夫妻忠实义务法律问题的探讨,1万多字 14页包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述等整套完整资料!目录摘要 Ⅱabstract Ⅲ前言1一、夫妻忠实义务的概述1(一)夫妻忠实义务的含义1(二)夫妻忠实义务的历史沿革1二、违背夫妻忠实义务的典型现象及引发的问题2(一)“换妻” 3(二)“包二奶” 4(三)换妻、包二奶等现象引...
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1万多字 14页
目 录
摘 要 ……………………………………………………………Ⅱ
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………Ⅲ
前 言 ………………………………………………………………1
一、夫妻忠实义务的概述 …………………………………………1
(一)夫妻忠实义务的含义 …………………………………………1
(二)夫妻忠实义务的历史沿革 ………………………………………1
二、违背夫妻忠实义务的典型现象及引发的问题 ………………2
(一)“换妻” …………………………………………………………3
(二)“包二奶” …………………………………………………………4
(三)换妻、包二奶等现象引发的社会问题 …………………………5
三、 完善夫妻忠实义务相关法律规定的建议 ……………………6
(一)应将夫妻忠实义务作为法定离婚理由 …………………………6
(二)在损坏赔偿方面应保障无过错方的权利 ………………………6
(三)立法惩治“第三者”势在必行 …………………………………7
结 论 ……………………………………………………………8
参考文献 …………………………………………………………10
致 谢 ……………………………………………………………11
本文首先在前言强调家庭对社会生活的重要影响,用以说明修改和补充《婚姻法》的必要性,从新修改的《婚姻法》引出夫妻忠实义务,再对夫妻忠实义务的含义从狭义和广义两方面做了阐释并简单说明笔者比较赞成选用狭义概念的原因,随后介绍夫妻忠实义务在法律上的历史发展,然而在将夫妻忠实义务纳入法律体系后,近年来随着经济的发展出现了一系列的严重违背夫妻忠实义务的社会现象,通过“ 换妻”、“包二奶”两种现象分析出违背夫妻忠实义务给社会带来的恶劣影响,并透过这些现象发现夫妻忠实义务存在的法律问题,就这些没有得到解决的法律问题应在法律上如何完善提出自己的一些观点,最后总结笔者认为夫妻忠实义务应通过法律来调整和规范。
Faithful Husband and Wife Obligations of Legal Issues
First of all households in the preamble stressed the important influence of social life, to illustrate to amend and supplement the "Marriage Law" the necessity of the new revised "Marriage Law" leads to loyal husband and wife obligations, and the couple faithfully the obligations of meaning from the narrow and broad The two have done a simple description and interpretation of the author relatively narrow choice in favour of the concept of reasons, then introduced the couple faithfully the obligations of the law of historical development ,However, the couple will faithfully obligations into the legal system, in recent years as the economy develops in a series of serious breaches of obligations of the faithful couples social phenomenon, through the "Huan qi," "mistresses" two phenomena of a breach of husband and wife Faithful to the social obligations of the worst affected, and that these phenomena exist obligations faithful husband and wife found the legal issues, these have not been solved on the legal issues should be on how to improve the law by some of their own point of view, the author concluded that faithful spouses Obligations should be adopted to adjust the law and norms.
Key words: husband and wife faithfully obligations, statutory grounds for divorce, the innocent party rights
[1] 杨大文,夏吟兰,等. 婚姻家庭法学[M]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2002.
[2] 杨大文.新婚姻法释义[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001 .
[7]徐寿松.法律能干预婚外情吗?[N]. 新华网,2002.
[9]李杰.夫妻“忠诚协议”是否有效[J]. 当代广西,2005,(13).
[11]姜志远. 对夫妻互相忠实义务的法理学分析[J].中华女子学院学报,2005,(2).
[12]王旭东.“忠诚协议”引发的法律思考[J]. 南通大学学报,2004.(4).
[13]李光辉.从忠实义务谈道德规范向法律规范的有效转化[J]. 道德与文明,2004,(5).
[14]李友霞.夫妻忠实义务的法理解读[J]. 东北农业大学学报,2005,(3).
