

信息系统开发前景[外文翻译],包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 1515 字英文: 6820 字符不论你处于组织的哪一职位,只要你对系统发展有基本的了解,都可以从中获益,这可是你后机会参与现行系统、正开发系统的讨论和参与一些关于潜在改变的决策。通过你不断的理解系统,随着专业水平不断提高,你可与许...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布



中文: 1515 字
英文: 6820 字符


Systems Development Overview
Regardless of your position in an organization, you can benefit from having a basic understanding of systems development. It enables you to participate productively in discussions of current or proposed systems or to make strategic decisions regarding these potential changes. If you were a new management trainee for a hotel, for example, you might begin your experience by handling reservations where you would be trained in the proper procedures for entering data into the system. At first, you would be concerned mostly with learning how to perform your job. As you became more proficient and more knowledgeable, you might be included in discussions about ways to improve or change the system from the perspective of a person who uses it. Other people involved in the discussions would have other perspectives, such as people responsible for developing the proposed system, those responsible for managing it, and those considering the long-term strategic effects for the organization. A basic understanding of the procedures involved in developing systems would help you to contribute as much as possible to this process (and might later be managing a system or deciding on the systems needed).
A person who is involved in discussions from the information systems perspective is often referred to as a system analyst. Some system analyst positions are actually referred to as “system analyst/programmer,” because the job may involve both the analysis of the current system and the development of new systems. A wide variation exists in the activities that occur in these jobs, depending partly on the size of the organization and on the size of the project under consideration. A report published in Forbes indicated that the system analyst occupation is predicted to have one of the largest increases in jobs between now and the year 2006. Of the ten occupations ......