struts与应用程序框架(外文翻译),struts与应用程序框架(外文翻译)包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 5900字英文: 18800 字符欢迎你阅读本文。本文的目的是帮助web 应用开发者能够较好的了解struts web 应用框架。struts 是一个开源软件,有助于开发者更加快速和容易地建立web 应用程序。struts...
原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 5900字
英文: 18800 字符
欢迎你阅读本文。本文的目的是帮助Web 应用开发者能够较好的了解Struts web 应用框架。
Struts 是一个开源软件,有助于开发者更加快速和容易地建立Web 应用程序。Struts 依靠绝大多数开发者已熟知的标准技术—比如JavaBeans, Java servlet, 以及 JavaServer Page(JSP)。通过基于标准的技术,“填空式”的软件开发方法,Struts 可以减轻在创建新项目时那些令人抱怨的极费时间的工作。
Struts 是Apache 软件基金下Jakarta 项目子项目。除Struts 之外, 还有其他成功的开源产品,包括Tomcat, Ant, 和 Velocity。
开始的代码基础从2000 年5 月开始开发,直到2001 年6 月,1.0 版本发布。有 30 多个开发者参与进来,并有数千人参与到讨论组中。Struts 代码基础由一个志愿者团队来管理。
到 2002 年,Struts 小组共有9 个志愿者参与。
Struts 框架的主要架构设计和开发者是Craig R. McClanahan。Craig 也是Tomcat 4 的主要架构师,以及Java Web Services Developer Pack 的主要架构师和实现者。他现在是Sun的JavaServer Faces (JSR-127) 以及J2EE 平台的Web 层架构的规范领导 ......
Struts and Application Framework
Welcome to Struts and Application Framework. We wrote this book to help web developers make the best possible know of the Struts web application framework.Struts is open source software that helps developers build web applicationsquickly and easily. Struts relies on standard technologies—such as JavaBeans, Java servlets, and Java Server Pages (JSP)—that most developers already know how to use. By taking a standards-based, “fill-in-the-blanks” approach to software development, Struts can alleviate much of the time-consuming grunt work that comeswith every new project.
Who makes the Struts software?
Struts is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) as part of its Jakarta
project. Besides Struts, Jakarta hosts several successful open source products,
including Tomcat, Ant, and Velocity.
The initial Struts codebase was developed between May 2000 and June 2001
when version 1.0 was released. More than 30 developers contributed to the Struts
distribution, and thousands more follow the Struts mailing lists. The Struts codebase
is managed by a team of volunteer “Committers.” By 2002, the Struts team
included nine active Committers.
The primary architect and developer of the Struts framework is Craig R.
McClanahan. Craig is also the primary architect of Tomcat 4 and the implementation
architect of the Java Web Services Developer Pack. He is now Sun’s specification
lead for JavaServer Faces (JSR-127) as well as the Web Layer Architect for the
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform.
Struts is available to the public at no charge under the Apache Software License [ASF, License]. There are no acquisition or other recurring costs for using
the software. Unlike some other open source licenses, the Apache Software
License is business-friendly. You can use Struts to create ......
中文: 5900字
英文: 18800 字符
欢迎你阅读本文。本文的目的是帮助Web 应用开发者能够较好的了解Struts web 应用框架。
Struts 是一个开源软件,有助于开发者更加快速和容易地建立Web 应用程序。Struts 依靠绝大多数开发者已熟知的标准技术—比如JavaBeans, Java servlet, 以及 JavaServer Page(JSP)。通过基于标准的技术,“填空式”的软件开发方法,Struts 可以减轻在创建新项目时那些令人抱怨的极费时间的工作。
Struts 是Apache 软件基金下Jakarta 项目子项目。除Struts 之外, 还有其他成功的开源产品,包括Tomcat, Ant, 和 Velocity。
开始的代码基础从2000 年5 月开始开发,直到2001 年6 月,1.0 版本发布。有 30 多个开发者参与进来,并有数千人参与到讨论组中。Struts 代码基础由一个志愿者团队来管理。
到 2002 年,Struts 小组共有9 个志愿者参与。
Struts 框架的主要架构设计和开发者是Craig R. McClanahan。Craig 也是Tomcat 4 的主要架构师,以及Java Web Services Developer Pack 的主要架构师和实现者。他现在是Sun的JavaServer Faces (JSR-127) 以及J2EE 平台的Web 层架构的规范领导 ......
Struts and Application Framework
Welcome to Struts and Application Framework. We wrote this book to help web developers make the best possible know of the Struts web application framework.Struts is open source software that helps developers build web applicationsquickly and easily. Struts relies on standard technologies—such as JavaBeans, Java servlets, and Java Server Pages (JSP)—that most developers already know how to use. By taking a standards-based, “fill-in-the-blanks” approach to software development, Struts can alleviate much of the time-consuming grunt work that comeswith every new project.
Who makes the Struts software?
Struts is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) as part of its Jakarta
project. Besides Struts, Jakarta hosts several successful open source products,
including Tomcat, Ant, and Velocity.
The initial Struts codebase was developed between May 2000 and June 2001
when version 1.0 was released. More than 30 developers contributed to the Struts
distribution, and thousands more follow the Struts mailing lists. The Struts codebase
is managed by a team of volunteer “Committers.” By 2002, the Struts team
included nine active Committers.
The primary architect and developer of the Struts framework is Craig R.
McClanahan. Craig is also the primary architect of Tomcat 4 and the implementation
architect of the Java Web Services Developer Pack. He is now Sun’s specification
lead for JavaServer Faces (JSR-127) as well as the Web Layer Architect for the
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform.
Struts is available to the public at no charge under the Apache Software License [ASF, License]. There are no acquisition or other recurring costs for using
the software. Unlike some other open source licenses, the Apache Software
License is business-friendly. You can use Struts to create ......