论民事诉讼的目的,1.28万字 17页包括开题报告,任务书,封面,论文,文献综述,课题审核表,周进展记录表等完整资料!摘要民事诉讼目的论是民事诉讼法学领域重要的基础理论,民事诉讼目的理论研究的意义,就在于它为民事诉讼制度设计提供一种基本理念。基于不同的目的观,会有不同的制度设计,如依纠纷解决说设计的民事诉讼制度,必然更注...

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1.28万字 17页

关键词:民事诉讼目的 民事诉讼目的理论 纠纷解决 程序保障
On the Theory of Civil Lawsuit Purpose
The issue of civil lawsuit purpose is the basis of theory in the civil lawsuit area. The theoretical study significance lies in that it could provide a basic concept for civil litigation system. Based on the concept of different purposes, there will be different system designs, such as the civil lawsuit system which is based on the design of solving disputes, it inevitably focus more on the simplification of procedures. Nevertheless, the civil lawsuit system which is based on the design of procedure guarantee inevitably pays more attention to the pursuit for the legitimacy of the proceedings. The research for the purpose of civil proceedings could enable people to identify and think about the problem at a higher level and to pay further attention to aspects of legitimacy for the civil lawsuit system. The purposes of country’s civil lawsuit can not be divorced from the specific context of the judiciary, but distinguished from civil and arbitration, mediation and other non-litigation system in purpose. We should re-think and set up China's civil purposes on the basis of establishing the objective needs of civil litigation system and the nature of civil laws with the reform of the judgment means vigorously promoted nowadays in China. It could be helpful for the reconstruction of science and viable civil justice system the deepening of judicial reform in China.
Keywords: civil lawsuit purpose, the theory of civil lawsuit purpose, dispute solving, procedure guarantee
目 录
前 言
致 谢
[1] 李祖军.民事诉讼目的论[M].北京:法律出版社,2000.
[2] 肖建国.民事诉讼程序价值论[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999.
[3] 江伟.民事诉讼法学[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000.
[4] 张卫平.民事诉讼基本模式:转换与选择之概括[J].现代法学,1996.
[5] 李祖军.民事诉讼目的论述评J.法学论坛,1999.
[6] 谷口安平.程序的正义与诉讼(增补本)[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002.
[7] 谷口安平.程序的正义与为所欲为[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,1996.
[8] 中华人民共和国最高人民法院.最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据若干规定[Z].
[9] 刘荣军.程序保障的理论视角[M].天津:法律出版社,1999.
[10] 竹下守夫.民事诉讼法的目的与司法的作用[J].现代法学,1997,
[12] 兼子一.竹下守夫.民事诉讼法[M].天津:法律出版社,1995.
[13] 章武生,吴泽勇.论民事诉讼目的[J].中国法学,1998.
[14] 李祖军,田毅平.利益保障目的论之功能[J].现代法学,1999.
[15] 刘荣军.论民事诉讼的目的[J].政法论坛,1997.
[16] 祁建建,王戬.民事诉讼目的略论J.烟台大学学报,2000.
17 邱联恭:《程序制度机能论》[M].三民书局出版,1996
[18] Hannah Arendt. “Philosophy and Politics , ”Social Research57 :1,p. 80.
1.28万字 17页

关键词:民事诉讼目的 民事诉讼目的理论 纠纷解决 程序保障
On the Theory of Civil Lawsuit Purpose
The issue of civil lawsuit purpose is the basis of theory in the civil lawsuit area. The theoretical study significance lies in that it could provide a basic concept for civil litigation system. Based on the concept of different purposes, there will be different system designs, such as the civil lawsuit system which is based on the design of solving disputes, it inevitably focus more on the simplification of procedures. Nevertheless, the civil lawsuit system which is based on the design of procedure guarantee inevitably pays more attention to the pursuit for the legitimacy of the proceedings. The research for the purpose of civil proceedings could enable people to identify and think about the problem at a higher level and to pay further attention to aspects of legitimacy for the civil lawsuit system. The purposes of country’s civil lawsuit can not be divorced from the specific context of the judiciary, but distinguished from civil and arbitration, mediation and other non-litigation system in purpose. We should re-think and set up China's civil purposes on the basis of establishing the objective needs of civil litigation system and the nature of civil laws with the reform of the judgment means vigorously promoted nowadays in China. It could be helpful for the reconstruction of science and viable civil justice system the deepening of judicial reform in China.
Keywords: civil lawsuit purpose, the theory of civil lawsuit purpose, dispute solving, procedure guarantee
目 录
前 言
致 谢
[1] 李祖军.民事诉讼目的论[M].北京:法律出版社,2000.
[2] 肖建国.民事诉讼程序价值论[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999.
[3] 江伟.民事诉讼法学[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000.
[4] 张卫平.民事诉讼基本模式:转换与选择之概括[J].现代法学,1996.
[5] 李祖军.民事诉讼目的论述评J.法学论坛,1999.
[6] 谷口安平.程序的正义与诉讼(增补本)[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002.
[7] 谷口安平.程序的正义与为所欲为[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,1996.
[8] 中华人民共和国最高人民法院.最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据若干规定[Z].
[9] 刘荣军.程序保障的理论视角[M].天津:法律出版社,1999.
[10] 竹下守夫.民事诉讼法的目的与司法的作用[J].现代法学,1997,
[12] 兼子一.竹下守夫.民事诉讼法[M].天津:法律出版社,1995.
[13] 章武生,吴泽勇.论民事诉讼目的[J].中国法学,1998.
[14] 李祖军,田毅平.利益保障目的论之功能[J].现代法学,1999.
[15] 刘荣军.论民事诉讼的目的[J].政法论坛,1997.
[16] 祁建建,王戬.民事诉讼目的略论J.烟台大学学报,2000.
17 邱联恭:《程序制度机能论》[M].三民书局出版,1996
[18] Hannah Arendt. “Philosophy and Politics , ”Social Research57 :1,p. 80.