企业突发事件应急管理研究,----以诺基亚公司为例2.1万字 25页摘要近年来,突发事件频繁发生,给众多企业带来了不同程度的经济损失,这使得企业不得不对突发事件采取相应的应急管理。在突发事件情境下, 有效的应急管理应充分利用一切可能的力量, 迅速控制危机的发展, 使损失降低到最小程度。本文构建了以预防、应急准备、应急响应...
原文档由会员 ludi123 发布
2.1万字 25页
摘 要
近年来,突发事件频繁发生,给众多企业带来了不同程度的经济损失,这使得企业不得不对突发事件采取相应的应急管理。在突发事件情境下, 有效的应急管理应充分利用一切可能的力量, 迅速控制危机的发展, 使损失降低到最小程度。本文构建了以预防、应急准备、应急响应、恢复与处理为内容的, 面向决策层、职能管理层、执行管理层、操作层的应急管理程序, 并针对应急管理中的重要因素(应急资源)进行了概述,分析了应急资源管理中存在的问题及其解决方案,从而实现了有效的应急管理目的, 为企业摆脱困境、实现可持续发展提供了借鉴。本文还以诺基亚公司为例,分析了诺基亚有效地应急管理的运行程序。
关键词 企业应急管理/突发事件/应急物资管理
In recent years, the incidents occurred frequently, bring different degree of economic loss to many enterprises, which makes the enterprises have to adopt corresponding emergency management. In emergency situations, the effective emergency management should make full use of all possible strength, and control the crisis’s development rapidly, in order to make the loss to the minimum. The paper constructs the emergency management program with content of prevention、emergency preparedness、 emergency response and recovery, for decision-making、executive management、 implementation management functions, and operational level. And the article summarize the important factors for emergency management (emergency supplies), analyze the problems existing in the emergency supplies management and its solution, and provides reference for solving the dilemma and realizing the sustainable development of enterprises, thus realizing the purpose of effective emergency management. This article makes Nokia for example, and analysis the effective emergency management of Nokia's operating procedures.
KEYWORDS Enterprise’s emergency management, incident, emergency supplies management
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 引言 1
2 突发事件与企业应急管理概述 3
2.1 突发事件的含义和分类 3
2.2 应急管理概念及相关概念 4
2.2.1 企业应急管理 4
2.2.2 风险管理 5
2.2.3 危机管理 5
2.2.4 企业应急管理、风险管理、危机管理的比较 6
3 突发事件下应急管理的运行机制 6
3.1 突发事件下的应急管理 6
3.2 有效应急管理的运行程序 7
4 应急资源管理 10
4.1 应急资源管理概念 10
4.2 应急资源管理的重要性 10
4.3 目前企业应急资源管理的主要问题 12
4.4 应急资源管理的优化 12
5 典型案例分析——诺基亚案例 14
5.1 公司简介 14
5.2 诺基亚应急管理的运行程序 16
5.3 诺基亚案例的评析 17
结束语 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
[11]王宏伟.突发事件应急管理:预防、处置与恢复重建[M].北京:中国广播电视大学出版 社.2009.
[17]王明春,高成修,曾永廷.VRPTW的扰动恢复及其TABU SEARCH算法[J].数学杂志,2006(2).
[18]李春民等.矿山企业应急管理体系建设研究.中国安全生产科学技术[J]. 2007(10).
[19]周晓莉.城市突发公共事件应急管理相关规范和标准体系框架研究[D].同济大学硕士学位论文. 2006: 60-8
[20]史波, 梁静国.企业应急管理中的信息策略研究[ J].情报理论与实践. 2008 (5).
[23]Abumaizar R.J,Svestka J.A.Rescheduling Job Shops under Random Disruptions[J]. International Journal of Production Research,1997,35(7):2065-2082.
[24]Xiangtong Qi,Jonathan F.Bard,Gang Yu.Disruption management for machine scheduling:the case of SPT schedules[J].Int.J.Production Economics,2006,103:166-184.
[25]Chung-Yee Lee,Joseph Y-T Leung,Gang Yu.Two Machine Scheduling under Disruptions with Transportation Considerations[J].Journal of Scheduling,2006,9(1):35-48.
[26]Chung-Yee Lee,Gang Yu.Single machine scheduling under potential disruption[J].Operations Research Letters,2007,35(4):541-548.
[27] Khaled F.Abdelghany,Ahmed F.Abdelghany,Goutham Ekollu.An integrated decision support tool for airlines schedule recovery during irregular operations[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2008,185(2):825-848.
[28]G Zhu,J F Bard,G Yu.Disruption management for resource-constrained project scheduling[J].Journal of the Operational Research Society,2005,56:365-381.
[29]M.A.Al-Fawzan,Mohamed Haouari.A bi-objective model for robust resource-constrained project scheduling[J].Int.J.Production Economics,2005,96(2):75-187.
