因特网时代[外文翻译],包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 1824 字英文: 5188 字符1969年,洛杉矶加州大学的研究人员准备进行一项至关重要的实验。他们设置了一台计算机和通信结点,一些同事则在加州门洛帕克安装了类似的设备。然后他们要试验能否通过电话线把计算机联接起来,就像一个系统那样运行...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 1824 字
英文: 5188 字符
事实上,效率也许就是因特网的格言。因特网提供了打破官僚作风、挑战公司、政府和知识界的保守势力、增强社区认同感的工具。这些发展民经引发了不止一次革命。这一回也没有理由低估其影响 ......
The Internet Age
In October, 1969, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles were ready for a critical experiment. They had set up a computer and communications node while colleagues installed similar equipment in Menlo Park, Calif. Now they would test whether they could link computers over telephone lines to operate as one system. Once the line between the two teams was open, the researchers at UCLA began slowly tapping out a message“login” ,to activate the link. The system crashed.
Such was the genesis of the Internet Age. By the end of the month, the teams linked the computers in a demonstration that captivated their bankrollers at the Pentagon. The brass hats would eventually create a nationwide ring of computers and telephone lines designed to keep functioning even if a nuclear attack took out part of the network. That idea, jazzed up with software that makes information easy to read and lets us navigate the Net with a mouse click, has become the force that is transforming our lives like none before.
Certainlythe early impact of the Internet is profound, particularly for business. Upstarts with a T1 line and buckets of cash are humbling companies that once seemed impregnable. Financial markets are becoming more efficient for people who want to invest or raise money. In fact, efficiency may be the watchword of the Net. It provides the means to break down bureaucracies; challenge corporate, governmental. And intellectual orthodoxies; and foster a stronger sense ......
中文: 1824 字
英文: 5188 字符
事实上,效率也许就是因特网的格言。因特网提供了打破官僚作风、挑战公司、政府和知识界的保守势力、增强社区认同感的工具。这些发展民经引发了不止一次革命。这一回也没有理由低估其影响 ......
The Internet Age
In October, 1969, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles were ready for a critical experiment. They had set up a computer and communications node while colleagues installed similar equipment in Menlo Park, Calif. Now they would test whether they could link computers over telephone lines to operate as one system. Once the line between the two teams was open, the researchers at UCLA began slowly tapping out a message“login” ,to activate the link. The system crashed.
Such was the genesis of the Internet Age. By the end of the month, the teams linked the computers in a demonstration that captivated their bankrollers at the Pentagon. The brass hats would eventually create a nationwide ring of computers and telephone lines designed to keep functioning even if a nuclear attack took out part of the network. That idea, jazzed up with software that makes information easy to read and lets us navigate the Net with a mouse click, has become the force that is transforming our lives like none before.
Certainlythe early impact of the Internet is profound, particularly for business. Upstarts with a T1 line and buckets of cash are humbling companies that once seemed impregnable. Financial markets are becoming more efficient for people who want to invest or raise money. In fact, efficiency may be the watchword of the Net. It provides the means to break down bureaucracies; challenge corporate, governmental. And intellectual orthodoxies; and foster a stronger sense ......