

金融危机对国际贸易融资的影响、风险与对策研究,10952字 22页摘要一直以来,国际贸易融资在国际贸易中扮演着不可或缺的作用。推动贸易融资的发展有利于促进国际贸易的发展,促进银行业的发展,促进整个国民经济的进步。因此,国际贸易融资环境的好坏直接关系到一国贸易、金融等诸多行业的发展。在金融危机席卷全球的大环境下,国际贸易融...
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10952字 22页



International trade financing in Financial crisis:impacts, risks and countermeasures
The international trade finance plays an important role in international trade. Promote the development of trade finance to promote international trade, promote development of the banking industry, to promote the progress of the national economy. Therefore, international trade financing environment has a direct bearing on a country's trade, finance and many other industries.
In the financial crisis sweeping the globe, the international trade finance environment deteriorated sharply, corporate credit, bank credit declined, the country’s new policy of trade protectionism in international trade financing environment frequently made the unprecedented impact.
Want to promote the development of international trade finance, to improve the financing environment, the promotion of international trade, national economic development, need the concerted efforts. Enterrise should strive to enhance their market competitiveness ,and to resist ,control the risk of capacity, banks as far as possible to improve the management system ,standardize practice ,improve risk control ;the government should active participate in international cooperation, adjustment of trade ,expanding domestic demand, improve trade finance-related legal system, improve the trade finance environment, promote economic development.

Key words: financial crisis ,international trade financing , impact

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
二、国际贸易融资概述 2
(一)国际贸易融资定义 2
(二)国际贸易融资的作用 2
(三)国际贸易融资方式 4
三、金融危机对国际贸易融资的影响及风险 7
(一)金融危机对国际贸易融资产生的影响 7
(二)金融危机下的国际贸易融资风险 9
四.控制贸易融资风险的对策 11
(一)银行方面 11
(二)企业方面 12
(三)政府方面 13
结论 15
参考文献 16
谢辞 16

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