武强年画博物馆(外文翻译),中文: 1700 字英文: 5522字符全国重点博物管 - 武强年画博物馆武强年画博物馆坐落在河北省武强县城内小范镇新开街一号。是1985 年10 月建立的我国第一个专业性的民间木版年画博物馆。“九五”以来主要保护内容“九五”期间,征集到了年画古版1200 块,年画绝版资料800 张。在200...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 1700 字
英文: 5522字符
全国重点博物管 - 武强年画博物馆
武强年画博物馆坐落在河北省武强县城内小范镇新开街一号。是1985 年10 月建立的我国第一个专业性的民间木版年画博物馆。
“九五”期间,征集到了年画古版1200 块,年画绝版资料800 张。在2003 年10 月11 日,在武强县旧城村一旧民居的房屋顶上成功地抢救出画版55 块(应为159 块,因长期覆盖在屋顶之上,其中104 块全部腐烂无法取回),经专家鉴定此批画版为清代嘉道年间所做,最晚的也是在民国初年。其中“三鱼争月”、“乐鸽图”等图案尚属首次发现,填补了馆藏空白。征集到武强年画艺人路治国、贾凌奎、郭仲莲等人创作的年画画稿500 张,其中有许多都是在“文革”期间创作的年画作品,真实地记录了当时的社会生活,对于研究武强年画的发展、变化有重要意义。
武强是年画之乡,过去家家户户经营年画业,都存有大量的年画画版,但由于社会的变革,虽遭一定的毁坏及流失,但在民间还散落着许多画版,许多人家将其用来盖猪圈、搭鸡舍、建房屋用或长期堆积在某个角落,有许多文物贩子走村串户征集画版,流失很严重。因此,在民间开展大面积的征集活动已成为必然。在抗日战争和解放战争期间,华北联大与延安鲁艺的革命画家与武强年画艺人相结合,吸收和借鉴武强年画的形式及内容创作了许多宣传我党的思想、路线、方针、政策等方面的新年画,这为中国新美术的发展奠定了坚实的基础 ......
Management of key museum - Museum of Wu Qiang New Year
Wu Qiang New Year Museum is located in a small town in Hebei Province Wuqiang County town to open Street at Van. Was established in October 1985 China's first professional folk Board Pictures Museum.
"Ninth Five-Year" since the contents of the main protection
"Ninth Five-Year" period, the collection to the old version of 1200 New Year, New Year out of print data 800. In the October 11, 2003, in the old village of Wu county housing a top of the old houses to successfully rescue a draw version 55 (should be 159, because of long-term cover in the roof above, where all the rot can not take 104 back), identified by experts drawn version of this award is made between the Qing Jia Road, the latest is also in the early Republican. The "war on three fish," "Music pigeon map" is the first such pattern was found to fill the gaps in collections. Call to arms to the country road paintings artists, Jialing Kui, Guo Zhonglian, who created 500 paintings drawings, many of which are in the "Cultural Revolution" paintings created during the works, a true record of the social life at that time, for the study of Wu Qiang New Year development and change is important.
2002 to 2004, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage grant 300,000 yuan, Wu Qiang New Year on the museum's exhibition hall and the Treasury implemented a temporary installation of security and defense system, currently in use.
The main problems existing
Wu Qiang is a New Year of the village, every family business over the last New Year industry, there are a lot of years of paint version, but because of social change, although some were destroyed and lost, but also scattered in the folk art version of many, many people to used to cover pen, take the hen house, build houses, or long-term accumulation in the use of a corner, there are many cultural relics dealers visit villages collecting art version, the loss is serious. Therefore, the collection of a large area of civil conduct activities have become a necessity. Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war, the UN General Assembly and the extension of the North China Anroux Arts and arms to the revolutionary painter paintings artist combined, absorb, Wu Qiang New Year's form and content creation a lot of publicity to the ......
中文: 1700 字
英文: 5522字符
全国重点博物管 - 武强年画博物馆
武强年画博物馆坐落在河北省武强县城内小范镇新开街一号。是1985 年10 月建立的我国第一个专业性的民间木版年画博物馆。
“九五”期间,征集到了年画古版1200 块,年画绝版资料800 张。在2003 年10 月11 日,在武强县旧城村一旧民居的房屋顶上成功地抢救出画版55 块(应为159 块,因长期覆盖在屋顶之上,其中104 块全部腐烂无法取回),经专家鉴定此批画版为清代嘉道年间所做,最晚的也是在民国初年。其中“三鱼争月”、“乐鸽图”等图案尚属首次发现,填补了馆藏空白。征集到武强年画艺人路治国、贾凌奎、郭仲莲等人创作的年画画稿500 张,其中有许多都是在“文革”期间创作的年画作品,真实地记录了当时的社会生活,对于研究武强年画的发展、变化有重要意义。
武强是年画之乡,过去家家户户经营年画业,都存有大量的年画画版,但由于社会的变革,虽遭一定的毁坏及流失,但在民间还散落着许多画版,许多人家将其用来盖猪圈、搭鸡舍、建房屋用或长期堆积在某个角落,有许多文物贩子走村串户征集画版,流失很严重。因此,在民间开展大面积的征集活动已成为必然。在抗日战争和解放战争期间,华北联大与延安鲁艺的革命画家与武强年画艺人相结合,吸收和借鉴武强年画的形式及内容创作了许多宣传我党的思想、路线、方针、政策等方面的新年画,这为中国新美术的发展奠定了坚实的基础 ......
Management of key museum - Museum of Wu Qiang New Year
Wu Qiang New Year Museum is located in a small town in Hebei Province Wuqiang County town to open Street at Van. Was established in October 1985 China's first professional folk Board Pictures Museum.
"Ninth Five-Year" since the contents of the main protection
"Ninth Five-Year" period, the collection to the old version of 1200 New Year, New Year out of print data 800. In the October 11, 2003, in the old village of Wu county housing a top of the old houses to successfully rescue a draw version 55 (should be 159, because of long-term cover in the roof above, where all the rot can not take 104 back), identified by experts drawn version of this award is made between the Qing Jia Road, the latest is also in the early Republican. The "war on three fish," "Music pigeon map" is the first such pattern was found to fill the gaps in collections. Call to arms to the country road paintings artists, Jialing Kui, Guo Zhonglian, who created 500 paintings drawings, many of which are in the "Cultural Revolution" paintings created during the works, a true record of the social life at that time, for the study of Wu Qiang New Year development and change is important.
2002 to 2004, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage grant 300,000 yuan, Wu Qiang New Year on the museum's exhibition hall and the Treasury implemented a temporary installation of security and defense system, currently in use.
The main problems existing
Wu Qiang is a New Year of the village, every family business over the last New Year industry, there are a lot of years of paint version, but because of social change, although some were destroyed and lost, but also scattered in the folk art version of many, many people to used to cover pen, take the hen house, build houses, or long-term accumulation in the use of a corner, there are many cultural relics dealers visit villages collecting art version, the loss is serious. Therefore, the collection of a large area of civil conduct activities have become a necessity. Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war, the UN General Assembly and the extension of the North China Anroux Arts and arms to the revolutionary painter paintings artist combined, absorb, Wu Qiang New Year's form and content creation a lot of publicity to the ......