaction flow and then, based on these designs, module designs and implementations are carried out. As for implementation techniques, according to the four-layered structure, on the distributed multi-layer technical platform of application program model, this project uses Enterprise JavaBean component to encapsulate business logics combined with dynamic Web pages to solve the problems successfully. In order for the webpages to have better presentation logic, this project uses multiple script languages, cascading style sheets and Hypertext Page Component technics.
Finally, functionality testing has been finished in enterprise layer and all the errors found have been corrected. According to the design requirements for the four-layered Service Oriented Architecture, performance analysis has been done on the system and satisfactory results are achieved.
Keywords Networking Finance, Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise JavaBean, Hypertext Page Component
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的学术背景和实际意义 1
1.2 与课题相关的国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1 财务软件的发展概况 2
1.2.2 中间件的发展概况 3
1.2.3 SOA的发展及目前的研究状况 6
1.3 本文的主要工作 8
第2章 系统分析 9
2.1 理解需求 9
2.2 分析需求 10
2.3 本章小结 14
第3章 系统设计 15
3.1 系统配置 15
3.1.1 软件配置 15
3.1.2 硬件配置 15
3.1.3 网络配置 16
3.2 国库会计账簿及报表系统的架构设计 16
3.2.1 应用程序前端 17
3.2.2 流程服务 19
3.2.3 中介服务 20
3.2.4 基本服务 21
3.3 国库会计账簿及报表系统域类分析 25
3.3.1 账务管理域类分析 26
3.3.2 款项拨付域类分析 26
3.4 域类的动态行为设计 27
3.4.1 类的状态图 28
3.4.2 类的时序图 31
3.5系统安全性设计 32
3.6 本章小结 35
第4章 系统实现 36
4.1 概述 36
4.2应用程序客户瑞的实现 36
4.3 业务流程层的实现 46
4.2.1 业务逻辑流程 46
4.2.1 业务逻辑组件 47
4.4 中介层的实现 57
4.5基础服务层的实现 58
4.3本章小结 61
第5章 系统测试与性能评测 62
5.1 概述 62
5.2 基本层的性能评测 62
5.3业务流程层和中介层性能评测 64
5.4应用程序客户端性能评测 65
5.4 本章小结 69
结论 70
参考文献 71
附录1 凭单管理子模块表 74
附录2 EJB组件说明表 75
哈尔滨工业大学学位论文原创性声明 76
致谢 77
王玲,李丽娜. 会计电算化使用方法和技巧.科技资讯. 2006,(7):145
J. Bambara. J2EE技术内幕.刘堃等译. 机械工业出版社, 2002:17~21
伊晓强. J2EE全实例教程. 北京希望电子出版社,2002:1~4
K. Meyer-Wegener. Thirty Years of Server Technology - From Transaction Processing to Web Services. Data Management In A Connected World Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005:51~65
E. Newcomer著. Understanding SOA with Web Services. 徐涵译.电子工业出版社,2006:46~48
袁荣. 网络财务存在的问题及风险防范. 集团经济研究. 2006,(9):264
肖健. 2005年中间件市场分析与预测[EB/0L].
窦蕾,袁臻,刘冬. 基于构件的中间件技术J2EE. 计算机科学.2006,30(6):13~15
冯平. 电子商务网站访问性能研究.华中科技大学. 2006,(4):68
牟玉萍. 网络财务与企业资源计划系统——试论我国财务软件的发展趋势.中国会计电算化. 2004,(4):9~10
由雯,李宏,赵翠华. 网络财务与企业资源计划系统.理论界. 2006,(6):245
魏勇,张权. 中间件技术研究. 电子技术应用.2004,(11):1~2
吴涛,曲凡,苏春萍. 基于中间件和XML技术的医学信息集成系统. 情报杂志. 2006,(7):24
E. Roman. Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans. 电子工业出版社,2002:15~19
H. Y. Jeong. The Implementation of Component Based Web Courseware in Middleware Systems. Grid And Cooperative Computing-GCC. 2005:1108~1118
K. H. Kim, H. J. Ahn. An EJB-based Very Large Scale Workflow System and Its Performance Measurement. Advanced Web And NetWork Technologies, And Applications, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005:526~537
W. Li, S. Zhang and W. Dai. A Multi-tiered Collaborative Commerce Model Based on the Integration of CORBA and EJB. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2004: 4078~4083
肖玎,刘建成. 一种电子商务的设计与实现.企业技术开发. 2005,(1): 58
新明. JSP环境下电子商务购物车实现研究.微计算机应用. 2005,(2): 278
Y. Liu, A. Fekete and I. Gorton. Design-level Performance Prediction of Component-based Applications. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering. 2005, 31(11): 92~94
H. Schuhart, D. Pietzsch and V. Linnemann. Developing A Web Service for Distributed Persistent Objects in the Context of An XML Database Programming Language. On The Move To Meaningful Internet Systems. 2005: 613~630
K. H. Kim. A XML-based Workflow Event Logging Mechanism for Workflow Mining. Advanced Web And NetWork Technologies, And Applications, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2006: 132~136
J. Arlow. UML和统一过程实用面向对象的分析和设计.方贵宾译.机机械工业出版社,2003: 9~15
周建升. 基于业务流程重组(BPR)的会计业务流程重组.中国管理信息化. 2005, (5): 248
A. Leff. Enterprise JavaBeans Caching in Clustered Environments. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 2005: 1027~1051
H. Haddad. Y. Xie. Wrapper-based Framework for Domain-specific Software Reuse. Journal of Information Science And Engineering. 2006,22(2): 269~282
K. Kim, J. Lee and C. Kim. A Real-time Cooperative Swim-lane Business Process Modeler. Computational Science And Its Applications - ICCSA. 2005:176~185
Anon. A Hike Through Post-EJB J2EE Web Application Architecture, part II. Computing in Science and Engineering. 2006,79~87
W. Li, S. Zhang, W. Dai, S. Moon, S. Shin and Y. Yang. The Design and Implementation of Enterprise JavaBean(EJB) Wrapper for Legacy System. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2001: 1988~1992