

中国旅游(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 2990字英文: 10700字符中国的旅游,自改革开放以来的最后几十年,由于丰富的新中产阶级的出现,和中国当局的限制,都加速了这种旅游热潮。中国已经成为世界上最受关注和最热门的出境旅游市场。中国是世界第四大入境旅游的国家。海外游客人数为55...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布



中文: 2990字
英文: 10700字符


1949年至1974年,人民共和国是封闭的。 20世纪70年代末邓小平在决定促进外汇的手段中使旅游业蓬勃兴起,中国开始发展旅游业。大量酒店和宾馆开始兴建,一些景点翻新并向游客开放,专业导游对其他服务人员进行了培训。
国内和国际航空公司和其他旅游交通运输设施的扩大使旅行更加便利。 250多个市、县开设了外国游客由80年代中期。旅客只需持有有效签证或居留许可,访问100个城市,其余区域设置需要从公安部门获得旅行许可证 ......

Tourism in China has greatly expanded over the last few decades since the beginning of reform and opening. The emergence of a newly rich middle class and an easing of restrictions on movement by the Chinese authorities are both fueling this travel boom. China has become one of the world's most-watched and hottest outbound tourist markets. The world is on the cusp of a sustained Chinese outbound tourism boom..
China is the world's fourth largest country for inbound tourism. The number of overseas tourists was 55 million in 2007. Foreign exchange income was 41.9 billion U.S. dollars, the world's fifth largest in 2007. The number of domestic tourist visits totaled 1.61 billion, with a total income of 777.1 billion yuan..
According to the WTO, in 2020, China will become the largest tourist country and the fourth largest for overseas travel. In terms of total outbound travel spending, China is currently ranked fifth and is expected to be the fastest growing in the world from 2006 to 2015, jumping into the number two slot for total travel spending by 2015.
Between 1949 and 1974, the People's Republic was closed to all but selected foreign visitors. Beginning in the late 1970s, when Deng Xiaoping decided to promote tourism vigorously as a means of earning foreign exchange, China started to develop its tourist industry. Major hotel construction programs greatly increased the number of hotels and guest houses, more historic and scenic spots were renovated and opened to tourists, and professional guides and other service personnel were trained ......