合同解除权的行使浅议,1.8万字 25页包括开题报告,任务书,封面,完整论文,文献综述等整套完整资料!目录摘要iiiabstractiv前言1一、合同解除及解除权概述2(一)对合同解除的认识2(二)合同解除权的内涵2二、合同解除权的发生原因4(一)约定解除权的发生原因4(二)法定解除权的发生原因51.因不可抗力而发生的解...

原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.8万字 25页
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
一、合同解除及解除权概述 2
(一)对合同解除的认识 2
(二)合同解除权的内涵 2
二、合同解除权的发生原因 4
(一)约定解除权的发生原因 4
(二)法定解除权的发生原因 5
1.因不可抗力而发生的解除权 5
2.因预期违约而发生的解除权 5
3.因迟延履行而发生的解除权 6
4.因不完全履行而发生的解除权 7
三、合同解除权行使的程序 8
(一)合同解除权行使的主体 8
(二)合同解除权行使的对象 8
(三)合同解除权行使的方法 9
1.合同解除权的行使以意思表示作出 9
2.合同解除权的行使具有不可分性 9
3.合同解除权的消灭具有不可分性 10
(四)合同解除权行使的限制 10
四、合同解除权行使的法律效果 11
(一)合同解除权行使与合同效力 11
(二)合同解除权行使与恢复原状 12
(三)合同解除权行使与损害赔偿 12
五、我国合同解除权行使制度的改进 13
(一)合同解除权发生原因的改进 13
1.扩展不可抗力内容,确立情事变更规则 13
2.完善、修正迟延履行与不完全履行内涵 14
3.增加关于撤回权与退货权的规定 14
(二)合同解除权行使程序的改进 14
1.明确合同解除权行使的主体 14
2.明确解除异议程序的作用 15
3.确立解除权行使和消灭的不可分性 15
(三)合同解除权行使效果的改进 16
1.区分解除权与终止权,规定终止权 16
2.将协议解除与约定解除权分开规定 16
3.明确恢复原状不能的救济措施 17
4.明确合同解除后损害赔偿的内容 17
结 论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
摘 要
关键词:合同解除权 发生原因 行使程序 行使效果 改进
On Exercising the Right of Contract Rescission
Exercising recission right of contract is a important content of Contract Law in china, but for lack of the related standard of the recission right, or illegitimate design of the law itself and so on, the effect of application of law is not very well, and create many inconveniences to exercise the recission right, in legal practice. Therefore, it is necessary to study exercising the recission right. Base on the previous research results, this paper, will focus on exercising the recission right and make a study form the concept ,the system, and the practice etc, with the close combination of the standard of exercising the recission right in our Contract Law ,and mainly learning from the legislative experience of the Civil Law system. And that is in order to discover the operation mechanism of exercising the recission right system, and put forward the theoretical support to perfect the legislation and correct application of exercising the recission right .Thus this paper will firstly describe the basic concept of exercising the recission right——the law recission and the recission right; then introduce the occurrence reason of the recission right detailedly, and the procedure and effect of exercising the recission right, and so on; finally ,this paper puts more emphases on the improvement of exercising the recission right system.
Keywords:Recission Right of Contract; Rrising Reasons; Exercise Effect; Exercise Procedures; Improvement
1.8万字 25页
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
一、合同解除及解除权概述 2
(一)对合同解除的认识 2
(二)合同解除权的内涵 2
二、合同解除权的发生原因 4
(一)约定解除权的发生原因 4
(二)法定解除权的发生原因 5
1.因不可抗力而发生的解除权 5
2.因预期违约而发生的解除权 5
3.因迟延履行而发生的解除权 6
4.因不完全履行而发生的解除权 7
三、合同解除权行使的程序 8
(一)合同解除权行使的主体 8
(二)合同解除权行使的对象 8
(三)合同解除权行使的方法 9
1.合同解除权的行使以意思表示作出 9
2.合同解除权的行使具有不可分性 9
3.合同解除权的消灭具有不可分性 10
(四)合同解除权行使的限制 10
四、合同解除权行使的法律效果 11
(一)合同解除权行使与合同效力 11
(二)合同解除权行使与恢复原状 12
(三)合同解除权行使与损害赔偿 12
五、我国合同解除权行使制度的改进 13
(一)合同解除权发生原因的改进 13
1.扩展不可抗力内容,确立情事变更规则 13
2.完善、修正迟延履行与不完全履行内涵 14
3.增加关于撤回权与退货权的规定 14
(二)合同解除权行使程序的改进 14
1.明确合同解除权行使的主体 14
2.明确解除异议程序的作用 15
3.确立解除权行使和消灭的不可分性 15
(三)合同解除权行使效果的改进 16
1.区分解除权与终止权,规定终止权 16
2.将协议解除与约定解除权分开规定 16
3.明确恢复原状不能的救济措施 17
4.明确合同解除后损害赔偿的内容 17
结 论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
摘 要
关键词:合同解除权 发生原因 行使程序 行使效果 改进
On Exercising the Right of Contract Rescission
Exercising recission right of contract is a important content of Contract Law in china, but for lack of the related standard of the recission right, or illegitimate design of the law itself and so on, the effect of application of law is not very well, and create many inconveniences to exercise the recission right, in legal practice. Therefore, it is necessary to study exercising the recission right. Base on the previous research results, this paper, will focus on exercising the recission right and make a study form the concept ,the system, and the practice etc, with the close combination of the standard of exercising the recission right in our Contract Law ,and mainly learning from the legislative experience of the Civil Law system. And that is in order to discover the operation mechanism of exercising the recission right system, and put forward the theoretical support to perfect the legislation and correct application of exercising the recission right .Thus this paper will firstly describe the basic concept of exercising the recission right——the law recission and the recission right; then introduce the occurrence reason of the recission right detailedly, and the procedure and effect of exercising the recission right, and so on; finally ,this paper puts more emphases on the improvement of exercising the recission right system.
Keywords:Recission Right of Contract; Rrising Reasons; Exercise Effect; Exercise Procedures; Improvement
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