有关三峡大坝混凝土快速施工方案及工艺分析(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 5700 字英文: 20000 字符1 概述 三峡工程大坝为混凝土重力坝,最大坝高181m,枢纽工程混凝土浇筑总量达2800万m3。如此巨大的混凝土工程施工总量,导致了三峡工程混凝土施工浇筑的高强度施工。1...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 5700 字
英文: 20000 字符
1 概述
1.1 混凝土施工强度
1.2 混凝土施工手段
Concrete construction of the Three Gorges Dam scheme and process analysis
1 Overview
Three Gorges dam is concrete gravity dam, the maximum height of 181m, concrete pouring Project reached a total of 28 million m3. Such a huge amount of concrete construction, concrete construction has led to the Three Gorges Project Construction pouring of high-intensity.
1.1 Concrete Strength
The peak concentration of the Three Gorges Project concrete placement in the second stage, the concrete pouring reached a total of 18.6 million m3. According to the general progress of the construction progress and the arrangements in 1998 to 1.18 million m3, 1999 year 4.58 million m3, 2000 year 5.48 million m3, 2001 year 4.03 million m3, 2002-year plan the completion of 1.42 million m3. The peak construction period focused on three-year period from 1999 to 2001, where in 2000 the highest strength of the concrete pouring, pouring reached the annual maximum demands 5 million m3, up to 400,000 on m3, up to date more than 20 000 m3.
1.2 concrete construction method
Based on the placement of the strength and construction site, using the traditional gate tower placement and construction methods can not meet the requirements of pouring strength, must find new means of high-strength casting.
In addition, the large gate tower placement scheme from Mixing machines exported to pouring out of position, were taken to intermittent feeding mode, feeding more than a transit link for the feed efficiency is low, more and more Block Mixing Block gate tower again production mix between the number of placement positions in complex material easy to mistake, but increased the difficulty of construction management ......
中文: 5700 字
英文: 20000 字符
1 概述
1.1 混凝土施工强度
1.2 混凝土施工手段
Concrete construction of the Three Gorges Dam scheme and process analysis
1 Overview
Three Gorges dam is concrete gravity dam, the maximum height of 181m, concrete pouring Project reached a total of 28 million m3. Such a huge amount of concrete construction, concrete construction has led to the Three Gorges Project Construction pouring of high-intensity.
1.1 Concrete Strength
The peak concentration of the Three Gorges Project concrete placement in the second stage, the concrete pouring reached a total of 18.6 million m3. According to the general progress of the construction progress and the arrangements in 1998 to 1.18 million m3, 1999 year 4.58 million m3, 2000 year 5.48 million m3, 2001 year 4.03 million m3, 2002-year plan the completion of 1.42 million m3. The peak construction period focused on three-year period from 1999 to 2001, where in 2000 the highest strength of the concrete pouring, pouring reached the annual maximum demands 5 million m3, up to 400,000 on m3, up to date more than 20 000 m3.
1.2 concrete construction method
Based on the placement of the strength and construction site, using the traditional gate tower placement and construction methods can not meet the requirements of pouring strength, must find new means of high-strength casting.
In addition, the large gate tower placement scheme from Mixing machines exported to pouring out of position, were taken to intermittent feeding mode, feeding more than a transit link for the feed efficiency is low, more and more Block Mixing Block gate tower again production mix between the number of placement positions in complex material easy to mistake, but increased the difficulty of construction management ......