
原文档由会员 littey 发布
3.2万字 48页
关键词: 橡胶与金属; 粘合; 硫化橡胶
In this paper , it expounds that the rubber to metal bonding has an extensive application in many industrial fields. For instance car making, war industry, road, bridge and machine-building etc. Adopt rubber to metal bonding can obtain kind intensity and durability, at the same time, reduced the function of shake , wear-resisting etc.
The rubber to metal bonding mostly adopt sulphurate bonding. But if under sulphurating condition the bonding layer is unstable, or suppurating craft is difficult to come true,we adopt cold bonding. Because the polarity on the vulcanized rubber surface is weaker, the activation is relatively low, and exist mold separating agent and blooming. It must go on clear up and chemical disposal if you want to bond the vulcanized rubber to strong polarity metal. The traditional chemical disposal method is acid treatment ,but this method have a lot of shortcoming, for example, makes the vulcanized rubber surface aging and produces a lot of cracks, reduces the vulcanized rubber physical performance, and disposal craft complicated, and seriously polluted environment etc.
This paper has been studied at ambient workshop temperarure ,through changing the rubber and adhesive prescription and different treatments to vulcanized rubber , we have bonded many kinds of rubber to metal. We adopt many treatments To improve zhe properties of ruber ,such as the oxidization of ozone , zhe irraddiation of ultraviolet ray , and the joint effect of them. we may carry on multinomial testing to the sample such as tensile strength, shearing strength, bonded strength, and low temperature elongation at break and so on. Through an analysis of experimental result ,we have discussed the bonding mechanism of the adhesive, and the influencing factors of bonding intensity.
By comparing three kinds of diffent treatments from zhe results of experiment , we may find a better formula of rubber and a better treatment to get a better effect of the rubber to metal bonding.
Key words: rubber and metal; bonding; vulcanized rubber
引 言 1
一、文献综述 4
1.1臭氧氧化和紫外线照射处理方面的应用 4
1.1.1臭氧在炭黑氧化上的应用 4
1.1.2紫外线辐照氧化技术的发展 5
1.2 橡胶的品种 6
1.2.1乙丙橡胶(EPR) 6
1.2.2聚丁二烯橡胶(BR) 6
1.2.3丁基橡胶(IIR) 7
1.2.4丁苯橡胶(SBR) 8
1.2.5天然橡胶(NR) 8
1.3粘接机理 9
1.4 得到良好粘接制件的因素 10
1.5.橡胶与金属粘合 12
1.5.1常用的橡胶与金属粘合方法 12
1.5.2 室温下橡胶与金属的粘合 13
二 实验部分 20
2.1 实验目的 20
2.2 实验原料 21
2.2.1实验仪器 21
2.3 药品介绍 21
2.3实验流程 23
2.4标准测试试样 23
2.5橡胶的配方及硫化时间 25
2.5.1橡胶的配方 25
2.5.2硫化时间 27
三 结果与讨论 27
3.1补强剂品种对胶粘剂的影响 27
3.2固化剂品种对胶粘剂的影响 28
3.3表面处理对粘接性能的影响 28
3.4橡胶硬度对粘合强度的影响 29
3.5交变温度对剪切强度的影响 30
3.6粘接方法对粘接性能的影响 30
3.7低温断裂伸长率测试结果 32
致 谢 40
[7]向名,菜燎原,张季冰.胶粘剂基础配方设计[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2002:25.
[9]马天信,姜波.增韧剂对环氧树脂性能的影响[J] .热固性树脂,2003,18(3).
[10]刘长枯.液态聚硫橡胶改性环氧树脂的性能和应用[J].热固性树脂, 1988,(8).
[12]郭云亮,张涑戎,李立平.偶联剂的种类和特点及应用[J]. 橡胶工业,2003,50(11).
[15]许健南.塑料材料[M]. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001:360。
3.2万字 48页
关键词: 橡胶与金属; 粘合; 硫化橡胶
In this paper , it expounds that the rubber to metal bonding has an extensive application in many industrial fields. For instance car making, war industry, road, bridge and machine-building etc. Adopt rubber to metal bonding can obtain kind intensity and durability, at the same time, reduced the function of shake , wear-resisting etc.
The rubber to metal bonding mostly adopt sulphurate bonding. But if under sulphurating condition the bonding layer is unstable, or suppurating craft is difficult to come true,we adopt cold bonding. Because the polarity on the vulcanized rubber surface is weaker, the activation is relatively low, and exist mold separating agent and blooming. It must go on clear up and chemical disposal if you want to bond the vulcanized rubber to strong polarity metal. The traditional chemical disposal method is acid treatment ,but this method have a lot of shortcoming, for example, makes the vulcanized rubber surface aging and produces a lot of cracks, reduces the vulcanized rubber physical performance, and disposal craft complicated, and seriously polluted environment etc.
This paper has been studied at ambient workshop temperarure ,through changing the rubber and adhesive prescription and different treatments to vulcanized rubber , we have bonded many kinds of rubber to metal. We adopt many treatments To improve zhe properties of ruber ,such as the oxidization of ozone , zhe irraddiation of ultraviolet ray , and the joint effect of them. we may carry on multinomial testing to the sample such as tensile strength, shearing strength, bonded strength, and low temperature elongation at break and so on. Through an analysis of experimental result ,we have discussed the bonding mechanism of the adhesive, and the influencing factors of bonding intensity.
By comparing three kinds of diffent treatments from zhe results of experiment , we may find a better formula of rubber and a better treatment to get a better effect of the rubber to metal bonding.
Key words: rubber and metal; bonding; vulcanized rubber
引 言 1
一、文献综述 4
1.1臭氧氧化和紫外线照射处理方面的应用 4
1.1.1臭氧在炭黑氧化上的应用 4
1.1.2紫外线辐照氧化技术的发展 5
1.2 橡胶的品种 6
1.2.1乙丙橡胶(EPR) 6
1.2.2聚丁二烯橡胶(BR) 6
1.2.3丁基橡胶(IIR) 7
1.2.4丁苯橡胶(SBR) 8
1.2.5天然橡胶(NR) 8
1.3粘接机理 9
1.4 得到良好粘接制件的因素 10
1.5.橡胶与金属粘合 12
1.5.1常用的橡胶与金属粘合方法 12
1.5.2 室温下橡胶与金属的粘合 13
二 实验部分 20
2.1 实验目的 20
2.2 实验原料 21
2.2.1实验仪器 21
2.3 药品介绍 21
2.3实验流程 23
2.4标准测试试样 23
2.5橡胶的配方及硫化时间 25
2.5.1橡胶的配方 25
2.5.2硫化时间 27
三 结果与讨论 27
3.1补强剂品种对胶粘剂的影响 27
3.2固化剂品种对胶粘剂的影响 28
3.3表面处理对粘接性能的影响 28
3.4橡胶硬度对粘合强度的影响 29
3.5交变温度对剪切强度的影响 30
3.6粘接方法对粘接性能的影响 30
3.7低温断裂伸长率测试结果 32
致 谢 40
[7]向名,菜燎原,张季冰.胶粘剂基础配方设计[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2002:25.
[9]马天信,姜波.增韧剂对环氧树脂性能的影响[J] .热固性树脂,2003,18(3).
[10]刘长枯.液态聚硫橡胶改性环氧树脂的性能和应用[J].热固性树脂, 1988,(8).
[12]郭云亮,张涑戎,李立平.偶联剂的种类和特点及应用[J]. 橡胶工业,2003,50(11).
[15]许健南.塑料材料[M]. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001:360。