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原文档由会员 chenzhiwen_315 发布


随着现代控制理论的应用,微处理器和微电子技术的发展,使变频调速控制系统日趋成熟。而桥式起重机作为物料搬运系统中一种典型设备,在企业生产活动中应用广泛作用显著,故对于提高其运行效率,确保运行安全,降低物料搬运成本是十分重要。传统的桥式起重控制系统主要采用继电器、接触器进行控制,并使用交流绕线串电阻的方法进行启动和调速,这种控制系统存在可靠性差,故障率高,电能浪费大,效率低等缺点。因此根据桥式起重机的运行特点,将可编程序控制器与变频器结合应用于桥式起重机控制系统, PLC系统采用日本三菱公司产品( ),大大提高了操作精度和稳定度;综合保护功能完善,便于及时发现、查找、处理故障;并且节约了能源。变频器采用三菱公司FR-A540系列产品,变频器内部控制的核心是 CPU单元,具有较强的运算和控制能力 , 能够实现参数化调速控制,设置合理的电机运行参数,保证起重机各机构有较大的调速范围和较高的调速精度,并且可以有7种不同的速度,比传统的起重机多几种速度。变频器内部具有故障自诊断功能 ,能实现系统的过电压、过电流和过载保护等功能。
PLC-based electrical bridge crane control system
With the application of modern control theory, microprocessors and micro-electronics technology, variable frequency speed control system to mature. The bridge crane system as a typical material handling equipment, widely used in production activities, significant effect, so to improve its operating efficiency, ensuring safe operation and reduce material handling costs is very important. The traditional bridge crane control system is mainly used for relays and contactors to control and use the communication method of winding series resistance starting and speed, there is poor reliability of this control system, failure rate, energy waste and efficiency low defects. Therefore, under the bridge crane's operational characteristics, the combination of PLC and frequency converter used in bridge crane control system, PLC system uses the Japanese Mitsubishi company's products ( ), which greatly improved the precision and stability operations; integrated protection functions and easy to detect, locate, treatment failure; and save energy. Inverter with Mitsubishi FR-A540 series inverter is a CPU core of the internal control unit, and a strong computing and control, to achieve speed control parameter, set reasonable parameters of the motor is running, ensure that the institutions crane large speed range and high speed accuracy, and can have 7 different speed, more than the traditional cranes several speed. Inverter with fault diagnosis of internal functions, to achieve the system over voltage, over current and overload protection functions.
Keywords: programmable logic controller; frequency conversion; bridge crane; Electrical Control System
1 绪 论 1
1.1 课题来源及意义 1
1.2 国内外起重机的发展 1
1.3 本课题设计的主要内容及基本参数 2
1.3.1 主要设计内容 2
1.3.2 本课题桥式起重机基本参数 3
2 桥式起重机简介 5
2.1 桥式起重机的结构 5
2.2 控制方案 6
2.3 电气组成部分 7
3 硬件设计 9
3.1 电机选择 9
3.2 变频器的选用 10
3.3 制动器 12
3.4 PLC的选型 13
3.5 其他常用低压电器 13
4 变频调速 16
4.1 变频调速的基本原理 16
4.2变频调速的控制方式—矢量控制方式 17
4.2.1矢量控制的基本思想 17
4.2.2矢量变换规律 18
4.3 电气控制原理图 21
4.4 变频器参数设置 21
5 可编程控制器(I/O) 22
5.1 FX2N系列PLC结构及工作原理 22
5.2 PLC I/O接口的分配 23
5.3 软件的选择 25
5.4 流程图 25
5.5系统抗干扰措施 26
6 结束语及展望 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录A 外文翻译—原文 31
附录B 外文翻译—译文 34
