
原文档由会员 8008008 发布
1.6万字 19页
摘 要
关键词 北京市二手房市场/二手房需求/二手房供给/二手房经纪公司
Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of
Second-hand Housing Market in Beijing
When the scale of the city develops into a certain level, urban development will be expanded gradually giving way denotative connotative update, reform and protection. Land resources are limited by the city; the number of the new housing will be reduced gradually, while the holdings of the stock of housing will be more and more. The focus of the real estate market transactions will shift inevitably to second-hand from Yahoo Fang this time. Mature real estate markets in developed countries, the second-hand housing transaction volume of transactions is much higher than Yahoo Fang, second-hand housing market in the real estate market is dominated.
With foreign population increasing, the demand for housing Beijing are more and more, but new home price is higher generally, so more people can only look at the second-hand house, the demand for the second-hand housing is increasing. However, the supply of the second-hand housing is not enough, Leading to the second-hand house price have been no declined. Many people do not know the trading of the second-hand, so they will seek out second-hand house brokers. This article analysis the development of the second-hand housing market in Beijing.On the basis, finding room on the problems, such as housing shortage, unreasonable and trading companies in question to address these issues, some are available for reference to the proposal.
KEYWORDS Second-hand housing market in Beijing,the demand for second-hand housing,the supply of second-hand house,the second-hand housing broker
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 北京市二手房发展的现状 1
1.1 北京市二手房发展的规模 1
1.2 北京市二手房市场的需求现状 1
1.2.1 北京市二手房市场的需求规模 1
1.2.2 北京市二手房市场的买房群体 2
1.2.3 北京市二手房市场的买方需求动机 3
1.3 北京市二手房供给现状 3
1.3.1 北京市二手房市场的供给规模 3
1.3.2 北京市二手房市场的供给结构 4
1.3.3 影响当前供给的因素 4
1.4 北京市二手房的价格水平 5
1.4.1 北京市二手房市场价格现状及未来趋势 5
1.4.2 北京市二手房市场价格变化形成的原因分析 6
1.5 北京市二手房市场经营现状 7
1.5.1 北京市二手房经纪公司发展现状 7
1.5.2 北京市二手房经纪公司经营方式 7
1.6 北京市二手房相关政策 7
2 北京市二手房市场存在的问题 8
2.1 住房极度短缺现象依然存在 8
2.2 北京市二手房供需结构不合理 8
2.2.1 供应结构 9
2.2.2 需求结构 10
2.3 二手房市场价格涨幅过快 10
2.4 北京市二手房经纪公司存在的问题 10
3 北京市二手房发展的对策分析 11
3.1 加大住房保障力度来解决住房困难 11
3.2 调整住房政策以达到供需平衡 11
3.3 抑制价格过快上涨 13
3.4 规范北京市二手房经纪公司 13
结束语 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16
[12] 孟晓苏.中国房地产业发展的理论与政策研究[M].清华大学出版社,2009,353~438
[13] 北京市房地产价格走势及国际比较研究课题组.北京房地产市场发展轨迹的数据观察[J].行业聚焦,2007,(4):24-26
[14] 国家发改委价格监测中心.中国房地产市场价格分析及价格走势研判[J].财经界,2007,(1):62-64
[15] 肖元真,徐小云,田玉成.我国房地产2006年发展现状和2007年前景展望[J].综述,2007,(2):5-7
[16] 林玉伦,葛新权,周将.北京房地产业与经济增长的实证分析[J].当代经济,2008,(2):4-8
[17] 绍智.对北京房地产市场深层次问题的思考[J].经济研究参考,2007,(11):34-35
[18] 潘石屹.2006年北京房地产市场报告[J].国际融资,2007,(2):68-69
[19] 仇伟杰.基于状态空间模型与KALMAN滤波的中国电力需求分析[J].工业技术经济,2006,(2):63-66
[20] 王松涛,陈伟,陈轶等.房地产开发投资水平影响因素研究[J].建筑经济,2007,(2):17-21
[21] 周毕文,田作堂,李永前等.2007年北京房地产价格走势分析[J].价格月刊,2007,(5):17-18
[22] 刘芳,郭颖.我国房地产市场供求的非均衡分析[J].上海电机学院学报,2007,(2):142-146
[23] 黄忠苏.中国房地产市场的非均衡分析[J].经济与管理研究.1997,(2):52-55
[24] J.Yinger..A Search Model of Real Estate Broker Behavior .American Economic Review.1981,(71):591-605
[25] G.K.Turnbull,Real Estate Broker, Nonprice Competion and the Housing Market. Real Estate Economics.1996,24(3):293
[26] Jud G D and J.Frew.Real Estate Brokers,Housing Prices,and the Demand for Brokers.Urban Studies.1986, (1),21-31
1.6万字 19页
摘 要
关键词 北京市二手房市场/二手房需求/二手房供给/二手房经纪公司
Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of
Second-hand Housing Market in Beijing
When the scale of the city develops into a certain level, urban development will be expanded gradually giving way denotative connotative update, reform and protection. Land resources are limited by the city; the number of the new housing will be reduced gradually, while the holdings of the stock of housing will be more and more. The focus of the real estate market transactions will shift inevitably to second-hand from Yahoo Fang this time. Mature real estate markets in developed countries, the second-hand housing transaction volume of transactions is much higher than Yahoo Fang, second-hand housing market in the real estate market is dominated.
