船舶服务贸易—港口服务(外文翻译),内包含中文翻译和英文原文中文: 2851字英文: 9983字符港口服务是指在在港口内的乘客和货物,从水路和海岸发生转移的过程。作出的转移只包括货物和船只。或者有的港口服务分成:货运港口(只处理货物转移),乘客港口(只处理乘客的转让),旅客或货物的组合港口(处理的货物和乘客转移)。 港口...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 2851字
英文: 9983字符
港口运输通常货运港服务。包括一般货物和散装货物。一般(不包括散装)货物是各种大小和包装货物或粒度均匀和松散(非包装)货物发运货物重量或货物发运重量。前者是任何容器或零担货物,而后者则是整件货物。集装箱货物,一般以标准集装箱储存货物,一般为20或40英尺长没有轮子 - 即,作为一个标准箱(20英尺当量单位)或1弗(40英尺当量单位)。零担货物一般货物货盘或者是在有线或绳升降荷兰国际集团上落船吊索包装。整件货物的例子包括汽车,钢铁和木材。散装(干和液体)货物的包装,也不是没有统一的尺寸和干散货weights.Examples包括煤炭,粮食,原油和成品货物,石油产品是液体,散装货物的例子。
货运港口的货物是由非常类型描述进行处理。如果一个港口,例如,大部分的货柜处理(零担)货物,将被描述为一个容器(零担) 端口。按客运港口的客轮(突出的类型,而不是由乘客类型),在停靠。例如,乘客可能是一个邮轮港口(码头)港口,在那里邮轮调用(渡船)船只突出。
一个海运码头是在一个港口的货物和乘客和船只转移明显的基础设施。港口可能有多个海运码头 - 处理的货物或货物的不同类型相同的类型。港口的海运码头可分通用或专用。如果是普通用户,所有航运公司的船只都可以打电话到现行政府进行盖章。如果专用,码头只限于船只调用由航运线(或一方)拥有或租赁的海运码头 ......
A port is a place at which the transfer of cargo and passengers to and from waterways and shores occurs. The transfers are made to and from vessels. The port maybe a cargo port (handling only the transfer of cargo),a passenger port (handling only the transfer of passengers), or a combination cargo passenger port (handling the transfer of both cargo and passengers).
Ports are typically cargo ports. Cargoes include general and bulk cargoes. General (drynon-bulk) cargoes are either goods of various sizes and weights shipped as packaged cargo or goods of uniform sizes and weights shipped as loose (non-packaged) cargo. The former is either container or breakbulk cargo, while the latter is neobulk cargo. Container cargo is general cargo stored in standardized containers, generally 20 or 40 feet in length without wheels – i.e., as a TEU (20-foot equivalent unit) or as a FEU (40-foot equivalent unit). Breakbulk cargo is general cargo that is packaged on pallets or in wire or rope slings for lift- ing on and off a vessel. Examples of neobulk cargo include automobiles, steel, and lumber. Bulk (dry and liquid) cargoes are cargoes that are neither packaged nor of uniform sizes and weights.Examples of dry-bulk cargo include coal and grains; crude oil and refined
petroleum products are examples of liquid-bulk cargo.
Cargo ports are described by the prominent type of cargo handled. If a port, for example, handles mostly container (breakbulk) cargo, it will be described as a container (breakbulk)
port. Passenger ports are classified by the prominent type of passenger vessel (rather than by the type of passenger) that calls at the port. For example, a passenger port may be a cruise (ferry) port, where calls by cruise (ferry) vessels are prominent.
A marine terminal is a distinct infrastructure within a port for the transfer of cargo and passengers to and from vessels. A port may have several marine terminals – for handling the same type of cargo or different types of cargo. A port’s marine terminals may be common- user or dedicated. If common-user, vessels of all shipping lines are allowed to call at the ter- minal subject to existing government regulations. If dedicated, the terminal is restricted to vessel calls by the shipping line (or party) that owns or leases the marine terminal ......
中文: 2851字
英文: 9983字符
港口运输通常货运港服务。包括一般货物和散装货物。一般(不包括散装)货物是各种大小和包装货物或粒度均匀和松散(非包装)货物发运货物重量或货物发运重量。前者是任何容器或零担货物,而后者则是整件货物。集装箱货物,一般以标准集装箱储存货物,一般为20或40英尺长没有轮子 - 即,作为一个标准箱(20英尺当量单位)或1弗(40英尺当量单位)。零担货物一般货物货盘或者是在有线或绳升降荷兰国际集团上落船吊索包装。整件货物的例子包括汽车,钢铁和木材。散装(干和液体)货物的包装,也不是没有统一的尺寸和干散货weights.Examples包括煤炭,粮食,原油和成品货物,石油产品是液体,散装货物的例子。
货运港口的货物是由非常类型描述进行处理。如果一个港口,例如,大部分的货柜处理(零担)货物,将被描述为一个容器(零担) 端口。按客运港口的客轮(突出的类型,而不是由乘客类型),在停靠。例如,乘客可能是一个邮轮港口(码头)港口,在那里邮轮调用(渡船)船只突出。
一个海运码头是在一个港口的货物和乘客和船只转移明显的基础设施。港口可能有多个海运码头 - 处理的货物或货物的不同类型相同的类型。港口的海运码头可分通用或专用。如果是普通用户,所有航运公司的船只都可以打电话到现行政府进行盖章。如果专用,码头只限于船只调用由航运线(或一方)拥有或租赁的海运码头 ......
A port is a place at which the transfer of cargo and passengers to and from waterways and shores occurs. The transfers are made to and from vessels. The port maybe a cargo port (handling only the transfer of cargo),a passenger port (handling only the transfer of passengers), or a combination cargo passenger port (handling the transfer of both cargo and passengers).
Ports are typically cargo ports. Cargoes include general and bulk cargoes. General (drynon-bulk) cargoes are either goods of various sizes and weights shipped as packaged cargo or goods of uniform sizes and weights shipped as loose (non-packaged) cargo. The former is either container or breakbulk cargo, while the latter is neobulk cargo. Container cargo is general cargo stored in standardized containers, generally 20 or 40 feet in length without wheels – i.e., as a TEU (20-foot equivalent unit) or as a FEU (40-foot equivalent unit). Breakbulk cargo is general cargo that is packaged on pallets or in wire or rope slings for lift- ing on and off a vessel. Examples of neobulk cargo include automobiles, steel, and lumber. Bulk (dry and liquid) cargoes are cargoes that are neither packaged nor of uniform sizes and weights.Examples of dry-bulk cargo include coal and grains; crude oil and refined
petroleum products are examples of liquid-bulk cargo.
Cargo ports are described by the prominent type of cargo handled. If a port, for example, handles mostly container (breakbulk) cargo, it will be described as a container (breakbulk)
port. Passenger ports are classified by the prominent type of passenger vessel (rather than by the type of passenger) that calls at the port. For example, a passenger port may be a cruise (ferry) port, where calls by cruise (ferry) vessels are prominent.
A marine terminal is a distinct infrastructure within a port for the transfer of cargo and passengers to and from vessels. A port may have several marine terminals – for handling the same type of cargo or different types of cargo. A port’s marine terminals may be common- user or dedicated. If common-user, vessels of all shipping lines are allowed to call at the ter- minal subject to existing government regulations. If dedicated, the terminal is restricted to vessel calls by the shipping line (or party) that owns or leases the marine terminal ......