

毕业生回访调查报告,摘要:院校教育需要获取反馈信息。通过对西安欧亚学院新闻传播系3 名毕业生的回访,发现并提出了一些新闻系乃至西安欧亚学院教育中应加以重视的问题:我们应对学生就业市场进行研究,对学生的就业工作进行长期跟踪服务;教学观念上应突破课堂讲授的传统模式;学校在学生实训返校后的课程安排上应更注重衔接性;评价学生的标...
分类: 论文>文献综述


此文档由会员 草根奋斗者 发布


摘要:院校教育需要获取反馈信息。通过对西安欧亚学院新闻传播系3 名毕业生的回访,发现并提出了一些新闻系乃至西安欧亚学院教育中应加以重视的问题:我们应对学生就业市场进行研究,对学生的就业工作进行长期跟踪服务;教学观念上应突破课堂讲授的传统模式;学校在学生实训返校后的课程安排上应更注重衔接性;评价学生的标准有待改进,纠正“重智轻德”的惯性心理。

An investigation report on graduates
LIU ShanOhe , LI LiangOyuan

Abstract :University education needs feedback information. Having visited three student s who graduated f rom the News Media Department of Xi’an Eurasia University , the authors of this paper found out some issues worthy of the consideration on the part of both the news department and uni2 versity authorities. Namely , we should not only research into the student s employment market but also follow longOt erm t racks of out student employment . Then , our university should break through the t raditional pattern of classroom teaching and attach greater importance to the connections of the
course arrangement when student s return to school after their fieldwork. Meanwhile , we should fur2
ther improve the requirement s of student assessment and correct the habitual psychology of“ empha2
sizing intelligence and neglecting morality ”.

Key words :graduate ; revisit ; investigation report ; higher vocational education