论单位自首的司法认定,1.2万多字 15页包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,封面等资料摘要伴随着自首制度和单位犯罪制度在《刑法》中的法典化,单位自首已成为刑法理论以及司法实践中所亟需解决的新课题。何为单位自首、单位自首的理论依据、单位自首的成立要件、单位自首在司法实践中存在的问题以及如何对单位自首进行司法认定是解决这...
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.2万多字 15页
关键词:单位犯罪 单位自首 司法认定
With surrendered system and the system of crime unit in the "Criminal Law" in the Code, the Penal Code has become a unit surrendered theory and judicial practice in the new issues that need urgent solutions. It surrendered to units, unit surrendered the theoretical basis for the establishment of units surrendered Elements of the unit surrendered in judicial practice and the problems that exist in how the unit that surrendered a judicial solution to this new task is necessary to first explore the issue. This article first introduced academic units surrendered to the status of research and development trends, whether on the unit surrendered a major academic theory and affirmed the negative views of the two; article in the first part of the units on the theoretical basis for the units and surrendered to define, unit surrendered The criminal law system and surrendered units inevitable logic of the system of crime, in line with China's criminal law system turned himself in the legislative intention, in line with China's punishment with leniency combination of criminal policy, legislation and judicial practice is an inevitable choice for the second part on the surrendered units Justice finds that the unit surrendered On the establishment of the Elements and surrendered to the judicial units in that the main problem, from the negative side should not be described as a unit that surrendered the case, turned himself in the third part of the effectiveness of the unit and the unit surrendered punishment , The unit set up after the surrender, of course, that can not be directly responsible for the unit in charge of personnel and other personnel are directly responsible for the establishment of surrender.
Key words: Unit crime;The unit surrenders;Justice finds that
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 1
一、单位自首概述 2
(一)单位自首的理论依据 2
1. 单位自首是刑法规定自首制度和单位犯罪制度的逻辑必然 2
2. 单位自首符合我国自首制度的立法意旨 2
3. 单位自首符合我国的刑事政策也是立法和司法实践的必然选择 3
(二)单位自首的界定 3
二、单位自首的司法认定 4
(一)单位自首的成立要件 4
(二)单位自首的司法认定中存在的主要问题 5
1. 单位整体意志的界定 5
2. 单位自首实施行为人认定 7
(三)不应认定为单位自首的几种情形 9
1. 直接负责的主管人员代表单位自首的行为 9
2. 单位其他直接责任人员代表单位自首的行为 10
3. 单位之外的人员代表单位自首的行为 10
4. 基于认识错误的自首行为 10
三、单位自首的处罚 10
(一)单位自首的效力范围 11
(二)单位自首的处罚 11
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
[1] 刘方,单民,刘宏伟.刑法适用疑难问题及定罪量刑标准通解(修订本)[M].北京:法律出版社,2006.11.
[2] 刘宪权,杨兴培.刑法学专论[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2007.4.
[3] 赵秉志.犯罪总体问题探索[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.
[4] 张明楷,黎宏,周光权.刑法新问题探究[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2003.
[5] 李僚义,李恩民.中国单位犯罪的罪与罚[M].北京:中国检察官出版社,1996.
[6] 陈兴良.当代中国刑法新领域[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003.3.
[7] 沈兴康,曹坚.论单位自首的认定[J].政治与法律,2005,4.
[8] 周加海,庄丽丽.试论单位自首[J].国家检察官学院学报,2003,11(6).
[9] 沈新康,曹坚.单位自首的认定——华东纺织联合公司走私普通货物案[J].中国刑事法杂志,2004,6.
[10] 沈莺.论单位自首[J].中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2003,3(4).
[11] 刘凌梅.单位犯罪自首的理性研究[J].河南社会科学,2003,11(4).
[12] 薛进展.单位犯罪刑罚的适用与思考[J].法学,2002(9).
[13] 叶巍,汪敏.自首制度新视界[J].审判研究,2000(9).
[14] 何玫莉,刘敏.单位自首认定中的两个难题[J].山西省政法管理干部学院学报,2006,19(2).
[15] 彭清燕.论单位自首制度[J].法学杂志,2004(4).
[16] 竹怀军.建立单位犯罪量刑制度的构想[J].济南大学学报,2001(4).
[17] 熊瑛.单位自首若干争议问题探析[J].福建公安高等转科学校学报,2006(2).
[18] 沈莺.关于单位自首处罚问题的探讨[J].吉林省公安高等专科学校学报,2004(2).
