中小企业供应链管理研究,1.7万字23页摘要随着科技的飞速进步和经济的不断发展 ,市场竞争变得越来越激烈 ,中小企业面临的竞争环境也日益严峻起来。因此,如何迅速提高中小企业的竞争力,是当前中小企业及其经营管理者面临的一个重要课题。而供应链管理作为一种全新的管理模式,在中小企业中的应用越来越体现出它的优势所在。实施供应链管...

原文档由会员 ludi123 发布
1.7万字 23页
摘 要
随着科技的飞速进步和经济的不断发展 ,市场竞争变得越来越激烈 ,中小企业面临的竞争环境也日益严峻起来。因此,如何迅速提高中小企业的竞争力,是当前中小企业及其经营管理者面临的一个重要课题。而供应链管理作为一种全新的管理模式,在中小企业中的应用越来越体现出它的优势所在。
关键词 中小企业/供应链管理/现状/问题/策略
With the rapid scientific and technological progress and the continuous development of the economy, market competition become more and more fierce, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SME) also face increasingly difficult competitive environment. Therefore, how to quickly improve the competitiveness of SMEs, SMEs and their managers are currently facing an important issue. And supply chain management(SCM) as a new management model for SMEs used more and more reflect its advantage.
SCM play a vital role to enhance competitiveness of SMEs, this has been recognized throughout the world, but so far the implementation of our SCM is not satisfactory. This thesis aims to study the theory of SCM, combined with the structural model of the supply chain to analysis the status of SCM for SMEs.Then,according to the actual situation, provide a feasibility plan and recommendations to enhance the successful implementation of China's vast SCM for SMEs,in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs. Finally, Chifeng WeiKang Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., for example, analysis of SCM at Chifeng WeiKang's successful application, and thus to bring some enlightenment for the SME to better implementation of the supply chain management.
KEYWORDS SME,SCM,current situation, problem,tactics
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 概述 1
1.1 中小企业简介 1
1.2 供应链管理概念 1
2 中小企业实施供应链管理的现状 2
2.1 中小企业实施供应链管理的结构模型 2
2.2 供应链管理在中小企业的应用现状 3
2.2.1 在供应商管理方面 3
2.2.2 在生产计划方面 3
2.2.3 在库存管理方面 4
2.2.4 在物流管理方面 4
2.2.5 在需求管理方面 5
2.2.6 供应链管理信息化发展状况 6
3 中小型企业实施供应链管理存在的问题 6
3.1 供应商的评价标准和选择方法缺乏科学性 6
3.2 中小型企业实施供应链的被动地位 7
3.3 供应链不易于建立 7
3.4 经营诚信度缺乏,运作模式难以规范 8
3.5 供应链信息平台差 8
4 提升中小企业实施供应链管理的策略 9
4.1 合理的选择供应商 9
4.2 塑造自身核心竞争力 9
4.3 建立新型伙伴关系,注重与供应链上其他企业的文化融合 10
4.4 采用VMI技术优化库存管理 11
4.5 通过外包进行物流重组 11
4.6 加强信息化建设 12
4.7 注重人才的培养,提高组织的学习能力 12
5 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司实施供应链管理实践 13
5.1 企业简介 13
5.2 推行供应链管理背景 13
5.3 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司的“供应链管理”理念 14
5.4 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司供应链管理模式的构建过程 14
5.4.1 寻求最佳的供应商 14
5.4.2 租用第三方供应链管理平台 15
5.4.3 寻求最佳的合作伙伴 16
5.4.4 物流外包 17
结束语 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
[35] Thaler K.Supply Chain Management.Kiln:Fortis VerlagFH,1999.
[36]Janak Singh.The Importance of Information Flow within the Supply Chain.Logistics Information Management,1996,9(4),28-30.
[37]Hau.Lee,Feitzinger E.Product Configuration and Postponement for SupplyChain Efficiency.Institute of Industrial Engineers,Fourth Industrial EngineeringResearch Conference Proceedings,1995,43-68.
[38]Kirstin Zimmer.Supply Chain Coordination with Uncertain Just-in-time Delivery.International Journal of Production Economics,2002,77,1-15.
[39]Revelle C.,Laporte G...The plant location problem:New models and researchprospects.Operations Research 44,1996,864-874.
[40]Keah ChoonTan.A Framework of supply chain management literature[J].European J.of Purchasing&Supply Management,2001(7).
[41]Janak Singh.The Importance of Information Flow within the Supply Chain.Logistics Information Management,2004,9(4),28-30.
[42]Beehtel C JayaranJ.Supply chain management:A strategic perspective.Intenational Journal of Logistics Management,2001(3).
