股市博弈论(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 8300 字英文: 27000 字符前言 以道氏理论、波浪理论、形态分析理论等为代表的传统技术分析理论,从道琼斯和艾略特以来基本处于停滞不前的状态,虽然内容也在不断丰富,但基本上是在同一层次上变换形式,并没有什么质的突破。作者认为,造...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 8300 字
英文: 27000 字符
在理论上,由于传统理论的近似比较粗略,不适合对股市运动规律进行深入研究,所以,有很多股市现象在传统理论中只能是知其然不知其所以然,无法给出合理的解释。如为什么波浪理论的时间之窗往往形成重要的关键点?为什么一定的K线组合可以作为买卖信号?这造成传统技术分析理论至今仍停留在原始的归纳总结阶段,不能上升到理论高度。这反过来又限制了对股市深层次规律的进一步概括总结,造成了技术分析研究的停滞不前 ......
Stock Market Game Theory
To Dow theory, wave theory, such as morphological analysis, as represented by the traditional technical analysis theory, from the Dow Jones and Elliott at a standstill since the basic state, although the content has been rich, but essentially the same level the form of the transformation, there is no qualitative breakthrough. The author believes that the reasons for this situation lies in the fact that the traditional theory of technical analysis there are problems implied a theoretical premise, the nature of their research ideas are in the stock market as a participant in their own behavior is not affected objective system, and people do not take into account the impact of operations on the stock market. As an approximation, so that treatment can bring convenience to the primary research, but also can produce a number of valuable results, but this is not conducive to an accurate approximation of an in-depth study on the market. Market constituted by the tens of thousands of investors, the impact of their mutual interaction to form a mutual influence is closely related to an integral whole, and each person is bound to impact operations of the stock market movement, especially when times larger than the funds on the market a greater impact ......
中文: 8300 字
英文: 27000 字符
在理论上,由于传统理论的近似比较粗略,不适合对股市运动规律进行深入研究,所以,有很多股市现象在传统理论中只能是知其然不知其所以然,无法给出合理的解释。如为什么波浪理论的时间之窗往往形成重要的关键点?为什么一定的K线组合可以作为买卖信号?这造成传统技术分析理论至今仍停留在原始的归纳总结阶段,不能上升到理论高度。这反过来又限制了对股市深层次规律的进一步概括总结,造成了技术分析研究的停滞不前 ......
Stock Market Game Theory
To Dow theory, wave theory, such as morphological analysis, as represented by the traditional technical analysis theory, from the Dow Jones and Elliott at a standstill since the basic state, although the content has been rich, but essentially the same level the form of the transformation, there is no qualitative breakthrough. The author believes that the reasons for this situation lies in the fact that the traditional theory of technical analysis there are problems implied a theoretical premise, the nature of their research ideas are in the stock market as a participant in their own behavior is not affected objective system, and people do not take into account the impact of operations on the stock market. As an approximation, so that treatment can bring convenience to the primary research, but also can produce a number of valuable results, but this is not conducive to an accurate approximation of an in-depth study on the market. Market constituted by the tens of thousands of investors, the impact of their mutual interaction to form a mutual influence is closely related to an integral whole, and each person is bound to impact operations of the stock market movement, especially when times larger than the funds on the market a greater impact ......
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