颤蚓对沉积物中de83释放的影响研究(完整全套),颤蚓对沉积物中de83释放的影响研究(完整全套)impact of tubificids (tubifex) on the release of sediment-associated de 83本套完整资料共包括开题报告,毕业论文,毕业答辩ppt稿,英文文献原文,英文文献翻译,学年论文共6个部分摘要 本文主要通过模拟...

原文档由会员 七号逛公园 发布
Impact of Tubificids (Tubifex) on the release of sediment-associated DE 83
摘 要
(2)在实验的20天时间里,锦鲫鱼体内ΣPBDEs增长的净含量为606.60ng/g (脂肪)。含量最高的多溴联苯醚同系物为BDE-47,增长的净含量为334..99ng/g (脂肪),占ΣPBDEs比例近似55.22%。其次是BDE-154、-100,增长净含量分别为72.73,40.94ng/g(脂肪)。
关键词:多溴联苯醚; 颤蚓; 锦鲤鱼; 沉积物
In this paper,mainly through simulation experiments to study the impact of tubificids on the realese of sediments-associated the polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs).That's brocade carps in a aquarium having the sediment and the sediment in one group of aquarium being input tubificids, another group of aquarium do not put tubificids in sediment, through regular testing the contents of PBDEs in the brocade carps to discuss the questions of PBDEs.And during the experiments course ,we also observed the contents of PBDEs in the sediment of rivers into the Bohai Sea,and its pollution levels and distribution were also investigated.
(1).The group that the sediment with tubificids brocade carps' PBDEs contents obvious higher than no tubificids group, that's explain the tubificids may use the PBDEs in the sediment to release out and enrich in the brocade carps.
(2).The increasing net contents of ΣPBDEs in brocade carps is 606.60 ng/g (lipid)within 20 days time of experiment.The highest contents of the congeners is BDE-47and the increasing net contents is 334.99 ng/g (lipid), proportion in ΣPBDEs is nearly 55.22%. The secondary is BDE-154, -100, being 72.73 , 40.94 ng/g (lipid) respectively.
(3).Low bromine biphenyl ether BDE-28, -47, -100, -154 are easy to enrich in brocade carps, but high bromine biphenyl ethers are difficult to concentration or they are easy to transformate to low bromine biphenyl ether in the brocade carps.
(4).The contents of PBDEs in the sediment of the Da Gu drain contamination river is the highest of all the rivers' of we investegate ,secondary is Du Liu Jian river and Bei Pai river', but contaminate level do not exceed our country's other rivers.
(5).The content of PBDEs in the sediments of Yong Ding Xin river, Du Liu Jan Wan Jia Ma Tou bridge, high-speed bridge of Tangjin, Yong He bridge, Zi Ya Xin river, Qing Jing Hang Dang Chao Fa PBDEs is low, comparatively around to the level that Japan reports.
Key words: polybrominated diphenyl ethers; tubificids; Brocade carp; sediment
目 录
1.前言 ……………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 多溴联苯醚的结构及性质 …………………………………… 1
1.2 多溴联苯醚的环境行为 ……………………………………… 3
1.3 空气中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………………… 4
1.4 水和沉积物中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………… 6
1.5 生物体中的多溴联苯醚 ……………………………………… 6
1.6 人体中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………………… 7
1.7 选题依据及意义 ……………………………………………… 7
2.注入渤海各河流沉积物中的多溴联苯醚 ……………………… 9
2.1 材料与方法 …………………………………………………… 9
2.2 实验结果 ………………………………………………………10
2.3 分析讨论 ………………………………………………………12
2.4 结论 ……………………………………………………………15
3.1 研究内容 ………………………………………………………16
3.2 材料与方法 ……………………………………………………16
3.3 实验结果 ………………………………………………………17
3.4 分析讨论 ………………………………………………………22
3.5 结论 ……………………………………………………………27
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………28
致谢 …………………………………………………………………31
[1] Alaee M,,Arias P,Sjodin A,et al. An overview of commercially used brominated flame retardants,their applications,their use patterns in different countries/regions and possible modes of release [J]. Environment International,2003,29(6):683-689.
[2] Bocio A,Llobet J M, Domingo J L,et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in foodstuffs: human exposure through the diet [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003,51(10):3191-3195.
[3] Geneva, Switzerland, Sjöin A, et al.Gas chromatographic identification and quantification of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in a commercial product.. Journal of Chromatography A, 1998, 822(1): 83-89.
[4] Brominated diphenyloxides as flame retardants, Bromine based chemicals. Consultants report to the OECD:Paris,France, 1992: p. 4.
[5] Soderstrom G, Sellstrom U, De Wit CA, et al.Photolytic debromination of decabromodiphenyl ether(BDE 209)[J].Environ ent Technology, 2004, 38: 127- 132.