[43]Siddhartha S.Syam.A Model and Methodologies for the Location Problem with Logistical Components.Computers&Operations Research,2002,29,1173-1193.
[44]Berton Latamore.Customers,Suppliers Drawing Closer Through VMI.APICS ThePerformance Advantage,July,1999,22-25.
1.7万字 23页
摘 要
随着科技的飞速进步和经济的不断发展 ,市场竞争变得越来越激烈 ,中小企业面临的竞争环境也日益严峻起来。因此,如何迅速提高中小企业的竞争力,是当前中小企业及其经营管理者面临的一个重要课题。而供应链管理作为一种全新的管理模式,在中小企业中的应用越来越体现出它的优势所在。
关键词 中小企业/供应链管理/现状/问题/策略
With the rapid scientific and technological progress and the continuous development of the economy, market competition become more and more fierce, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SME) also face increasingly difficult competitive environment. Therefore, how to quickly improve the competitiveness of SMEs, SMEs and their managers are currently facing an important issue. And supply chain management(SCM) as a new management model for SMEs used more and more reflect its advantage.
SCM play a vital role to enhance competitiveness of SMEs, this has been recognized throughout the world, but so far the implementation of our SCM is not satisfactory. This thesis aims to study the theory of SCM, combined with the structural model of the supply chain to analysis the status of SCM for SMEs.Then,according to the actual situation, provide a feasibility plan and recommendations to enhance the successful implementation of China's vast SCM for SMEs,in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs. Finally, Chifeng WeiKang Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., for example, analysis of SCM at Chifeng WeiKang's successful application, and thus to bring some enlightenment for the SME to better implementation of the supply chain management.
KEYWORDS SME,SCM,current situation, problem,tactics
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 概述 1
1.1 中小企业简介 1
1.2 供应链管理概念 1
2 中小企业实施供应链管理的现状 2
2.1 中小企业实施供应链管理的结构模型 2
2.2 供应链管理在中小企业的应用现状 3
2.2.1 在供应商管理方面 3
2.2.2 在生产计划方面 3
2.2.3 在库存管理方面 4
2.2.4 在物流管理方面 4
2.2.5 在需求管理方面 5
2.2.6 供应链管理信息化发展状况 6
3 中小型企业实施供应链管理存在的问题 6
3.1 供应商的评价标准和选择方法缺乏科学性 6
3.2 中小型企业实施供应链的被动地位 7
3.3 供应链不易于建立 7
3.4 经营诚信度缺乏,运作模式难以规范 8
3.5 供应链信息平台差 8
4 提升中小企业实施供应链管理的策略 9
4.1 合理的选择供应商 9
4.2 塑造自身核心竞争力 9
4.3 建立新型伙伴关系,注重与供应链上其他企业的文化融合 10
4.4 采用VMI技术优化库存管理 11
4.5 通过外包进行物流重组 11
4.6 加强信息化建设 12
4.7 注重人才的培养,提高组织的学习能力 12
5 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司实施供应链管理实践 13
5.1 企业简介 13
5.2 推行供应链管理背景 13
5.3 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司的“供应链管理”理念 14
5.4 赤峰维康生化制药有限公司供应链管理模式的构建过程 14
5.4.1 寻求最佳的供应商 14
5.4.2 租用第三方供应链管理平台 15
5.4.3 寻求最佳的合作伙伴 16
5.4.4 物流外包 17
结束语 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
[35] Thaler K.Supply Chain Management.Kiln:Fortis VerlagFH,1999.
[36]Janak Singh.The Importance of Information Flow within the Supply Chain.Logistics Information Management,1996,9(4),28-30.
[37]Hau.Lee,Feitzinger E.Product Configuration and Postponement for SupplyChain Efficiency.Institute of Industrial Engineers,Fourth Industrial EngineeringResearch Conference Proceedings,1995,43-68.
[38]Kirstin Zimmer.Supply Chain Coordination with Uncertain Just-in-time Delivery.International Journal of Production Economics,2002,77,1-15.
[39]Revelle C.,Laporte G...The plant location problem:New models and researchprospects.Operations Research 44,1996,864-874.
[40]Keah ChoonTan.A Framework of supply chain management literature[J].European J.of Purchasing&Supply Management,2001(7).
[41]Janak Singh.The Importance of Information Flow within the Supply Chain.Logistics Information Management,2004,9(4),28-30.
[42]Beehtel C JayaranJ.Supply chain management:A strategic perspective.Intenational Journal of Logistics Management,2001(3).
[43]Siddhartha S.Syam.A Model and Methodologies for the Location Problem with Logistical Components.Computers&Operations Research,2002,29,1173-1193.
[44]Berton Latamore.Customers,Suppliers Drawing Closer Through VMI.APICS ThePerformance Advantage,July,1999,22-25.