演化经济学分析框架的构建,1.7万字 26页包括论文,开题报告,任务书,文献综述 摘要自从《国富论》出版后,经济学确立了独立的理论系统,成为一门独立的学科,经过多次的经济学革命后,新古典经济学得以形成和发展并确立了其了现今的学科地位,这一学科以“理性经济人”为理论假设基础,学科内部充斥着严重的数理化思想,导致现今经济学严...

原文档由会员 abababab 发布
1.7万字 26页
摘 要
Economics being a social sciences and the establishment of analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics
Since the " The Wealth of Nations" was published, economics was able to establish an independent theoretical construct, and become an independent discipline. After a series of economic revolution, Neo-classical economics established the status of itselsf of the present. Have Homo Oeconomicus as the basis of theoretical assumptions,and full of serious mathematic and physical ideas inside Neo-classical economics that lead to a serious detached from real life. Therefore, the current Neo-classical economics exposed to continuous criticism both within and outside the discipline. Thus, as a social science, a breakthrough come after some economists’s hard work. All this happened result in the establishment of several branches of economics. In this article, the author try to discuss the Evolutionary Economics after the criticism of Neo-classical economics. further, the author trying to establish the analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics and discusse the significance of the analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics.
From Criticism of the present development of Economics, In this article,the Author trying to creat the fulcrum of Evolutionary Economics, and he is trying to do some In-depth analysis after The most essential attribute of Economics—Vergesellschaftung. Then,he tell us why Mathematical instrumentalism and Mechanics Doctrine demand criticism. in the coming part,he begin to talk about the Source of the devolopmet of Economics(exist and Development). Over the next few pages, he is going to analyse the controversy between Darwinism and Lamarckism.in the last part, he trying to summarize the result of the article.
Key words: economics, social sciences, Evolutionary Economics, analysis framework
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
二、对新古典经济学的批判 1
(一)经济学是一门社会科学 1
(二)对经济学基础假设脱离现实的批判 3
(三)经济学数学工具主义与经济力学 5
三、贴近现实的演化经济学 6
(一)演化动力:生存(survive/ exist)、发展(develop) 6
(二) 拉马克主义与达尔文主义 7
(三)试错、创新、选择 7
(四)演化经济学演化方向性、研究落脚点的探讨 9
四、演化经济学分析框架的构建 11
结 论 17
参考文献 18
谢 辞 19
[5]戴天宇.经济学:范式革命. 清华大学出版社 .2008.1-80
[7]阿尔弗里德•马歇尔,张桂玲, 黄道平编译.经济学原理.国商业出版社 .2009.
[8]陈劲 主编. 演化与创新经济学评论. 科学出版社 .2009.20-30
[20] Veblen. “Why is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science?”, Reprinted in The Place of Science in Modern Civilisation, New York: Russell &Russell,1898.56-81
[21] Witt, Ulrich.“Heuristic Twists and Ontological Creeds———A Road Map for Evolutionary Economics”, Papers on Economics and Evolution, Jena: Max Planck Institute of Economics,2007. #0701
[22]Witt, Ulrich. “Evolutionary Economics”, Papers on Economics and Evolution, Jena: Max Planck Institute of Economics,2006. #0605
1.7万字 26页
摘 要
Economics being a social sciences and the establishment of analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics
Since the " The Wealth of Nations" was published, economics was able to establish an independent theoretical construct, and become an independent discipline. After a series of economic revolution, Neo-classical economics established the status of itselsf of the present. Have Homo Oeconomicus as the basis of theoretical assumptions,and full of serious mathematic and physical ideas inside Neo-classical economics that lead to a serious detached from real life. Therefore, the current Neo-classical economics exposed to continuous criticism both within and outside the discipline. Thus, as a social science, a breakthrough come after some economists’s hard work. All this happened result in the establishment of several branches of economics. In this article, the author try to discuss the Evolutionary Economics after the criticism of Neo-classical economics. further, the author trying to establish the analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics and discusse the significance of the analytical framework of Evolutionary Economics.
From Criticism of the present development of Economics, In this article,the Author trying to creat the fulcrum of Evolutionary Economics, and he is trying to do some In-depth analysis after The most essential attribute of Economics—Vergesellschaftung. Then,he tell us why Mathematical instrumentalism and Mechanics Doctrine demand criticism. in the coming part,he begin to talk about the Source of the devolopmet of Economics(exist and Development). Over the next few pages, he is going to analyse the controversy between Darwinism and Lamarckism.in the last part, he trying to summarize the result of the article.
Key words: economics, social sciences, Evolutionary Economics, analysis framework
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
二、对新古典经济学的批判 1
(一)经济学是一门社会科学 1
(二)对经济学基础假设脱离现实的批判 3
(三)经济学数学工具主义与经济力学 5
三、贴近现实的演化经济学 6
(一)演化动力:生存(survive/ exist)、发展(develop) 6
(二) 拉马克主义与达尔文主义 7
(三)试错、创新、选择 7
(四)演化经济学演化方向性、研究落脚点的探讨 9
四、演化经济学分析框架的构建 11
结 论 17
参考文献 18
谢 辞 19
[5]戴天宇.经济学:范式革命. 清华大学出版社 .2008.1-80
[7]阿尔弗里德•马歇尔,张桂玲, 黄道平编译.经济学原理.国商业出版社 .2009.
[8]陈劲 主编. 演化与创新经济学评论. 科学出版社 .2009.20-30
[20] Veblen. “Why is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science?”, Reprinted in The Place of Science in Modern Civilisation, New York: Russell &Russell,1898.56-81
[21] Witt, Ulrich.“Heuristic Twists and Ontological Creeds———A Road Map for Evolutionary Economics”, Papers on Economics and Evolution, Jena: Max Planck Institute of Economics,2007. #0701
[22]Witt, Ulrich. “Evolutionary Economics”, Papers on Economics and Evolution, Jena: Max Planck Institute of Economics,2006. #0605