[6] Hassanin,BreivikK,Meijer.N.,PBDEs in EuroPean baekgroud 50115: Levels and factors controlling their distribution[J].Environ.Sei.Teehnol,2004,38:738-745.
[7] WaniaF,DuganiC.B.Assessing the long transPort Potential of Polybrominated diphenylethers:A comparison of four multimedia models [J]. Environ.Toxieol.Chem,2003,22:125-126.
[8] PalmA,Cousins1 T,Maekay D,Assessing the environmental fate of chemieal sofe merging concern : aease study of the Polybrominated diPhenylethers[J].Environent Pollute,2002,117:195-213.
[9] Robert,Ann Y.Studies on brominated chemicals in the environment[J]. Environment science ,1979,32: 678- 681.
[10] Hyo-Bang Moon,Kurunthachalam Kannan,Su-Jeong Lee,et al. Atmospheric deposition of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in coastal areas in Korea. Chemosphere,2007,66:585-593.
[11] 肖丹辉.大气颗粒物对多溴联苯醚迁移的影响,天津,南开大学,硕士论文,2009.
[12] 陈来国,麦碧娴,许振成,等.广州市夏季大气中多氯联苯和多溴联苯醚的含量及组成对比. 环境科学学报,2008,28(1):150-159.
[13] Luckey,Capone F,Alleva E et al. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers: (PBDE) flame retardants [J]. Science of the Total Environment,2003,24(3):449-462.
[14] Tomy,Robert Hale. Evidence of Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) in Biota from a Wastewater Receiving Stream[J]. environment science & technology,2007,19(8) :6663-6670.
[15] Schaefer EC,Everts J,De Boer J,et al. Polybrominated biphenyl and occurrence [J]. Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology,1995,25(6):141-151.
[16] 杨永亮,潘静,李悦,等.青岛近岸沉积物中持久性有机污染物多氯蔡和多澳联苯醚[J]. 化学通报 (Chinese Science,Bulletin),2003,21(48):2244-2251.
[17] 陈社军,麦碧娴,曾永平,等.珠江三角洲及南海北部海域表层沉积物中多澳联苯醚的分布特征[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(9):1265-1271.
[18] Liu Y,Zheng G J,Yu H,et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers insedimentsan Musseltissues from HongKong marine waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2005,50:1178-1180.
[19] Eljarrt, Kurunthachalam Kannan, David P Rapaport, et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in human adipose tissue from New York[J]. Environ Sci Technol, 2005, 39: 5177- 5182.
Impact of Tubificids (Tubifex) on the release of sediment-associated DE 83
摘 要
(2)在实验的20天时间里,锦鲫鱼体内ΣPBDEs增长的净含量为606.60ng/g (脂肪)。含量最高的多溴联苯醚同系物为BDE-47,增长的净含量为334..99ng/g (脂肪),占ΣPBDEs比例近似55.22%。其次是BDE-154、-100,增长净含量分别为72.73,40.94ng/g(脂肪)。
关键词:多溴联苯醚; 颤蚓; 锦鲤鱼; 沉积物
In this paper,mainly through simulation experiments to study the impact of tubificids on the realese of sediments-associated the polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs).That's brocade carps in a aquarium having the sediment and the sediment in one group of aquarium being input tubificids, another group of aquarium do not put tubificids in sediment, through regular testing the contents of PBDEs in the brocade carps to discuss the questions of PBDEs.And during the experiments course ,we also observed the contents of PBDEs in the sediment of rivers into the Bohai Sea,and its pollution levels and distribution were also investigated.
(1).The group that the sediment with tubificids brocade carps' PBDEs contents obvious higher than no tubificids group, that's explain the tubificids may use the PBDEs in the sediment to release out and enrich in the brocade carps.
(2).The increasing net contents of ΣPBDEs in brocade carps is 606.60 ng/g (lipid)within 20 days time of experiment.The highest contents of the congeners is BDE-47and the increasing net contents is 334.99 ng/g (lipid), proportion in ΣPBDEs is nearly 55.22%. The secondary is BDE-154, -100, being 72.73 , 40.94 ng/g (lipid) respectively.
(3).Low bromine biphenyl ether BDE-28, -47, -100, -154 are easy to enrich in brocade carps, but high bromine biphenyl ethers are difficult to concentration or they are easy to transformate to low bromine biphenyl ether in the brocade carps.
(4).The contents of PBDEs in the sediment of the Da Gu drain contamination river is the highest of all the rivers' of we investegate ,secondary is Du Liu Jian river and Bei Pai river', but contaminate level do not exceed our country's other rivers.