[19] 曹坚. 华东纺织联合公司走私普通货物案——单位自首的认定[J].判例与研究,2005(3).
[20] 侯静.单位自首制度研究[J].甘肃农业,2006(1).
1.2万多字 15页
关键词:单位犯罪 单位自首 司法认定
With surrendered system and the system of crime unit in the "Criminal Law" in the Code, the Penal Code has become a unit surrendered theory and judicial practice in the new issues that need urgent solutions. It surrendered to units, unit surrendered the theoretical basis for the establishment of units surrendered Elements of the unit surrendered in judicial practice and the problems that exist in how the unit that surrendered a judicial solution to this new task is necessary to first explore the issue. This article first introduced academic units surrendered to the status of research and development trends, whether on the unit surrendered a major academic theory and affirmed the negative views of the two; article in the first part of the units on the theoretical basis for the units and surrendered to define, unit surrendered The criminal law system and surrendered units inevitable logic of the system of crime, in line with China's criminal law system turned himself in the legislative intention, in line with China's punishment with leniency combination of criminal policy, legislation and judicial practice is an inevitable choice for the second part on the surrendered units Justice finds that the unit surrendered On the establishment of the Elements and surrendered to the judicial units in that the main problem, from the negative side should not be described as a unit that surrendered the case, turned himself in the third part of the effectiveness of the unit and the unit surrendered punishment , The unit set up after the surrender, of course, that can not be directly responsible for the unit in charge of personnel and other personnel are directly responsible for the establishment of surrender.
Key words: Unit crime;The unit surrenders;Justice finds that
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 1
一、单位自首概述 2
(一)单位自首的理论依据 2
1. 单位自首是刑法规定自首制度和单位犯罪制度的逻辑必然 2
2. 单位自首符合我国自首制度的立法意旨 2
3. 单位自首符合我国的刑事政策也是立法和司法实践的必然选择 3
(二)单位自首的界定 3
二、单位自首的司法认定 4
(一)单位自首的成立要件 4
(二)单位自首的司法认定中存在的主要问题 5
1. 单位整体意志的界定 5
2. 单位自首实施行为人认定 7
(三)不应认定为单位自首的几种情形 9
1. 直接负责的主管人员代表单位自首的行为 9
2. 单位其他直接责任人员代表单位自首的行为 10
3. 单位之外的人员代表单位自首的行为 10
4. 基于认识错误的自首行为 10
三、单位自首的处罚 10
(一)单位自首的效力范围 11
(二)单位自首的处罚 11
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
[1] 刘方,单民,刘宏伟.刑法适用疑难问题及定罪量刑标准通解(修订本)[M].北京:法律出版社,2006.11.
[2] 刘宪权,杨兴培.刑法学专论[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2007.4.
[3] 赵秉志.犯罪总体问题探索[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.
[4] 张明楷,黎宏,周光权.刑法新问题探究[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2003.
[5] 李僚义,李恩民.中国单位犯罪的罪与罚[M].北京:中国检察官出版社,1996.
[6] 陈兴良.当代中国刑法新领域[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003.3.
[7] 沈兴康,曹坚.论单位自首的认定[J].政治与法律,2005,4.
[8] 周加海,庄丽丽.试论单位自首[J].国家检察官学院学报,2003,11(6).
[9] 沈新康,曹坚.单位自首的认定——华东纺织联合公司走私普通货物案[J].中国刑事法杂志,2004,6.
[10] 沈莺.论单位自首[J].中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2003,3(4).
[11] 刘凌梅.单位犯罪自首的理性研究[J].河南社会科学,2003,11(4).
[12] 薛进展.单位犯罪刑罚的适用与思考[J].法学,2002(9).
[13] 叶巍,汪敏.自首制度新视界[J].审判研究,2000(9).
[14] 何玫莉,刘敏.单位自首认定中的两个难题[J].山西省政法管理干部学院学报,2006,19(2).
[15] 彭清燕.论单位自首制度[J].法学杂志,2004(4).
[16] 竹怀军.建立单位犯罪量刑制度的构想[J].济南大学学报,2001(4).
[17] 熊瑛.单位自首若干争议问题探析[J].福建公安高等转科学校学报,2006(2).
[18] 沈莺.关于单位自首处罚问题的探讨[J].吉林省公安高等专科学校学报,2004(2).
[19] 曹坚. 华东纺织联合公司走私普通货物案——单位自首的认定[J].判例与研究,2005(3).
[20] 侯静.单位自首制度研究[J].甘肃农业,2006(1).