流体动力学(外文翻译),包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文:4980字英文:16590字符流体动力学 可压缩气体的流动可压缩气体的流动速度是可与声音的速度媲美,甚至超越声速的。这种气体的压缩是发生在气体从一个地方移动到另一个地方时发生密度变化引起的,这种变化不可忽视。假设流体是气体而且在足够低的压力...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 4980字
英文: 16590字符
流体动力学 可压缩气体的流动
假设流体是气体而且在足够低的压力下满足理想状态方程。方程(118)使用,其导热系数是如此的低以至于压缩气体和少量部分的气体可以被视为绝热气体。(见上文)。在这种情况下,它遵循方程(120)描述的那样,密度的变化伴随着许多微妙的压力变化,dp,是这样的 ......
Hydrodynamics Compressible flow in gases
Compressible flow refers to flow at velocities that are comparable to, or exceed, the speed of sound. The compressibility is relevant because at such velocities the variations in density that occur as the fluid moves from place to place cannot be ignored.
Suppose that the fluid is a gas at a low enough pressure for the ideal equation of state, equation (118), to apply and that its thermal conductivity is so poor that the compressions and rarefactions undergone by each element of the gas may be treated as adiabatic (see above). In this case, it follows from equation (120) that the change of density accompanying any small change in pressure, dp, is such that ......
中文: 4980字
英文: 16590字符
流体动力学 可压缩气体的流动
假设流体是气体而且在足够低的压力下满足理想状态方程。方程(118)使用,其导热系数是如此的低以至于压缩气体和少量部分的气体可以被视为绝热气体。(见上文)。在这种情况下,它遵循方程(120)描述的那样,密度的变化伴随着许多微妙的压力变化,dp,是这样的 ......
Hydrodynamics Compressible flow in gases
Compressible flow refers to flow at velocities that are comparable to, or exceed, the speed of sound. The compressibility is relevant because at such velocities the variations in density that occur as the fluid moves from place to place cannot be ignored.
Suppose that the fluid is a gas at a low enough pressure for the ideal equation of state, equation (118), to apply and that its thermal conductivity is so poor that the compressions and rarefactions undergone by each element of the gas may be treated as adiabatic (see above). In this case, it follows from equation (120) that the change of density accompanying any small change in pressure, dp, is such that ......