

硫化橡胶与金属室温粘合性能的研究,2.6万字 40页包括论文,答辩ppt,外文翻译摘要橡胶与金属粘合在许多工业领域有着广泛的应用,如汽车制造、军工方面、道路桥梁以及机械制造等。采用橡胶与金属材料复合可以获得更好的强度和耐久性,同时获得减振、耐磨等功能。橡胶与金属粘合大都采用硫化粘合方式,但当硫化条件下基材不稳定或硫化粘合...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文



原文档由会员 littey 发布

2.6万字 40页

摘 要

关键词: 橡胶与金属; 粘合; 硫化橡胶;丁腈橡胶.

Rubber to metal bonding has an extensive application in many industrial fields. For instance car making, war industry, road, bridge and machine-building etc. Adopt rubber to metal bonding can obtain kind intensity and durability, at the same time, reduced the function of shake , wear-resisting etc.
The rubber to metal bonding mostly adopt sulphurate bonding. But if under sulphurating condition the bonding layer is unstable, or suppurating craft is difficult to come true,we adopt cold bonding. Because the polarity on the vulcanized rubber surface is weaker, the activation is relatively low, and exist mold separating agent and blooming. It must go on clear up and chemical disposal if you want to bond the vulcanized rubber to strong polarity metal. The traditional chemical disposal method is acid treatment ,but this method have a lot of shortcoming, for example, makes the vulcanized rubber surface aging and produces a lot of cracks, reduces the vulcanized rubber physical performance, and disposal craft complicated, and seriously polluted environment etc.
This paper has been studied under the room temperature, through changing the rubber and adhesive prescription, we have bonded many kinds of rubber to metal. And get on multinomial testing to the sample such as tensile strength, shearing strength, Φ50mm circular cylinder bonded strength, peeling strength, sea water resistance, alternating environment temperature resistance, and low temperature elongation at break and so on. Through an analysis of experimental result ,we have discussed the bonding mechanism of the adhesive, and the influencing factors of bonding intensity.

Key words: rubber and metal; bonding; vulcanized rubber;BNR;

目 录
引 言 1
一、文献综述 2
1 .1 粘接机理 2
⑴ 单纯的力学理论 2
⑵ 热力学理论 2
⑶ 吸附机理 2
⑷ 扩散理论 2
⑸ 静电理论 3
⑹ 界面化学理论 3
1.2 得到良好粘接制件的因素 4
⑴ 表面清洁度 4
⑵ 润湿性 4
1.3 丁腈橡胶(NBR) 4
1.3 .1丁腈橡胶概述 4
1.3.2丁腈橡胶的基本性能 5
㈠加工性能: 5
㈡硫化速度与机械强度: 5
㈢耐热性: 5
㈣耐寒性: 5
㈤耐油性: 6
1.4环氧树脂胶粘剂 6
1.5 橡胶与金属粘合 7
1.5.1常用的橡胶与金属粘合方法 7
1.5.2 室温下橡胶与金属的粘合 8
⑴ 被粘材料的表面处理 8
⑵ 性能要求及执行标准: 9
二 实 验 设 计 11
一.实验目的 11
二.配方设计 11
三.实验原料 12
1 实验仪器 12
2 实验药品 12
四 实验流程 14
五.标准测试试样 15
5.1标准剪切强度(硫化橡胶与金属)测试样品 15
5.2标准剪切强度(金属与金属)测试样品 15
5.3标准硫化橡胶与金属粘接180º剥离试样 15
5.4试样处理 16
5.5粘合剂配制 16
三、结果与讨论 17
3.1 不同橡胶增塑剂对粘合强度的影响 17
3.2 橡胶的极性对粘合强度的影响 17
3.3 补强剂添加量对胶粘剂的影响 18
3.4 补强剂的种类对粘合性的影响 19
3.5 橡胶硬度对粘合强度的影响 20
3.6 表面粗糙度与胶粘剂的影响 20
3.7 不同种型号橡胶的剪切强度的比较 21
3.8 偶联剂添加量的影响 21
3.9 酸处理对粘接强度的影响 22
3.10 粘接方法对粘接性能的影响 23
四、结 论 25
致 谢 27
附 录 中英文翻译 28

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