外资零售企业进入对我国的影响与对策研究,1.36万字 18页摘 要零售业是我国市场化程度最高、竞争最为激烈的行业之一。我国持续高速增长的经济、巨大的市场潜力,特别是我国政府关于加入wto后将逐步取消外国零售业进入中国的各种限制的承诺,吸引了国际零售巨头纷纷拼抢中国市场。本文阐述了外资零售企业进入中国市场所带来的机遇和挑战...

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1.36万字 18页
摘 要
[关键词]零售业 行业限制 WTO 发展态势 跨国公司 国际商战
The retail industries is one of the most vigorous and competitive industries in our country. The rapidly increasing economy and enormous market potential of our country, especially our government' s promise that every kind of limiting commitment for the foreign retail trade into Chinese will be canceled after affiliation WTO, and attracts the international retailing magnates rushing into the Chinese market.
The text expatiates the challenge and opportunity brought by the entering of foreign retail trade, comparing the difference between foreign retail trade and mother-island retail trade in management、scale、price and human recourses. It puts forward the countermeasures and proposals.
[Key words] Open of Retail Industries;WTO; Retail Industries of Foreign Capital;International trade competition
目 录
1 外资零售企业在我国发展的历程及现状 2
2 外资零售企业进入对我国零售企业发展的影响分析 5
2.1 外资零售企业的进入给我国经济和零售业带来的机遇 5
2.2外资零售企业给我国零售业带来的挑战 6
3 我国零售企业应对外资企业挑战的策略 10
3.1加强法制建设,合理地管理外资零售企业 10
3.2加大对中小零售企业的扶持力度 11
3.4不断扩大连锁经营规模,实现效益梯度增长 12
3.5转换经营观念,提高管理水平,加强信息化建设,增强企业内功 13
3.6积极推动国内零售企业开展国际化经营,提高国际竞争力 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
[7]郭馨梅 邱战槐,2006年:《提升我国连锁零售业竞争力的途径》,《商业经济文荟》第3期。
[11] Logistics Today ,2004:“40 outsourcing risks you need to know now”. 10.
[12] Liu Bing,Guo Caiyun.2004:“The Outsourcing of Human Resource M anagement”.“Management Sciences and Global Strategies in the 21st Century” 5.
1.36万字 18页
摘 要
[关键词]零售业 行业限制 WTO 发展态势 跨国公司 国际商战
The retail industries is one of the most vigorous and competitive industries in our country. The rapidly increasing economy and enormous market potential of our country, especially our government' s promise that every kind of limiting commitment for the foreign retail trade into Chinese will be canceled after affiliation WTO, and attracts the international retailing magnates rushing into the Chinese market.
The text expatiates the challenge and opportunity brought by the entering of foreign retail trade, comparing the difference between foreign retail trade and mother-island retail trade in management、scale、price and human recourses. It puts forward the countermeasures and proposals.
[Key words] Open of Retail Industries;WTO; Retail Industries of Foreign Capital;International trade competition
目 录
1 外资零售企业在我国发展的历程及现状 2
2 外资零售企业进入对我国零售企业发展的影响分析 5
2.1 外资零售企业的进入给我国经济和零售业带来的机遇 5
2.2外资零售企业给我国零售业带来的挑战 6
3 我国零售企业应对外资企业挑战的策略 10
3.1加强法制建设,合理地管理外资零售企业 10
3.2加大对中小零售企业的扶持力度 11
3.4不断扩大连锁经营规模,实现效益梯度增长 12
3.5转换经营观念,提高管理水平,加强信息化建设,增强企业内功 13
3.6积极推动国内零售企业开展国际化经营,提高国际竞争力 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
[7]郭馨梅 邱战槐,2006年:《提升我国连锁零售业竞争力的途径》,《商业经济文荟》第3期。
[11] Logistics Today ,2004:“40 outsourcing risks you need to know now”. 10.
[12] Liu Bing,Guo Caiyun.2004:“The Outsourcing of Human Resource M anagement”.“Management Sciences and Global Strategies in the 21st Century” 5.