浅谈金融危机(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 4300字英文: 14000字符在过去一年半的时间里,全球金融系统承受着巨大的压力,这种压力目前正在全球经济体系内广泛蔓延。这场危机的主要原因是美国楼市出现了拐点,导致了次级贷款的违约率上升,从而使许多金融机构蒙受了巨额损失,也动摇了信...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 4300字
英文: 14000字符
雷曼兄弟申请破产保护、美林“委身”美银、AIG告急等一系列突如其来的“变故”使得世界各国都为美国金融危机而震惊。加上之前垮下的贝尔斯登,曾经的华尔街五大投行已经去之有三。华尔街对金融衍生产品的“滥用”及美国的货币政策终于导致了这次金融危机的爆发。更为糟糕的是这场源自美国的金融危机正在向实体经济蔓延,而且极有可能演变成全球性的经济危机 ......
For almost a year and a half the global financial system has been under extraordinary stress--stress that has now decisively spilled over to the global economy more broadly. The proximate cause of the crisis was the turn of the housing cycle in the United States and the associated rise in delinquencies on subprime mortgages, which imposed substantial losses on many financial institutions and shook investor confidence in credit markets. However, although the subprime debacle triggered the crisis, the developments in the U.S. mortgage market were only one aspect of a much larger and more encompassing credit boom whose impact transcended the mortgage market to affect many other forms of credit. Aspects of this broader credit boom included widespread declines in underwriting standards, breakdowns in lending oversight by investors and rating agencies, increased reliance on complex and opaque credit instruments that proved fragile under stress, and unusually low compensation for risk-taking.
※First, what is the financial crisis
Financial crisis, also known as the financial turmoil, means a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators (such as: short-term interest rates, monetary assets, securities, real estate, land (prices), the number of commercial bankruptcy and financial institutions closed down number) of a sharp, short and ultra-cycle deterioration. Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the type. The financial crisis is ......
中文: 4300字
英文: 14000字符
雷曼兄弟申请破产保护、美林“委身”美银、AIG告急等一系列突如其来的“变故”使得世界各国都为美国金融危机而震惊。加上之前垮下的贝尔斯登,曾经的华尔街五大投行已经去之有三。华尔街对金融衍生产品的“滥用”及美国的货币政策终于导致了这次金融危机的爆发。更为糟糕的是这场源自美国的金融危机正在向实体经济蔓延,而且极有可能演变成全球性的经济危机 ......
For almost a year and a half the global financial system has been under extraordinary stress--stress that has now decisively spilled over to the global economy more broadly. The proximate cause of the crisis was the turn of the housing cycle in the United States and the associated rise in delinquencies on subprime mortgages, which imposed substantial losses on many financial institutions and shook investor confidence in credit markets. However, although the subprime debacle triggered the crisis, the developments in the U.S. mortgage market were only one aspect of a much larger and more encompassing credit boom whose impact transcended the mortgage market to affect many other forms of credit. Aspects of this broader credit boom included widespread declines in underwriting standards, breakdowns in lending oversight by investors and rating agencies, increased reliance on complex and opaque credit instruments that proved fragile under stress, and unusually low compensation for risk-taking.
※First, what is the financial crisis
Financial crisis, also known as the financial turmoil, means a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators (such as: short-term interest rates, monetary assets, securities, real estate, land (prices), the number of commercial bankruptcy and financial institutions closed down number) of a sharp, short and ultra-cycle deterioration. Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the type. The financial crisis is ......