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论 檀 道 济
摘 要:檀道济是晋末宋初的名将,能征善战。他以自己出色的军事才能为刘宋王朝的建立和巩固立下了汗马功劳。在这个过程中,他成长为刘宋政权的支撑力量——北宋兵集团的领袖人物。由于宋文帝对北府兵集团力量的猜忌以及檀道济自己在政治斗争中表现出来的摇摆不定的性格,他最终被无罪冤杀。他的死标志着北府兵集团乃至刘宋王朝力量的衰落。
关 键 词:檀道济;北府兵集团;性格
On Tan Daoji
Chen Dongdong
(College of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)
Abstract: Tan Daoji, a famous general who lived between the age of late Easten Jin and Song Dynasty, is valiant and well-versed in the art of war. He has won great distinctions in battle for the creation and rock-firm of Song’s political power. During this period, he was growing wp to be the pillar of the Song Dynasty’s regime——the leader role of the Bei Fubing Chique. He was killed innocently in the end not only because the Emperor Wen suspected the strength of Bei Fubing Clique, but also his hesitite character displayed during the political conflict. His death was a symbol that Emperor Wen has eliminated the Bei Fubing Clique’s t