南贝尔凹陷东部次凹构造演化特征研究,17530字 65页包括完整论文,中英、外文翻译资料摘要在区域构造背景分析的基础上,通过对南贝尔凹陷东次凹三维地震资料(剖面)的解释,编制地质构造剖面图,确定南贝尔凹陷东次凹的构造样式与演化特征,对南贝尔凹陷东部次凹地区的构造体系、构造变形样式、等进行了详细分析和研究,取得了一些阶段性...

原文档由会员 ludi123 发布
17530字 65页
摘 要
在区域构造背景分析的基础上,通过对南贝尔凹陷东次凹三维地震资料(剖面)的解释,编制地质构造剖面图,确定南贝尔凹陷东次凹的构造样式与演化特征,对南贝尔凹陷东部次凹地区的构造体系、构造变形样式、等进行了详细分析和研究,取得了一些阶段性进展和认识发现.该地区在演化过程中,经历过多期构造运动,经受过不同应力场的作用。出现了正断层,断阶式断层,反转构造,花状构造等,构造样式十分丰富。构造演化经历了5大构造阶段:初始裂陷阶段、强烈断陷阶段、挤压反转阶段、断拗沉降阶段、 压扭拗陷阶段。整个地区经历了多个裂谷期(旋回)的发育阶段,构造活动由拉伸——挤压——拉伸——挤压的发育过程。
The Tectonic evolution research of the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression
At the regional tectonic setting based on the analysis,according to the BellSouth depression east times concave three-dimensional seismic data(profile) interpretation ,Prepare tectonic section, Determine the characteristics and structural style of the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression. Sag on the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression Structural system, structural deformation styles, carried out a detailed analysis and research, Made some progress, and knowledge discovery. Evolution of the region has experienced too much of tectonic movement, suffered different stress field. There is fault, fault-order faults, inversion tectonics, flower structure, etc, Structural style is very rich. Structural evolution of the five major tectonic stages: the initial rift stage, strong rifting stage, extrusion reverse phase, fault-depression subsidence, pressure torsion depression stage. Rift Valley region as a whole has experienced a number of (cycle) of the developmental stages, tectonic activity from the tension - compression - tension - compression of the developmen t process.
Key words: the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression; Construction System; Evolution characteristics.
第1章 前 言 6
1.1依托项目 6
1.2主要工作内容和制作图件 6
第2章 区域地质概况 7
2.1 大地构造背景 7
2.1.1 区域构造概况图 8
2.2.2 区域构造位置 9
2.2.3 构造单元划分图 9
2.2区域地层概况 10
2.2.1地层层序特征 10
2.2.2不整合界面特征 12
第3章 盆地凹陷构造特征 16
3.1 东次凹构造单元划分 16
3.2 东次凹陷结构特征 16
第4章 构造演化过程 20
4.1构造演化与构造变形概况 20
4.2 构造演化阶段划分 20
第5章 结论 25
参考文献 26
[9] 李德生.渤海湾含油气盆地的地质构造特征与油气田分布规律.石油学报,1980,1(1):7-20.
[10] 杨继良.松辽断坳盆地的地质结构与油气.见:朱厦主编.中国新生代盆地构造和演化.北京:科学出版社,1983.
[11] 陈发景.中国东部第三纪含油气盆地的性质演化和形成机制.见:朱厦主编.中国新生代盆地构造和演化.北京:科学出版社,1983.
[12] 马杏垣,刘和甫,王维襄.中国东部中新生代裂陷作用及伸展构造.地质学报,1983,57(1):22-32.
[13] 刘和甫,梁慧社,李晓青,等.中国东部中新生代裂陷盆地与伸展山岭耦合机制.地学前缘,2000,7(4):477-486.
[14] Sengor A M C. Sedimentation and tectonics of fossil rifts. In: Busby C J and Ingersoll R V. Tectonics of sedmentary basins. Blackwell Science,1995.
[15] Wernicke B, Burchfie B C. Modes of extensional tectonics. Journal of Structural Geology, 1982,4:105-115.
[16] 漆家福,夏义平,杨桥.油区构造解析,石油工业出版社,2006.
[17] 茹克.裂陷盆地的半地堑分析.中国海上油气,1990,4(6):1-10.
[18] Morley C K, Nelson R A, Patton T L and Munn S G. Transfer zones in the East African rift system and their relevance to the East African system and their relevance to hydrocarbon exploration in rifts. AAPG, 1990,Vol. 74,No. 8.
[19] Faulds J E,Varga R J. The role of accommodation zones and transfer zones in the regional segmentation of extend terranes. In: Faulds J E, Stewart J H. Accommodation zones and Tranfer zones: the regional segmentation of the basin and range provinces. Geological Society of America Special paper, 323,1-45.
[20] 漆家福.裂陷盆地中的构造变换带及其石油地质意义.海相油气地质,2007,12(10):43-50.
[21] Dahlstorm C D A. Balanced cross sections. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 6:743-757.
