步进电机[外文翻译],包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容详细完整,建议下载参考!中文: 8114 字英文: 21036 字符简介步进电机是一种能够精确的控制运动和位置的特种电机。正如它的名称所描述的一样,步进电机不是以连续的方式旋转,而是每输送给步进电机的固定绕组一个脉冲,步进电机就运行一步。根据这样的设计,步进电机可以以每步...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
中文: 8114 字
英文: 21036 字符
在这一章里,我们将介绍大部分步进电机的运行原理,以及它们的特性和限制。我们也会讨论用来驱动这些步进电机的驱动电源 ......
stepper motors are special motors that are used when motion and position have to be precisely controlled. As their name implied, stepper motors rotate in discrete steps, eath step corresponding to a pulse that is supplied to one of its stator windings. Depending on its design, a stepper motor can advance by 90, 45, 18, or by as little as a fraction of a degree per pulse. By varying the pulse rate, the motor can be made to advance very slowly, one step at a time, or to rotate stepwise at speeds as high as 4000 r/min.
stepper motors can turn clockwise or counter clockwise, depending upon the sequence of the pulses that are applied to the windings.
The behavior of a stepper motor depends greatly upon the power ssupply that drives it. The power supply generates the pulses, which in turn are usually initiated by a microprocessor. The pulses are counter and stored, clockwise (cw) pulses being(+) while counterclockwise (ccw) pulses are (-) .As a result, the net number of steps is known exactly at all times. It follows that the number of revolutions is always precisely known to an accuracy of one step. This permits the motor to be used as a precise positioning device in machine tools, X-Y plotters, typewriters, tapedecks, valves,and printer ......
中文: 8114 字
英文: 21036 字符
在这一章里,我们将介绍大部分步进电机的运行原理,以及它们的特性和限制。我们也会讨论用来驱动这些步进电机的驱动电源 ......
stepper motors are special motors that are used when motion and position have to be precisely controlled. As their name implied, stepper motors rotate in discrete steps, eath step corresponding to a pulse that is supplied to one of its stator windings. Depending on its design, a stepper motor can advance by 90, 45, 18, or by as little as a fraction of a degree per pulse. By varying the pulse rate, the motor can be made to advance very slowly, one step at a time, or to rotate stepwise at speeds as high as 4000 r/min.
stepper motors can turn clockwise or counter clockwise, depending upon the sequence of the pulses that are applied to the windings.
The behavior of a stepper motor depends greatly upon the power ssupply that drives it. The power supply generates the pulses, which in turn are usually initiated by a microprocessor. The pulses are counter and stored, clockwise (cw) pulses being(+) while counterclockwise (ccw) pulses are (-) .As a result, the net number of steps is known exactly at all times. It follows that the number of revolutions is always precisely known to an accuracy of one step. This permits the motor to be used as a precise positioning device in machine tools, X-Y plotters, typewriters, tapedecks, valves,and printer ......