原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1万字 14页
关键词: 预告登记,效力,保全债权请求权,失效
On the Validity Preregistration
in the Property Rights law
As one of important system of real estate,the preregistration is made up of the German civil law in the middle ages.The nature of preregistration is to make property rights replace creditor's rights for balancing the interests of the persons related in the changing of the real estate. The validity is the most important factor in any law systems.About the validity of the preregistration,there are different viewpoints among different scholars.The thesis deals with the base content and principle of the preregistration,and then analyzes it is validity comprehensively.In this thesis,the validity of the preregistration includes protecting the creditor's rights,order of the registration,the rights facting the bankruptcy and warning The article 20 of the Property Law regulates the range of application ,important conditions,effect and invalidation, but it has a little of shortage.Thereby,the emphasis of the article is protecting the creditor's rights.In addition,the invalidation of the preregistration is included.These contains the great significance to improve real property registration system.
Keywords:Preregistration,Validity,Creditor's rights,Invalidation.
摘要 II
Asbstract III
前言 1
一、预告登记制度研究 1
二、预告登记的效力 2
(一)保全债权请求权 3
1.请求权的界定 3
2.中间处分行为的界定 4
(二)顺位保证 7
(三)破产保护 7
三、预告登记的失效 8
结束语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
[1] 杨雪飞,申敏 .创设预告登记制度之必要性——从我国实定法上说起[J].兰州交通大学学报,2006,4;49-54.
[2] 王志红. 关于不动产预告登记制度的探讨——兼评《物权法》第20条之规定[J].河北经贸大学学报,2007,9;57——60.
[3] 冯亚平. 浅析不动产预告登记制度[J].上海房地,2007,5;12——15.
[4] 刁其怀. 全面认识预告登记的性质及效力——兼论现行法的缺陷及立法完善[J].聚焦《物权法》,2006,7.
[5] 党国华. 商品房预售中预告登记制度的立法价值分析[J].前沿,2005,7;159——162.
[6] 程啸. 试论《物权法》中规定的预告登记制度[J]. 聚焦《物权法》,2007,5.
[7] 管建平. 正确认识物权法确立的预告登记及其作用[J].房地产与法律,2005,11.
[8] 万孝红. 预告登记的性质、法律效力及运用中的几个问题[J].房地产行政管理,2007,3.
[9] 杨立新,宋志红. 预告登记的性质、效力和范围探索[J].法学杂志,2006;32——36.
[10] 房绍坤,吕杰. 创设预告登记制度的几个问题[J].法学家,2003,4;63——71.
[11] 常鹏翱. 比较法视野中的预告登记[J].维普资讯
[12] 金可可. 预告登记之性质——从德国法的有关规定说起[J].法学,2007,7;108——120.
[13] 杨雪飞. 预告登记制度比较考察[J].河北法学,2006,11;179——186.
[14] 吴彬. 预告登记制度的立法价值和制度完善——评《物权法》第20条[J].法治论丛,2007,
[15] 陈芳华. 预告登记制度在我国的实践及其信息化——兼评《物权法》相关规定[J]. 聚焦《物权法》,2007,6.
1万字 14页
关键词: 预告登记,效力,保全债权请求权,失效
On the Validity Preregistration
in the Property Rights law
As one of important system of real estate,the preregistration is made up of the German civil law in the middle ages.The nature of preregistration is to make property rights replace creditor's rights for balancing the interests of the persons related in the changing of the real estate. The validity is the most important factor in any law systems.About the validity of the preregistration,there are different viewpoints among different scholars.The thesis deals with the base content and principle of the preregistration,and then analyzes it is validity comprehensively.In this thesis,the validity of the preregistration includes protecting the creditor's rights,order of the registration,the rights facting the bankruptcy and warning The article 20 of the Property Law regulates the range of application ,important conditions,effect and invalidation, but it has a little of shortage.Thereby,the emphasis of the article is protecting the creditor's rights.In addition,the invalidation of the preregistration is included.These contains the great significance to improve real property registration system.
Keywords:Preregistration,Validity,Creditor's rights,Invalidation.
摘要 II
Asbstract III
前言 1
一、预告登记制度研究 1
二、预告登记的效力 2
(一)保全债权请求权 3
1.请求权的界定 3
2.中间处分行为的界定 4
(二)顺位保证 7
(三)破产保护 7
三、预告登记的失效 8
结束语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
[1] 杨雪飞,申敏 .创设预告登记制度之必要性——从我国实定法上说起[J].兰州交通大学学报,2006,4;49-54.
[2] 王志红. 关于不动产预告登记制度的探讨——兼评《物权法》第20条之规定[J].河北经贸大学学报,2007,9;57——60.
[3] 冯亚平. 浅析不动产预告登记制度[J].上海房地,2007,5;12——15.
[4] 刁其怀. 全面认识预告登记的性质及效力——兼论现行法的缺陷及立法完善[J].聚焦《物权法》,2006,7.
[5] 党国华. 商品房预售中预告登记制度的立法价值分析[J].前沿,2005,7;159——162.
[6] 程啸. 试论《物权法》中规定的预告登记制度[J]. 聚焦《物权法》,2007,5.
[7] 管建平. 正确认识物权法确立的预告登记及其作用[J].房地产与法律,2005,11.
[8] 万孝红. 预告登记的性质、法律效力及运用中的几个问题[J].房地产行政管理,2007,3.
[9] 杨立新,宋志红. 预告登记的性质、效力和范围探索[J].法学杂志,2006;32——36.
[10] 房绍坤,吕杰. 创设预告登记制度的几个问题[J].法学家,2003,4;63——71.
[11] 常鹏翱. 比较法视野中的预告登记[J].维普资讯
[12] 金可可. 预告登记之性质——从德国法的有关规定说起[J].法学,2007,7;108——120.
[13] 杨雪飞. 预告登记制度比较考察[J].河北法学,2006,11;179——186.
[14] 吴彬. 预告登记制度的立法价值和制度完善——评《物权法》第20条[J].法治论丛,2007,
[15] 陈芳华. 预告登记制度在我国的实践及其信息化——兼评《物权法》相关规定[J]. 聚焦《物权法》,2007,6.