[15]李燕.论夫妻的忠实义务[J]. 政法丛论,2002,(3).
[16]李力.浅谈新《婚姻法》中关于“夫妻忠实”问题[J] 中共成都市委党校学报,2002,(3).
1万多字 14页
目 录
摘 要 ……………………………………………………………Ⅱ
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………Ⅲ
前 言 ………………………………………………………………1
一、夫妻忠实义务的概述 …………………………………………1
(一)夫妻忠实义务的含义 …………………………………………1
(二)夫妻忠实义务的历史沿革 ………………………………………1
二、违背夫妻忠实义务的典型现象及引发的问题 ………………2
(一)“换妻” …………………………………………………………3
(二)“包二奶” …………………………………………………………4
(三)换妻、包二奶等现象引发的社会问题 …………………………5
三、 完善夫妻忠实义务相关法律规定的建议 ……………………6
(一)应将夫妻忠实义务作为法定离婚理由 …………………………6
(二)在损坏赔偿方面应保障无过错方的权利 ………………………6
(三)立法惩治“第三者”势在必行 …………………………………7
结 论 ……………………………………………………………8
参考文献 …………………………………………………………10
致 谢 ……………………………………………………………11
本文首先在前言强调家庭对社会生活的重要影响,用以说明修改和补充《婚姻法》的必要性,从新修改的《婚姻法》引出夫妻忠实义务,再对夫妻忠实义务的含义从狭义和广义两方面做了阐释并简单说明笔者比较赞成选用狭义概念的原因,随后介绍夫妻忠实义务在法律上的历史发展,然而在将夫妻忠实义务纳入法律体系后,近年来随着经济的发展出现了一系列的严重违背夫妻忠实义务的社会现象,通过“ 换妻”、“包二奶”两种现象分析出违背夫妻忠实义务给社会带来的恶劣影响,并透过这些现象发现夫妻忠实义务存在的法律问题,就这些没有得到解决的法律问题应在法律上如何完善提出自己的一些观点,最后总结笔者认为夫妻忠实义务应通过法律来调整和规范。
Faithful Husband and Wife Obligations of Legal Issues
First of all households in the preamble stressed the important influence of social life, to illustrate to amend and supplement the "Marriage Law" the necessity of the new revised "Marriage Law" leads to loyal husband and wife obligations, and the couple faithfully the obligations of meaning from the narrow and broad The two have done a simple description and interpretation of the author relatively narrow choice in favour of the concept of reasons, then introduced the couple faithfully the obligations of the law of historical development ,However, the couple will faithfully obligations into the legal system, in recent years as the economy develops in a series of serious breaches of obligations of the faithful couples social phenomenon, through the "Huan qi," "mistresses" two phenomena of a breach of husband and wife Faithful to the social obligations of the worst affected, and that these phenomena exist obligations faithful husband and wife found the legal issues, these have not been solved on the legal issues should be on how to improve the law by some of their own point of view, the author concluded that faithful spouses Obligations should be adopted to adjust the law and norms.
Key words: husband and wife faithfully obligations, statutory grounds for divorce, the innocent party rights
[1] 杨大文,夏吟兰,等. 婚姻家庭法学[M]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2002.
[2] 杨大文.新婚姻法释义[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001 .
[7]徐寿松.法律能干预婚外情吗?[N]. 新华网,2002.
[9]李杰.夫妻“忠诚协议”是否有效[J]. 当代广西,2005,(13).
[11]姜志远. 对夫妻互相忠实义务的法理学分析[J].中华女子学院学报,2005,(2).
[12]王旭东.“忠诚协议”引发的法律思考[J]. 南通大学学报,2004.(4).
[13]李光辉.从忠实义务谈道德规范向法律规范的有效转化[J]. 道德与文明,2004,(5).
[14]李友霞.夫妻忠实义务的法理解读[J]. 东北农业大学学报,2005,(3).
[15]李燕.论夫妻的忠实义务[J]. 政法丛论,2002,(3).
[16]李力.浅谈新《婚姻法》中关于“夫妻忠实”问题[J] 中共成都市委党校学报,2002,(3).