[30]Altay,N. and Green Ⅲ,W.G.,(2006) OR/MS research in disaster operations management [J].European Journal of Operational Research,175:475-493
[31]Xia Yusen,Qi Xiangtong,Yu Gang.Real-time Production and Inventory Disruption Management Under the Continuous Rate EPQ Model[J].Naval Research Logistics,2002.
2.1万字 25页
摘 要
近年来,突发事件频繁发生,给众多企业带来了不同程度的经济损失,这使得企业不得不对突发事件采取相应的应急管理。在突发事件情境下, 有效的应急管理应充分利用一切可能的力量, 迅速控制危机的发展, 使损失降低到最小程度。本文构建了以预防、应急准备、应急响应、恢复与处理为内容的, 面向决策层、职能管理层、执行管理层、操作层的应急管理程序, 并针对应急管理中的重要因素(应急资源)进行了概述,分析了应急资源管理中存在的问题及其解决方案,从而实现了有效的应急管理目的, 为企业摆脱困境、实现可持续发展提供了借鉴。本文还以诺基亚公司为例,分析了诺基亚有效地应急管理的运行程序。
关键词 企业应急管理/突发事件/应急物资管理
In recent years, the incidents occurred frequently, bring different degree of economic loss to many enterprises, which makes the enterprises have to adopt corresponding emergency management. In emergency situations, the effective emergency management should make full use of all possible strength, and control the crisis’s development rapidly, in order to make the loss to the minimum. The paper constructs the emergency management program with content of prevention、emergency preparedness、 emergency response and recovery, for decision-making、executive management、 implementation management functions, and operational level. And the article summarize the important factors for emergency management (emergency supplies), analyze the problems existing in the emergency supplies management and its solution, and provides reference for solving the dilemma and realizing the sustainable development of enterprises, thus realizing the purpose of effective emergency management. This article makes Nokia for example, and analysis the effective emergency management of Nokia's operating procedures.
KEYWORDS Enterprise’s emergency management, incident, emergency supplies management
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 引言 1
2 突发事件与企业应急管理概述 3
2.1 突发事件的含义和分类 3
2.2 应急管理概念及相关概念 4
2.2.1 企业应急管理 4
2.2.2 风险管理 5
2.2.3 危机管理 5
2.2.4 企业应急管理、风险管理、危机管理的比较 6
3 突发事件下应急管理的运行机制 6
3.1 突发事件下的应急管理 6
3.2 有效应急管理的运行程序 7
4 应急资源管理 10
4.1 应急资源管理概念 10
4.2 应急资源管理的重要性 10
4.3 目前企业应急资源管理的主要问题 12
4.4 应急资源管理的优化 12
5 典型案例分析——诺基亚案例 14
5.1 公司简介 14
5.2 诺基亚应急管理的运行程序 16
5.3 诺基亚案例的评析 17
结束语 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
[11]王宏伟.突发事件应急管理:预防、处置与恢复重建[M].北京:中国广播电视大学出版 社.2009.
[17]王明春,高成修,曾永廷.VRPTW的扰动恢复及其TABU SEARCH算法[J].数学杂志,2006(2).
[18]李春民等.矿山企业应急管理体系建设研究.中国安全生产科学技术[J]. 2007(10).
[19]周晓莉.城市突发公共事件应急管理相关规范和标准体系框架研究[D].同济大学硕士学位论文. 2006: 60-8
[20]史波, 梁静国.企业应急管理中的信息策略研究[ J].情报理论与实践. 2008 (5).
[23]Abumaizar R.J,Svestka J.A.Rescheduling Job Shops under Random Disruptions[J]. International Journal of Production Research,1997,35(7):2065-2082.
[24]Xiangtong Qi,Jonathan F.Bard,Gang Yu.Disruption management for machine scheduling:the case of SPT schedules[J].Int.J.Production Economics,2006,103:166-184.
[25]Chung-Yee Lee,Joseph Y-T Leung,Gang Yu.Two Machine Scheduling under Disruptions with Transportation Considerations[J].Journal of Scheduling,2006,9(1):35-48.
[26]Chung-Yee Lee,Gang Yu.Single machine scheduling under potential disruption[J].Operations Research Letters,2007,35(4):541-548.
[27] Khaled F.Abdelghany,Ahmed F.Abdelghany,Goutham Ekollu.An integrated decision support tool for airlines schedule recovery during irregular operations[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2008,185(2):825-848.
[28]G Zhu,J F Bard,G Yu.Disruption management for resource-constrained project scheduling[J].Journal of the Operational Research Society,2005,56:365-381.
[29]M.A.Al-Fawzan,Mohamed Haouari.A bi-objective model for robust resource-constrained project scheduling[J].Int.J.Production Economics,2005,96(2):75-187.
[30]Altay,N. and Green Ⅲ,W.G.,(2006) OR/MS research in disaster operations management [J].European Journal of Operational Research,175:475-493
[31]Xia Yusen,Qi Xiangtong,Yu Gang.Real-time Production and Inventory Disruption Management Under the Continuous Rate EPQ Model[J].Naval Research Logistics,2002.