石板刻字机微型计算机直接控制系统设计,28535字,52页包括中英文翻译资料,毕业论文,程序代码,直线插补流程图摘要 机电一体化广泛地综合了机械、微电子、自动控制、信息、传感测试、电力电子、接口、信号变换和软件编程等技术,并将这些技术有机的结合成一体,它是当今世界机械工业技术和产品发展的主要趋势。刻字机是一种典型的机电一...

原文档由会员 chenzhiwen_315 发布
刻字机 控制系统 计算机并行口 直线插补 用户界面
Stone cutting plotter Microcomputer Direct Control System Design
Mechatronics combines extensive machinery, microelectronics, automatic control, information technology, sensing technology, power electronics, port, signal transform and software programming techniques, and the combinative these technologies into one, it is the main trend of world's machinery industry technology development. Cutting plotter is a typical mechatronics product, has great market potential in the advertising production
With the improvement of performance and processing accuracy, the position of stone carving processing in the marching area benefits, NC system is the core of cutting plotter, which directly affects the machining quality and processing stability, and our stone carving in the research and development of CNC technology is still in its infancy, s the development of CNC of stone carving machine has become priority, based on the needs of CNC stone cutting plotter development, the subject of the stone cutting plotter control system include hardware design and PC control software design.
This article briefly describes the origin of lettering arts, and development of NC technology. analysis the development process of CNC technology, based on the basic principles, key technologies and the principles of development of macaronis product design, apply the relevant technologies and integrated organists, Formulate the overall design scheme of developed stone cutting plotter, a detailed analysis of The overall layout of the cutting plotter system, hardware system, CNC system, and the main movement and feed movement system selection. Respectively do the control system design and implementation, including hardware selection, software architecture; and "Linear interpolation operation selection, analysis and software implementation process, achieve the cutting plotter machine system initial optimization.
Cutting plotter; Control System; Computer parallel port; Linear interpolation;User Interface
第一章 绪论 5
1.1引言 5
1.2刻字机的产生、发展状况及数控技术的研究 2
1.3 刻字机控制系统研究的目标 3
1.4 刻字机控制系统研究的目的和意义 3
1.5本课题的研究工作 4
第2章 总体方案研究设计 6
2.1 总体设计思路 6
2.1.1 刻字机的工作流程 6
2.1.2 刻字机的具体组成及其设计原则 7
2.2进给系统的布局 9
2.3控制系统的设计 9
2.3.1控制系统的工作原理 9
2.3.2控制系统的研究内容 10
第三章.并行端口研究及控制系统硬件设计 11
3.1并口资源的研究 11
3.1.1并口的种类 11
3.1.3并口的内部结构 12
3.1.4并口的管脚机定义 13
3.1.5 并口的访问 14
3.2 55BF004三相反应式步进电机及其驱动简介 15
3.2.1 55BF004三相反应式步进电机简介 15
3.2.2 55BF004三相反应式步进电机驱动 15
3.3 三相反应式步进电机的PC并口控制 16
3.3.1 步进电机的控制 16
3.3.2硬件电路的设计 17
3.3.3 限位电路设计 17
3.3.5 隔离电路设计 19
3.3.6控制脉冲的软件实现 20
第四章 控制系统软件设计 21
4.1上位机软件总述 21
4.2矢量汉字轮廓的提取 22
4.2.1汉字字模类型 22
4.2.2矢量汉字轮廓点的提取 23
4.3插补算法的软件实现 24
4.3.1 插补概述 24
4.3.2 逐点插补法 25
4.3.3 直线插补插补原理 26
4.3.4终点判别方法 27
4.3.5 逐点比较法软件实现 28
4.4用户界面的特性 29
4.5刻字机控制系统用户界面 30
4.5.1主界面简介 30
4.5.2 软件操作实例 31
总结 33
谢辞 34
参考文献 35
外文翻译 36
【1】余永权,汤荣江著.计算机接口与通信[M] 广州:华南理工大学出版社,2004.
【2】魏思亮,张克义著.机床数控技术[M] 大连:大连理工大学出版社,2006.
【3】方可燕,张双民著.Visual C++ 6.0 实战与精通[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2000.
【4】张毅坤,陈善久著.单片微型计算机原理及应用[M] 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2008.
【6】张建民著.机电一体化系统设计[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2007.
【7】郭立山,李檄玄著.Visual C++ (MFC)函数实用手册[M] 北京:冶金工业出版社,2004.
【8】杨叔子,杨克冲著.机械工程控制基础[M] 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2005.
【9】伊志强.机电一体化系统设计课程设计指导书[M] 北京:机械工业出版社,2007.
【10】高鹏,安涛著.电路设计与制版Protel 99入门与提高[M] 北京:人民邮电出版社, 2006.
【11】Jan Axelson, 《Parallel Port Complete》(并行端口大全) [M] 那怡超等译,中国电力出版社,2001.
【12】郑星钟著.机电传动控制(第二版)[M] 武汉:华中理工大学出版社,2000.
