人机交互(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文:1165 字英文:3500 字符1、简介对于许多用户来说,信息系统实际上就是他们所使用的终端站,也就是他们所见到的中央电脑。但是,这些用户往往只是被设计师视为“终端用户”这样一个名称隐约表达出了造成这些糟糕的面向用户设计与极低的可用性的那种态...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文:1165 字
英文:3500 字符
对于许多用户来说,信息系统实际上就是他们所使用的终端站,也就是他们所见到的中央电脑。但是,这些用户往往只是被设计师视为“终端用户”这样一个名称隐约表达出了造成这些糟糕的面向用户设计与极低的可用性的那种态度. 设计者应该将用户视为电脑系统的中心而不是仅仅把他们当作外设。这样一个被生物工学学者与人因工程专家们反复强调的简单概念,实际上却是说起来容易做起来难。尼科尔斯曾强调过(1979):
尽管计算机科技已经发生了质的飞跃,陈旧的观念却仍残存在我们的思维中。往日, 当中央处理器仍然是一个系统的核心,设计者们很自然地谈这些“终端”与“外设”我怀疑人们是从这个时期开始使用“终端用户”这个术语的。这种无意识的象征既是症结也是原因; 这些“终端”用户往往也是在“终端”系统设计时最后一个被考虑到的。发展一套计算新的系统设计观点是十分重要的,要用一种新的眼光看待这些用户…带着这样的设计观点, 系统的核心应该是用户。
因此这个例子有助于平衡可用性和功能性的关系,从而电脑变得更加便宜和强大,几乎可以肯定的就是可用性因素将在采购商和用户作出决定时越来越起到支配作用 ......
1. Introduction
For many users the informatics system is essentially the terminalor workstation which they are using,and that is the centralcomputer as they see it. But only too often these users are seen as ‘‘end-users” by designers – and this name may well betray an attitude which causes some of the bad design for users and failures in usability. Designers must see the user as the centre of the computer system instead of as a mere peripheral. This simple concept, easy to state but harder to achieve, is often expounded by ergonomists and human factors specialists. It has been emphasised by Nicholls (1979):
In spite of changes in the nature of computing, remnants of old thinking remain with us. In former days,when the CPU was at the heart of a system, designers naturally talked of ‘‘terminals”and ‘‘peripherals”. I suspect it was in this period that people began to use the term ‘‘end user”. The unconscious symbolism is both a symptom and a cause; the ‘‘end” user at the ‘‘terminal” was often the last person to be considered in the design of the system. It is important to develop a new view of computing systems,and to look at the user in a different light . . . taking this view of computing, the centre of a system is the user.So, if we are to improve the usability of interactive computer systems, then the former orientation of designers must be completely reversed.
2.Usability context – the acceptability equation
When users and purchasers make decisions about systems,their decision depends not only upon usability but upon an assessment balancing various factors; they probably consider also how useful the system will be, whether they feel it is suitable and they would like to use it, and how much it will cost, both financially and in terms of the personal, social and organisational consequences. Without being able as yet to define a mathematically precise relationship between these ......
中文:1165 字
英文:3500 字符
对于许多用户来说,信息系统实际上就是他们所使用的终端站,也就是他们所见到的中央电脑。但是,这些用户往往只是被设计师视为“终端用户”这样一个名称隐约表达出了造成这些糟糕的面向用户设计与极低的可用性的那种态度. 设计者应该将用户视为电脑系统的中心而不是仅仅把他们当作外设。这样一个被生物工学学者与人因工程专家们反复强调的简单概念,实际上却是说起来容易做起来难。尼科尔斯曾强调过(1979):
尽管计算机科技已经发生了质的飞跃,陈旧的观念却仍残存在我们的思维中。往日, 当中央处理器仍然是一个系统的核心,设计者们很自然地谈这些“终端”与“外设”我怀疑人们是从这个时期开始使用“终端用户”这个术语的。这种无意识的象征既是症结也是原因; 这些“终端”用户往往也是在“终端”系统设计时最后一个被考虑到的。发展一套计算新的系统设计观点是十分重要的,要用一种新的眼光看待这些用户…带着这样的设计观点, 系统的核心应该是用户。
因此这个例子有助于平衡可用性和功能性的关系,从而电脑变得更加便宜和强大,几乎可以肯定的就是可用性因素将在采购商和用户作出决定时越来越起到支配作用 ......
1. Introduction
For many users the informatics system is essentially the terminalor workstation which they are using,and that is the centralcomputer as they see it. But only too often these users are seen as ‘‘end-users” by designers – and this name may well betray an attitude which causes some of the bad design for users and failures in usability. Designers must see the user as the centre of the computer system instead of as a mere peripheral. This simple concept, easy to state but harder to achieve, is often expounded by ergonomists and human factors specialists. It has been emphasised by Nicholls (1979):
In spite of changes in the nature of computing, remnants of old thinking remain with us. In former days,when the CPU was at the heart of a system, designers naturally talked of ‘‘terminals”and ‘‘peripherals”. I suspect it was in this period that people began to use the term ‘‘end user”. The unconscious symbolism is both a symptom and a cause; the ‘‘end” user at the ‘‘terminal” was often the last person to be considered in the design of the system. It is important to develop a new view of computing systems,and to look at the user in a different light . . . taking this view of computing, the centre of a system is the user.So, if we are to improve the usability of interactive computer systems, then the former orientation of designers must be completely reversed.
2.Usability context – the acceptability equation
When users and purchasers make decisions about systems,their decision depends not only upon usability but upon an assessment balancing various factors; they probably consider also how useful the system will be, whether they feel it is suitable and they would like to use it, and how much it will cost, both financially and in terms of the personal, social and organisational consequences. Without being able as yet to define a mathematically precise relationship between these ......