With foreign population increasing, the demand for housing Beijing are more and more, but new home price is higher generally, so more people can only look at the second-hand house, the demand for the second-hand housing is increasing. However, the supply of the second-hand housing is not enough, Leading to the second-hand house price have been no declined. Many people do not know the trading of the second-hand, so they will seek out second-hand house brokers. This article analysis the development of the second-hand housing market in Beijing.On the basis, finding room on the problems, such as housing shortage, unreasonable and trading companies in question to address these issues, some are available for reference to the proposal.
KEYWORDS Second-hand housing market in Beijing,the demand for second-hand housing,the supply of second-hand house,the second-hand housing broker
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1 北京市二手房发展的现状 1
1.1 北京市二手房发展的规模 1
1.2 北京市二手房市场的需求现状 1
1.2.1 北京市二手房市场的需求规模 1
1.2.2 北京市二手房市场的买房群体 2
1.2.3 北京市二手房市场的买方需求动机 3
1.3 北京市二手房供给现状 3
1.3.1 北京市二手房市场的供给规模 3
1.3.2 北京市二手房市场的供给结构 4
1.3.3 影响当前供给的因素 4
1.4 北京市二手房的价格水平 5
1.4.1 北京市二手房市场价格现状及未来趋势 5
1.4.2 北京市二手房市场价格变化形成的原因分析 6
1.5 北京市二手房市场经营现状 7
1.5.1 北京市二手房经纪公司发展现状 7
1.5.2 北京市二手房经纪公司经营方式 7
1.6 北京市二手房相关政策 7
2 北京市二手房市场存在的问题 8
2.1 住房极度短缺现象依然存在 8
2.2 北京市二手房供需结构不合理 8
2.2.1 供应结构 9
2.2.2 需求结构 10
2.3 二手房市场价格涨幅过快 10
2.4 北京市二手房经纪公司存在的问题 10
3 北京市二手房发展的对策分析 11
3.1 加大住房保障力度来解决住房困难 11
3.2 调整住房政策以达到供需平衡 11
3.3 抑制价格过快上涨 13
3.4 规范北京市二手房经纪公司 13
结束语 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16
[12] 孟晓苏.中国房地产业发展的理论与政策研究[M].清华大学出版社,2009,353~438
[13] 北京市房地产价格走势及国际比较研究课题组.北京房地产市场发展轨迹的数据观察[J].行业聚焦,2007,(4):24-26
[14] 国家发改委价格监测中心.中国房地产市场价格分析及价格走势研判[J].财经界,2007,(1):62-64
[15] 肖元真,徐小云,田玉成.我国房地产2006年发展现状和2007年前景展望[J].综述,2007,(2):5-7
[16] 林玉伦,葛新权,周将.北京房地产业与经济增长的实证分析[J].当代经济,2008,(2):4-8
[17] 绍智.对北京房地产市场深层次问题的思考[J].经济研究参考,2007,(11):34-35
[18] 潘石屹.2006年北京房地产市场报告[J].国际融资,2007,(2):68-69
[19] 仇伟杰.基于状态空间模型与KALMAN滤波的中国电力需求分析[J].工业技术经济,2006,(2):63-66
[20] 王松涛,陈伟,陈轶等.房地产开发投资水平影响因素研究[J].建筑经济,2007,(2):17-21
[21] 周毕文,田作堂,李永前等.2007年北京房地产价格走势分析[J].价格月刊,2007,(5):17-18
[22] 刘芳,郭颖.我国房地产市场供求的非均衡分析[J].上海电机学院学报,2007,(2):142-146
[23] 黄忠苏.中国房地产市场的非均衡分析[J].经济与管理研究.1997,(2):52-55
[24] J.Yinger..A Search Model of Real Estate Broker Behavior .American Economic Review.1981,(71):591-605
[25] G.K.Turnbull,Real Estate Broker, Nonprice Competion and the Housing Market. Real Estate Economics.1996,24(3):293
[26] Jud G D and J.Frew.Real Estate Brokers,Housing Prices,and the Demand for Brokers.Urban Studies.1986, (1),21-31