

使用惯性传感器和gps对车辆进行定位(外文翻译),使用惯性传感器和gps对车辆进行定位(外文翻译)包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 5400 字英文: 18700字符摘要:提出的贡献描述的方法预处理和融合的新的客运车辆,车载传感器-里程表和加速度计,所有的目标,作为可选的和临时的替代gps的导航。建议的解决方案探讨以规则为基础的系统的相互替代...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布



中文: 5400 字
英文: 18700字符

许多今天的移动系统希望应用更先进的解决方案实现他们的自动化。特别是,要做到这一点,要建立一般可靠的系统的物理定位的移动通信系统。由于工作中不充分的复杂性的任何形式的实体(在一般情况下这些甚至也可能是人类或其他生物的实体),进行本地化似乎是不切实际的做法,所以我们的解决方案主要针对轮式车辆。虽然这一假设规定限制了最终解决,但是也提供足够的空间为设计和测试的具体方法的惯性传感器融合航行的目的 ......

The presented contribution describes an approach to preprocessing and fusion of additional vehicle onboard sensors - the odometer and accelerometer, all targeted to serve as optional and temporary substitute for GPS-like navigation. The suggested solution explores a rule-based system for mutual substitutions and calibrations of the used sensors depending on actual conditions. The only usage of the GPS here stands in providing regular position calibrations and serves as a reference method for evaluation of the presented results. The presented solutions have been experimentally tested with real-world data as shown in the experimental part of the paper. Keywords: data fusion, vehicle locator, odometer, accelerometer, odometer corrections, inertial navigation, satellite navigation
1 Introduction
Many today’s applications of mobile systems desire more sophisticated solutions to their automation. In particular, this can be achieved via creating reliable system for physical localization of the mobile systems of any kind in general. As the task does in its full complexity for any kind of entity (in general case these might also be even humans or other living entities) to be localized seems to be of diverse approach, our solution is targeted mainly on wheeled type of vehicles. Although this assumption sets constraints for the final solution, provides also sufficient space for design and testing of specific methods of inertial sensor fusion for navigation purposes.
Standard vehicle position control systems usually rely on track-aside equipments (landmark beacon systems, etc.) supporting the solution of the localization task. On the other hand these might also bring many disadvantages. Track-aside equipments are hard protected against vandalism, doesn’t allow dynamic changes and does not guarantee reliable, or even any, performance at accident situations. Besides that, maintenance and operation costs are high. Therefore, recent trends are turning attention towards vehicle-born systems through, so called, and distributed intelligent control systems ......