竞争战略理论(外文翻译),内包含中文翻译和英文原文中文: 2618字英文: 9600字符1.五力模型决定企业获利能力的首要因素是“产业吸引力”。企业在拟定竞争战略时,必须要深入了解决定产业吸引力的竞争法则。竞争法则可以用五种竞争力来具体分析,如图所示,这五种竞争力包括:新加入者的威胁、客户的议价能力、替代品或服务的威胁、...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 2618字
英文: 9600字符
1. Five strength models
The decision enterprise makes a profit the ability most important factor is the industrial attraction. The enterprise when draws up the competition strategy, must have thoroughly to understand the decision industry attraction the competition principle. The competition principle may use five kind of competitive abilities to come the concrete analysis, these five kind of competitive ability includes: Newly the joining threat, the customer negotiated price ability, the substitute or the service threat, supplies goods business negotiated price ability and already has the competitor.
2. Three big general strategy
The competition strategy second crucial question is: Enterprise in industrial relative position. The competition position can decide the enterprise makes a profit the ability is outdoes or is lower than industrial the average level. Even if is not good in the industrial structure; equally made a profit in the level error industry, a competition position better enterprise, still could obtain the higher investment repayment.
Each enterprise all can have many merits or the shortcoming, any merit or the shortcoming can and the dissimilation has the function to the relative cost superiority. The cost superiority and the difference all is the enterprise compares the competitor to excel in accordance to five kind of competitive abilities result. Unify these two kind of basic competitive advantage and the enterprise corresponding activity, may derive may let the enterprise obtain the better competition position three kinds of general strategy: Total cost leading strategy, difference strategy and single-minded strategy ......
中文: 2618字
英文: 9600字符
1. Five strength models
The decision enterprise makes a profit the ability most important factor is the industrial attraction. The enterprise when draws up the competition strategy, must have thoroughly to understand the decision industry attraction the competition principle. The competition principle may use five kind of competitive abilities to come the concrete analysis, these five kind of competitive ability includes: Newly the joining threat, the customer negotiated price ability, the substitute or the service threat, supplies goods business negotiated price ability and already has the competitor.
2. Three big general strategy
The competition strategy second crucial question is: Enterprise in industrial relative position. The competition position can decide the enterprise makes a profit the ability is outdoes or is lower than industrial the average level. Even if is not good in the industrial structure; equally made a profit in the level error industry, a competition position better enterprise, still could obtain the higher investment repayment.
Each enterprise all can have many merits or the shortcoming, any merit or the shortcoming can and the dissimilation has the function to the relative cost superiority. The cost superiority and the difference all is the enterprise compares the competitor to excel in accordance to five kind of competitive abilities result. Unify these two kind of basic competitive advantage and the enterprise corresponding activity, may derive may let the enterprise obtain the better competition position three kinds of general strategy: Total cost leading strategy, difference strategy and single-minded strategy ......