
原文档由会员 chenzhiwen_315 发布

The Control system of stone lettering
Lettering control system is the core of three-dimensional lettering, its control system performance is directly related to the processing of three-dimensional lettering quality and processing efficiency, the cost of the lettering has an important effect. The paper lettering in the three-dimensional structure and function of the system based on the analysis, presented a 8051 microprocessor and 8255A devices built hardware platform solutions take full advantage of the high-speed computing power of microprocessor 8051, greatly reducing the system efficiency,lower system cost effective.
This program use Intel's 8051 processor as the master chip. The system input / output logic control circuit to realize through hardware. Also produced by Intel 8255A as the interface extended interface chip, while hardware development of the system explained in detail: power, program memory, data memory chips such as selection and design; switch application design; motor input and output circuits and so on. In addition,I designed software of the control system,which include communication progammer between PC and single chip microcomputer,the progammer of electromotor controllor, keystoke disposal progammer and main control progammer.
keyword: cutting plotter ;control system;8051;8255A;memory
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 刻字的历史 4
1.2 刻字机的发展现状与未来发展趋势 4
1.3数控技术的发展 5
1.3.1数控系统的发展历程 5
1.3.2现代数控系统的发展趋势 6
1.4本设计的研究意义和主要内容 6
1.4.1本设计的研究意义 6
1.4.2本设计主要研究内容 7
第二章 刻字机控制系统的总体方案设计 8
2.1数控刻字机控制系统的结构与原理 8
2.2刻字机数控系统的设计要求 8
2.3系统的总体设计方案 9
2.4刻字机数控系统的硬件结构 10
第三章 机械系统简略设计计算和刻力计算 11
3.1设计任务 11
3.2总体方案的确定 11
3.2.1机械传动部件的选择 11
3.2.2 控制系统的设计 12
3.3机械传动部件的计算与选型 12
3.3.1 导轨上移动部件的重量估算 12
3.3.2 铣削力的计算 12
3.3.3 直线滚动导轨副的计算与选型 12
3.3.4 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算与选型 13
3.3.5 步进电动机减速箱的选用 14
3.3.6 步进电动机的计算与选型 14
第四章 刻字机硬件系统设计 18
4.1电机功率放大电路设计 18
4.2可编程I/O接口芯片的扩展电路设计 19
4.3存储器扩展 19
4.3.1 27256简介 19
4.3.2 62512简介 21
4.3.3 各开关的设计与工作原理 22
4.3.4晶振的选择 24
4.4 光电隔离电路的设计 26
4.4.1 光耦合器简介 26
4.4.2光耦合器的主要参数 26
第五章 软件系统程序设计 28
5.1 PC机与单片机8051通信设计 28
5.1.1 8051与PC机之间的通信协议 29
5.1.2 8051和PC机之间通信的软件设计 29
5.1.3主程序设计 29
5.2 步进电动机驱动程序设计 31
5.3 按键信号处理程序设计: 33
5.4主控程序设计 33
总结 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录 43
【14】.Estrin D.Conneeting the Physical world with pervasive networks.
IEEE Pervasive Computing,2002(4):102-105

The Control system of stone lettering
Lettering control system is the core of three-dimensional lettering, its control system performance is directly related to the processing of three-dimensional lettering quality and processing efficiency, the cost of the lettering has an important effect. The paper lettering in the three-dimensional structure and function of the system based on the analysis, presented a 8051 microprocessor and 8255A devices built hardware platform solutions take full advantage of the high-speed computing power of microprocessor 8051, greatly reducing the system efficiency,lower system cost effective.
This program use Intel's 8051 processor as the master chip. The system input / output logic control circuit to realize through hardware. Also produced by Intel 8255A as the interface extended interface chip, while hardware development of the system explained in detail: power, program memory, data memory chips such as selection and design; switch application design; motor input and output circuits and so on. In addition,I designed software of the control system,which include communication progammer between PC and single chip microcomputer,the progammer of electromotor controllor, keystoke disposal progammer and main control progammer.
keyword: cutting plotter ;control system;8051;8255A;memory
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 刻字的历史 4
1.2 刻字机的发展现状与未来发展趋势 4
1.3数控技术的发展 5
1.3.1数控系统的发展历程 5
1.3.2现代数控系统的发展趋势 6
1.4本设计的研究意义和主要内容 6
1.4.1本设计的研究意义 6
1.4.2本设计主要研究内容 7
第二章 刻字机控制系统的总体方案设计 8
2.1数控刻字机控制系统的结构与原理 8
2.2刻字机数控系统的设计要求 8
2.3系统的总体设计方案 9
2.4刻字机数控系统的硬件结构 10
第三章 机械系统简略设计计算和刻力计算 11
3.1设计任务 11
3.2总体方案的确定 11
3.2.1机械传动部件的选择 11
3.2.2 控制系统的设计 12
3.3机械传动部件的计算与选型 12
3.3.1 导轨上移动部件的重量估算 12
3.3.2 铣削力的计算 12
3.3.3 直线滚动导轨副的计算与选型 12
3.3.4 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算与选型 13
3.3.5 步进电动机减速箱的选用 14
3.3.6 步进电动机的计算与选型 14
第四章 刻字机硬件系统设计 18
4.1电机功率放大电路设计 18
4.2可编程I/O接口芯片的扩展电路设计 19
4.3存储器扩展 19
4.3.1 27256简介 19
4.3.2 62512简介 21
4.3.3 各开关的设计与工作原理 22
4.3.4晶振的选择 24
4.4 光电隔离电路的设计 26
4.4.1 光耦合器简介 26
4.4.2光耦合器的主要参数 26
第五章 软件系统程序设计 28
5.1 PC机与单片机8051通信设计 28
5.1.1 8051与PC机之间的通信协议 29
5.1.2 8051和PC机之间通信的软件设计 29
5.1.3主程序设计 29
5.2 步进电动机驱动程序设计 31
5.3 按键信号处理程序设计: 33
5.4主控程序设计 33
总结 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录 43
【14】.Estrin D.Conneeting the Physical world with pervasive networks.
IEEE Pervasive Computing,2002(4):102-105