(5).The content of PBDEs in the sediments of Yong Ding Xin river, Du Liu Jan Wan Jia Ma Tou bridge, high-speed bridge of Tangjin, Yong He bridge, Zi Ya Xin river, Qing Jing Hang Dang Chao Fa PBDEs is low, comparatively around to the level that Japan reports.
Key words: polybrominated diphenyl ethers; tubificids; Brocade carp; sediment
目 录
1.前言 ……………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 多溴联苯醚的结构及性质 …………………………………… 1
1.2 多溴联苯醚的环境行为 ……………………………………… 3
1.3 空气中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………………… 4
1.4 水和沉积物中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………… 6
1.5 生物体中的多溴联苯醚 ……………………………………… 6
1.6 人体中的多溴联苯醚 ………………………………………… 7
1.7 选题依据及意义 ……………………………………………… 7
2.注入渤海各河流沉积物中的多溴联苯醚 ……………………… 9
2.1 材料与方法 …………………………………………………… 9
2.2 实验结果 ………………………………………………………10
2.3 分析讨论 ………………………………………………………12
2.4 结论 ……………………………………………………………15
3.1 研究内容 ………………………………………………………16
3.2 材料与方法 ……………………………………………………16
3.3 实验结果 ………………………………………………………17
3.4 分析讨论 ………………………………………………………22
3.5 结论 ……………………………………………………………27
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………28
致谢 …………………………………………………………………31
[1] Alaee M,,Arias P,Sjodin A,et al. An overview of commercially used brominated flame retardants,their applications,their use patterns in different countries/regions and possible modes of release [J]. Environment International,2003,29(6):683-689.
[2] Bocio A,Llobet J M, Domingo J L,et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in foodstuffs: human exposure through the diet [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003,51(10):3191-3195.
[3] Geneva, Switzerland, Sjöin A, et al.Gas chromatographic identification and quantification of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in a commercial product.. Journal of Chromatography A, 1998, 822(1): 83-89.
[4] Brominated diphenyloxides as flame retardants, Bromine based chemicals. Consultants report to the OECD:Paris,France, 1992: p. 4.
[5] Soderstrom G, Sellstrom U, De Wit CA, et al.Photolytic debromination of decabromodiphenyl ether(BDE 209)[J].Environ ent Technology, 2004, 38: 127- 132.
[6] Hassanin,BreivikK,Meijer.N.,PBDEs in EuroPean baekgroud 50115: Levels and factors controlling their distribution[J].Environ.Sei.Teehnol,2004,38:738-745.
[7] WaniaF,DuganiC.B.Assessing the long transPort Potential of Polybrominated diphenylethers:A comparison of four multimedia models [J]. Environ.Toxieol.Chem,2003,22:125-126.
[8] PalmA,Cousins1 T,Maekay D,Assessing the environmental fate of chemieal sofe merging concern : aease study of the Polybrominated diPhenylethers[J].Environent Pollute,2002,117:195-213.
[9] Robert,Ann Y.Studies on brominated chemicals in the environment[J]. Environment science ,1979,32: 678- 681.
[10] Hyo-Bang Moon,Kurunthachalam Kannan,Su-Jeong Lee,et al. Atmospheric deposition of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in coastal areas in Korea. Chemosphere,2007,66:585-593.
[11] 肖丹辉.大气颗粒物对多溴联苯醚迁移的影响,天津,南开大学,硕士论文,2009.
[12] 陈来国,麦碧娴,许振成,等.广州市夏季大气中多氯联苯和多溴联苯醚的含量及组成对比. 环境科学学报,2008,28(1):150-159.
[13] Luckey,Capone F,Alleva E et al. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers: (PBDE) flame retardants [J]. Science of the Total Environment,2003,24(3):449-462.
[14] Tomy,Robert Hale. Evidence of Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) in Biota from a Wastewater Receiving Stream[J]. environment science & technology,2007,19(8) :6663-6670.
[15] Schaefer EC,Everts J,De Boer J,et al. Polybrominated biphenyl and occurrence [J]. Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology,1995,25(6):141-151.
[16] 杨永亮,潘静,李悦,等.青岛近岸沉积物中持久性有机污染物多氯蔡和多澳联苯醚[J]. 化学通报 (Chinese Science,Bulletin),2003,21(48):2244-2251.
[17] 陈社军,麦碧娴,曾永平,等.珠江三角洲及南海北部海域表层沉积物中多澳联苯醚的分布特征[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(9):1265-1271.
[18] Liu Y,Zheng G J,Yu H,et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers insedimentsan Musseltissues from HongKong marine waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2005,50:1178-1180.
[19] Eljarrt, Kurunthachalam Kannan, David P Rapaport, et al. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in human adipose tissue from New York[J]. Environ Sci Technol, 2005, 39: 5177- 5182.