sql server 2000 中的“复制数据库向导”[外文翻译].rar
sql server 2000 中的“复制数据库向导”[外文翻译],sql server 2000 中的“复制数据库向导”[外文翻译]包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 4070 字英文: 15500字符 复制数据库向导是 sql server 2000 中的新实用工具,供您从 sql server 7.0 或 sql server 2000 向 sql ser...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
SQL Server 2000 中的“复制数据库向导”[外文翻译]
中文: 4070 字
英文: 15500字符
复制数据库向导是 SQL Server 2000 中的新实用工具,供您从 SQL Server 7.0 或 SQL Server 2000 向 SQL Server 2000 移动或复制数据库。该复制或移动过程相当简便,看起来对工作几乎没有任何影响。本文提供有关“复制数据库向导”运行方式的信息,同时概要说明在使用该向导时需要注意的一些问题。
打开“复制数据库向导”: • 在“SQL Server 企业管理器”中,单击管理,然后单击运行向导。
• 右键单击数据库文件夹,单击所有任务,然后单击复制数据库向导...-
• 在命令提示符下,键入 Cdw.exe,然后按 Enter 键。
该向导分离要复制或移动的数据库,将与该数据库相关的文件复制到目标服务器,然后再附加该数据库。数据库的分离和附加是通过以下存储过程执行的: • sp_detach_db
有关这些存储过程的更多信息,请参阅“SQL Server 联机丛书”中的“sp_attach_db”和“sp_detach_db”主题 ......
I've just inherited a project that was created by a group of employees who are no longer with my company. It's a Microsoft SQL Server database and Active Server Pages [ASP] application that deals with order tracking, inventory, and customer service. For the most part it works fine, so there hasn't been much need to touch it. However, we now need to add customer address and credit card data so repeat visitors don't have to keep entering the same data. I'm new to Active Server Pages and SQL Server, but they look easy enough. I've encountered a few problems: On the middle tier, if I make changes to the global.asa file, it kicks everyone out of the application and sometimes crashes Internet Information Server. Is there any graceful way to manage global.asa?
My second problem is on the database side. When a user deletes a shipping address, I need to delete all the names that have been shipped to that address. I've created a delete trigger, but it's not working.
Finally, I'm really confused about ADO vs. OLE DB vs. ODBC vs. the million other acronyms involved in data access. What should I be using?
B. Segel
Brooks: I think you have more questions here than we can answer. So the first step is to find yourself some good resources for ASP/SQL Server. I recommend www.15seconds.com,www.4guysfromrolla.com, and their various newsgroups.
The quick answer to your first question regarding global.asa is "no." The best way I know to manage global.asa changes works only on a server farm load-balanced by something such as a Cisco Local Director or Alteon AceSwitch. What I do in that case is take one or more servers out of service for a while until their session count drifts down to zero. Then, I update the global.asa file on those servers and put them in service while taking the other servers out of service. Voila. New visitors will get the new global.asa, old users get the old one, and the transition is smooth. That is, unless your global.asa change reflects a major change in the back end or elsewhere that doesn't allow both versions to be in use at once. In that case, you're in trouble ......
中文: 4070 字
英文: 15500字符
复制数据库向导是 SQL Server 2000 中的新实用工具,供您从 SQL Server 7.0 或 SQL Server 2000 向 SQL Server 2000 移动或复制数据库。该复制或移动过程相当简便,看起来对工作几乎没有任何影响。本文提供有关“复制数据库向导”运行方式的信息,同时概要说明在使用该向导时需要注意的一些问题。
打开“复制数据库向导”: • 在“SQL Server 企业管理器”中,单击管理,然后单击运行向导。
• 右键单击数据库文件夹,单击所有任务,然后单击复制数据库向导...-
• 在命令提示符下,键入 Cdw.exe,然后按 Enter 键。
该向导分离要复制或移动的数据库,将与该数据库相关的文件复制到目标服务器,然后再附加该数据库。数据库的分离和附加是通过以下存储过程执行的: • sp_detach_db
有关这些存储过程的更多信息,请参阅“SQL Server 联机丛书”中的“sp_attach_db”和“sp_detach_db”主题 ......
I've just inherited a project that was created by a group of employees who are no longer with my company. It's a Microsoft SQL Server database and Active Server Pages [ASP] application that deals with order tracking, inventory, and customer service. For the most part it works fine, so there hasn't been much need to touch it. However, we now need to add customer address and credit card data so repeat visitors don't have to keep entering the same data. I'm new to Active Server Pages and SQL Server, but they look easy enough. I've encountered a few problems: On the middle tier, if I make changes to the global.asa file, it kicks everyone out of the application and sometimes crashes Internet Information Server. Is there any graceful way to manage global.asa?
My second problem is on the database side. When a user deletes a shipping address, I need to delete all the names that have been shipped to that address. I've created a delete trigger, but it's not working.
Finally, I'm really confused about ADO vs. OLE DB vs. ODBC vs. the million other acronyms involved in data access. What should I be using?
B. Segel
Brooks: I think you have more questions here than we can answer. So the first step is to find yourself some good resources for ASP/SQL Server. I recommend www.15seconds.com,www.4guysfromrolla.com, and their various newsgroups.
The quick answer to your first question regarding global.asa is "no." The best way I know to manage global.asa changes works only on a server farm load-balanced by something such as a Cisco Local Director or Alteon AceSwitch. What I do in that case is take one or more servers out of service for a while until their session count drifts down to zero. Then, I update the global.asa file on those servers and put them in service while taking the other servers out of service. Voila. New visitors will get the new global.asa, old users get the old one, and the transition is smooth. That is, unless your global.asa change reflects a major change in the back end or elsewhere that doesn't allow both versions to be in use at once. In that case, you're in trouble ......