可编程控制器{外文翻译},包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 6800 字英文: 21500 字符可编程控制器可定义为一个可设计程序的有着记忆、执行、实现逻辑的以微型计算机为基础控制器的,包括执行逻辑运算,先后顺序,计时,计算和算术函数等功能的数字或模拟的输入/输出(i/ o)模块,来完成控制机器...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 6800 字
英文: 21500 字符
可编程控制器可定义为一个可设计程序的有着记忆、执行、实现逻辑的以微型计算机为基础控制器的,包括执行逻辑运算,先后顺序,计时,计算和算术函数等功能的数字或模拟的输入/输出(I/ O)模块,来完成控制机器和程序的目的的处理器。PLC应用软件被广泛应用在工业过程控制和离散的制造业中,但是它主要地与后者有关工业控制操作仪器的机器,变换生产线和原料控制。 二十世纪七十年代,在PLC为被推广引用之前,工业上使用的有连接线路的控制器还主要是由继电器,线圈,计数器,定时器组成,并通过模拟的成份来实现这种工业控制。
二十世纪六十年代中期,理查 Morley ,作为贝德福德同伴的合伙人 ,经营着英国一家新兴的以控制系统为主的公司。公司主要做用微型处理器来代替继电器的工作。在1968年1月,Morley提出了一个伟大的设想,并且为第一个可编程控制器拟写了具体的设计说明,他的出现足以弥补当时传统计算机在过程控制等方面的局限,也就是说,它将成为一个实时控制系统(第4.3.1节),并且是可预先设计的,可靠的,可对现有的控制系统进行大范围的调整,潜力巨大。这种设计将以梯形逻辑为基础,并将广泛的用于工业控制中。这时出现的控制器被成为MODICON 084 模型。MODICON(莫迪康)是模组数传(Modular Digital Controller)的缩写。084的由来是因为它是第84种比德福同伴开发的产品 ......
A programmable logic controller can be defined as a microcomputer-based controller that uses stored instructions in programmable memory to implement logic, sequencing, timing, counting, and arithmetic functions through digital or analog input/output (I/O) modules, for controlling machines and processes. PLC applications are found in both the process industries and discrete manufacturing, but it is primarily associated with the latter industries to control machines, transfer lines, and material handling equipment. Before the PLC was introduced around 1970, hard-wired controllers composed of relays, coils, counters, timers, and similar components were used to implement this type of industrial control.
In the mid-1960s, Richard Morley was a partner in Bedford Associates, a New England consulting firm specializing in control systems for machine tool companies. Most of the firm's work involved replacing relays with minicomputers in machine tool controls. In January 1968, Morley devised the notion and wrote the specifications for the first programmable controller) It would overcome some of the limitations of conventional computers used for process control at the time; namely, it would be a real-time processor (Section 4.3.1), it would be predictable and reliable, and it would be modular and rugged. Programming would be based on ladder logic, which was widely used in the industrial controls. The controller that emerged was named the Modicon Model 084. MODICON was an abbreviation of modular Digital controller. Model 084 was derived ......
中文: 6800 字
英文: 21500 字符
可编程控制器可定义为一个可设计程序的有着记忆、执行、实现逻辑的以微型计算机为基础控制器的,包括执行逻辑运算,先后顺序,计时,计算和算术函数等功能的数字或模拟的输入/输出(I/ O)模块,来完成控制机器和程序的目的的处理器。PLC应用软件被广泛应用在工业过程控制和离散的制造业中,但是它主要地与后者有关工业控制操作仪器的机器,变换生产线和原料控制。 二十世纪七十年代,在PLC为被推广引用之前,工业上使用的有连接线路的控制器还主要是由继电器,线圈,计数器,定时器组成,并通过模拟的成份来实现这种工业控制。
二十世纪六十年代中期,理查 Morley ,作为贝德福德同伴的合伙人 ,经营着英国一家新兴的以控制系统为主的公司。公司主要做用微型处理器来代替继电器的工作。在1968年1月,Morley提出了一个伟大的设想,并且为第一个可编程控制器拟写了具体的设计说明,他的出现足以弥补当时传统计算机在过程控制等方面的局限,也就是说,它将成为一个实时控制系统(第4.3.1节),并且是可预先设计的,可靠的,可对现有的控制系统进行大范围的调整,潜力巨大。这种设计将以梯形逻辑为基础,并将广泛的用于工业控制中。这时出现的控制器被成为MODICON 084 模型。MODICON(莫迪康)是模组数传(Modular Digital Controller)的缩写。084的由来是因为它是第84种比德福同伴开发的产品 ......
A programmable logic controller can be defined as a microcomputer-based controller that uses stored instructions in programmable memory to implement logic, sequencing, timing, counting, and arithmetic functions through digital or analog input/output (I/O) modules, for controlling machines and processes. PLC applications are found in both the process industries and discrete manufacturing, but it is primarily associated with the latter industries to control machines, transfer lines, and material handling equipment. Before the PLC was introduced around 1970, hard-wired controllers composed of relays, coils, counters, timers, and similar components were used to implement this type of industrial control.
In the mid-1960s, Richard Morley was a partner in Bedford Associates, a New England consulting firm specializing in control systems for machine tool companies. Most of the firm's work involved replacing relays with minicomputers in machine tool controls. In January 1968, Morley devised the notion and wrote the specifications for the first programmable controller) It would overcome some of the limitations of conventional computers used for process control at the time; namely, it would be a real-time processor (Section 4.3.1), it would be predictable and reliable, and it would be modular and rugged. Programming would be based on ladder logic, which was widely used in the industrial controls. The controller that emerged was named the Modicon Model 084. MODICON was an abbreviation of modular Digital controller. Model 084 was derived ......