原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.69万字 26页
On the Improvement of the System of Posting a Bail and Awaiting Trial with Restricted Liberty of Moving in China
As the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving has something inadequate, it is necessary for us to recommend bail system used in England. The bail system in England, as a system of administrative lawsuit, plays an indispensable role in guaranteeing suspect, defendant’s personal freedom rights, and guaranteeing the normal process of judicial proceeding, etc. This paper focuses on the comparison between the bail system and the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China. In such a way, the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving will be more perfect. It is just like a volunteer to give an opinion so that others may follow suit.
There are four parts in body of the paper. In the first part, the author introduces the present situation on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China, including its development and problem at present. In the second part, the author makes an investigation of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in England, including the development of its history, the basic content of it, and the idea basis of it. In the third part, a comparison on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving is made between China and England, which makes a preparation to the next part. In the fourth part, the author discusses the way how to improve the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China by drawing on the experience of bail system in England. It will be discussed from two aspects in the following: On the one hand, the author thinks deeply on the improvement of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from a macroscopic perspective. In the basis of transforming lawsuit concept, the author aims to transform the nature of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from mandatory measures to the guarantee of human rights. On the other hand, the author thinks deeply on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from a microcosmic perspective. The improvement on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China, which benefits by England’s experience, is revealed in five aspects in detail, so that the system will be adaptable to the goal of China’s establishment of a modern country with perfect law.
Keywords:Bail system,Bail out,Perfect
目 录
目 录 I
摘 要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
前 言 1
一、取保候审在我国的现状 2
(一)取保候审在我国的发展 2
(二)取保候审存在的问题 2
二、英国保释制度的考察 6
(一)英国保释制度的历史演进 6
(二)英国保释制度的基本内容 8
1.保释的适用范围 8
2.保释的保证形式 8
3.保释的决定主体 9
4.违反保释规定的法律责任 9
5.保释的救济程序 10
(三)英国保释制度的理论基础 10
1.自由理念 10
2.无罪推定 11
三、取保候审与保释制度的比较 12
(一)取保候审与保释制度的相似之处 12
(二)取保候审与保释制度的不同之处 12
四、借鉴保释制度,完善取保候审 15
(一)取保候审改革的宏观思考 15
(二)取保候审改革的微观思考 16
1.适用范围方面 16
2.保证形式方面 16
3.决定权方面 17
4.制裁举措方面 17
5.救济程序方面 18
结 论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
1.69万字 26页
On the Improvement of the System of Posting a Bail and Awaiting Trial with Restricted Liberty of Moving in China
As the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving has something inadequate, it is necessary for us to recommend bail system used in England. The bail system in England, as a system of administrative lawsuit, plays an indispensable role in guaranteeing suspect, defendant’s personal freedom rights, and guaranteeing the normal process of judicial proceeding, etc. This paper focuses on the comparison between the bail system and the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China. In such a way, the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving will be more perfect. It is just like a volunteer to give an opinion so that others may follow suit.
There are four parts in body of the paper. In the first part, the author introduces the present situation on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China, including its development and problem at present. In the second part, the author makes an investigation of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in England, including the development of its history, the basic content of it, and the idea basis of it. In the third part, a comparison on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving is made between China and England, which makes a preparation to the next part. In the fourth part, the author discusses the way how to improve the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China by drawing on the experience of bail system in England. It will be discussed from two aspects in the following: On the one hand, the author thinks deeply on the improvement of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from a macroscopic perspective. In the basis of transforming lawsuit concept, the author aims to transform the nature of the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from mandatory measures to the guarantee of human rights. On the other hand, the author thinks deeply on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving from a microcosmic perspective. The improvement on the system of posting a bail and awaiting trial with restricted liberty of moving in China, which benefits by England’s experience, is revealed in five aspects in detail, so that the system will be adaptable to the goal of China’s establishment of a modern country with perfect law.
Keywords:Bail system,Bail out,Perfect
目 录
目 录 I
摘 要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
前 言 1
一、取保候审在我国的现状 2
(一)取保候审在我国的发展 2
(二)取保候审存在的问题 2
二、英国保释制度的考察 6
(一)英国保释制度的历史演进 6
(二)英国保释制度的基本内容 8
1.保释的适用范围 8
2.保释的保证形式 8
3.保释的决定主体 9
4.违反保释规定的法律责任 9
5.保释的救济程序 10
(三)英国保释制度的理论基础 10
1.自由理念 10
2.无罪推定 11
三、取保候审与保释制度的比较 12
(一)取保候审与保释制度的相似之处 12
(二)取保候审与保释制度的不同之处 12
四、借鉴保释制度,完善取保候审 15
(一)取保候审改革的宏观思考 15
(二)取保候审改革的微观思考 16
1.适用范围方面 16
2.保证形式方面 16
3.决定权方面 17
4.制裁举措方面 17
5.救济程序方面 18
结 论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21