【13】谭浩强著.C程序设计(第三版)[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2005.
【14】吴宁著,微型计算机原理与接口技术[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2002.
【15】史敬灼著,步进电动机伺服控制技术[M] 科学出版社,2006.
刻字机 控制系统 计算机并行口 直线插补 用户界面
Stone cutting plotter Microcomputer Direct Control System Design
Mechatronics combines extensive machinery, microelectronics, automatic control, information technology, sensing technology, power electronics, port, signal transform and software programming techniques, and the combinative these technologies into one, it is the main trend of world's machinery industry technology development. Cutting plotter is a typical mechatronics product, has great market potential in the advertising production
With the improvement of performance and processing accuracy, the position of stone carving processing in the marching area benefits, NC system is the core of cutting plotter, which directly affects the machining quality and processing stability, and our stone carving in the research and development of CNC technology is still in its infancy, s the development of CNC of stone carving machine has become priority, based on the needs of CNC stone cutting plotter development, the subject of the stone cutting plotter control system include hardware design and PC control software design.
This article briefly describes the origin of lettering arts, and development of NC technology. analysis the development process of CNC technology, based on the basic principles, key technologies and the principles of development of macaronis product design, apply the relevant technologies and integrated organists, Formulate the overall design scheme of developed stone cutting plotter, a detailed analysis of The overall layout of the cutting plotter system, hardware system, CNC system, and the main movement and feed movement system selection. Respectively do the control system design and implementation, including hardware selection, software architecture; and "Linear interpolation operation selection, analysis and software implementation process, achieve the cutting plotter machine system initial optimization.
Cutting plotter; Control System; Computer parallel port; Linear interpolation;User Interface
第一章 绪论 5
1.1引言 5
1.2刻字机的产生、发展状况及数控技术的研究 2
1.3 刻字机控制系统研究的目标 3
1.4 刻字机控制系统研究的目的和意义 3
1.5本课题的研究工作 4
第2章 总体方案研究设计 6
2.1 总体设计思路 6
2.1.1 刻字机的工作流程 6
2.1.2 刻字机的具体组成及其设计原则 7
2.2进给系统的布局 9
2.3控制系统的设计 9
2.3.1控制系统的工作原理 9
2.3.2控制系统的研究内容 10
第三章.并行端口研究及控制系统硬件设计 11
3.1并口资源的研究 11
3.1.1并口的种类 11
3.1.3并口的内部结构 12
3.1.4并口的管脚机定义 13
3.1.5 并口的访问 14
3.2 55BF004三相反应式步进电机及其驱动简介 15
3.2.1 55BF004三相反应式步进电机简介 15
3.2.2 55BF004三相反应式步进电机驱动 15
3.3 三相反应式步进电机的PC并口控制 16
3.3.1 步进电机的控制 16
3.3.2硬件电路的设计 17
3.3.3 限位电路设计 17
3.3.5 隔离电路设计 19
3.3.6控制脉冲的软件实现 20
第四章 控制系统软件设计 21
4.1上位机软件总述 21
4.2矢量汉字轮廓的提取 22
4.2.1汉字字模类型 22
4.2.2矢量汉字轮廓点的提取 23
4.3插补算法的软件实现 24
4.3.1 插补概述 24
4.3.2 逐点插补法 25
4.3.3 直线插补插补原理 26
4.3.4终点判别方法 27
4.3.5 逐点比较法软件实现 28
4.4用户界面的特性 29
4.5刻字机控制系统用户界面 30
4.5.1主界面简介 30
4.5.2 软件操作实例 31
总结 33
谢辞 34
参考文献 35
外文翻译 36
【1】余永权,汤荣江著.计算机接口与通信[M] 广州:华南理工大学出版社,2004.
【2】魏思亮,张克义著.机床数控技术[M] 大连:大连理工大学出版社,2006.
【3】方可燕,张双民著.Visual C++ 6.0 实战与精通[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2000.
【4】张毅坤,陈善久著.单片微型计算机原理及应用[M] 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2008.
【6】张建民著.机电一体化系统设计[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2007.
【7】郭立山,李檄玄著.Visual C++ (MFC)函数实用手册[M] 北京:冶金工业出版社,2004.
【8】杨叔子,杨克冲著.机械工程控制基础[M] 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2005.
【9】伊志强.机电一体化系统设计课程设计指导书[M] 北京:机械工业出版社,2007.
【10】高鹏,安涛著.电路设计与制版Protel 99入门与提高[M] 北京:人民邮电出版社, 2006.
【11】Jan Axelson, 《Parallel Port Complete》(并行端口大全) [M] 那怡超等译,中国电力出版社,2001.
【12】郑星钟著.机电传动控制(第二版)[M] 武汉:华中理工大学出版社,2000.
【13】谭浩强著.C程序设计(第三版)[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2005.
【14】吴宁著,微型计算机原理与接口技术[M] 北京:清华大学出版社,2002.
【15】史敬灼著,步进电动机伺服控制技术[M] 科学出版社,2006.