[22] 毛小平,吴冲龙,袁艳斌. 地质构造的物理平衡剖面法.地球科学,1998,23(2):167-170.
[23] 梁慧社,张建珍,夏义平.平衡剖面技术及其在油气勘探中的应用.北京:地震出版社,2002.
17530字 65页
摘 要
在区域构造背景分析的基础上,通过对南贝尔凹陷东次凹三维地震资料(剖面)的解释,编制地质构造剖面图,确定南贝尔凹陷东次凹的构造样式与演化特征,对南贝尔凹陷东部次凹地区的构造体系、构造变形样式、等进行了详细分析和研究,取得了一些阶段性进展和认识发现.该地区在演化过程中,经历过多期构造运动,经受过不同应力场的作用。出现了正断层,断阶式断层,反转构造,花状构造等,构造样式十分丰富。构造演化经历了5大构造阶段:初始裂陷阶段、强烈断陷阶段、挤压反转阶段、断拗沉降阶段、 压扭拗陷阶段。整个地区经历了多个裂谷期(旋回)的发育阶段,构造活动由拉伸——挤压——拉伸——挤压的发育过程。
The Tectonic evolution research of the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression
At the regional tectonic setting based on the analysis,according to the BellSouth depression east times concave three-dimensional seismic data(profile) interpretation ,Prepare tectonic section, Determine the characteristics and structural style of the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression. Sag on the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression Structural system, structural deformation styles, carried out a detailed analysis and research, Made some progress, and knowledge discovery. Evolution of the region has experienced too much of tectonic movement, suffered different stress field. There is fault, fault-order faults, inversion tectonics, flower structure, etc, Structural style is very rich. Structural evolution of the five major tectonic stages: the initial rift stage, strong rifting stage, extrusion reverse phase, fault-depression subsidence, pressure torsion depression stage. Rift Valley region as a whole has experienced a number of (cycle) of the developmental stages, tectonic activity from the tension - compression - tension - compression of the developmen t process.
Key words: the Secondary depression in south eastern BellSouth Depression; Construction System; Evolution characteristics.
第1章 前 言 6
1.1依托项目 6
1.2主要工作内容和制作图件 6
第2章 区域地质概况 7
2.1 大地构造背景 7
2.1.1 区域构造概况图 8
2.2.2 区域构造位置 9
2.2.3 构造单元划分图 9
2.2区域地层概况 10
2.2.1地层层序特征 10
2.2.2不整合界面特征 12
第3章 盆地凹陷构造特征 16
3.1 东次凹构造单元划分 16
3.2 东次凹陷结构特征 16
第4章 构造演化过程 20
4.1构造演化与构造变形概况 20
4.2 构造演化阶段划分 20
第5章 结论 25
参考文献 26
[9] 李德生.渤海湾含油气盆地的地质构造特征与油气田分布规律.石油学报,1980,1(1):7-20.
[10] 杨继良.松辽断坳盆地的地质结构与油气.见:朱厦主编.中国新生代盆地构造和演化.北京:科学出版社,1983.
[11] 陈发景.中国东部第三纪含油气盆地的性质演化和形成机制.见:朱厦主编.中国新生代盆地构造和演化.北京:科学出版社,1983.
[12] 马杏垣,刘和甫,王维襄.中国东部中新生代裂陷作用及伸展构造.地质学报,1983,57(1):22-32.
[13] 刘和甫,梁慧社,李晓青,等.中国东部中新生代裂陷盆地与伸展山岭耦合机制.地学前缘,2000,7(4):477-486.
[14] Sengor A M C. Sedimentation and tectonics of fossil rifts. In: Busby C J and Ingersoll R V. Tectonics of sedmentary basins. Blackwell Science,1995.
[15] Wernicke B, Burchfie B C. Modes of extensional tectonics. Journal of Structural Geology, 1982,4:105-115.
[16] 漆家福,夏义平,杨桥.油区构造解析,石油工业出版社,2006.
[17] 茹克.裂陷盆地的半地堑分析.中国海上油气,1990,4(6):1-10.
[18] Morley C K, Nelson R A, Patton T L and Munn S G. Transfer zones in the East African rift system and their relevance to the East African system and their relevance to hydrocarbon exploration in rifts. AAPG, 1990,Vol. 74,No. 8.
[19] Faulds J E,Varga R J. The role of accommodation zones and transfer zones in the regional segmentation of extend terranes. In: Faulds J E, Stewart J H. Accommodation zones and Tranfer zones: the regional segmentation of the basin and range provinces. Geological Society of America Special paper, 323,1-45.
[20] 漆家福.裂陷盆地中的构造变换带及其石油地质意义.海相油气地质,2007,12(10):43-50.
[21] Dahlstorm C D A. Balanced cross sections. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 6:743-757.
[22] 毛小平,吴冲龙,袁艳斌. 地质构造的物理平衡剖面法.地球科学,1998,23(2):167-170.
[23] 梁慧社,张建珍,夏义平.平衡剖面技术及其在油气勘探中的应用.北京:地震出版社,2002.