
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.5万字 25页
摘 要
关键词 自首 成立要件 立法完善
Studies on the system of voluntary surrender
Surrendered system has a long history in our country,which china give the high attention this system regardless of from ancient to present in the judicature or legislates,thus this system was also considered that is the Chinese legal system characteristic system.Our country present surrenders system is stipulated in 97 criminal law, that was the punishment combined with the leniency of which the farmal and specifical of basic policies. Surrendered in the existing system has a positive effect in urging the perpetrators to plead guilty defectors, repenting and starting anew, self-remolding as well as saves the national judicature resources, raising the judicial efficiency, avoiding implicating the innocent and so on .But there is so many doubts and the question were not been solved properly in the law about surrenders system's stipulation bofore formulating the new criminal law. It has a big adjustmen to the In the new criminal law system and the provisions are almost brand new. In this case, the old problems were not been solved and new issues were appeared, so it has important practical significance to have a further research on surrender system once again to make it more adapt to the new legal phenomenon.
Key Words: Voluntary surrender; Establishment essentials;
perfecting the legislation
目 录
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
第一章自首制度概述 1
1.1、中国自首制度的历史沿革 1
1.1.1、中国自首制度的起源 1
1.1.2、我国近代自首制度的发展 3
1.2、自首制度理论基础 4
第二章 自首制度的概念、本质及成立条件 6
2.1、自首制度的概念、本质及意义 6
2.1.1、自首制度的概念 6
2.1.2、自首制度的本质 6
2.1.3、自首的意义 7
2.2、自首制度的成立条件 7
2.2.1、一般自首 7
2.2.2、一般自首的疑难问题 8
2.2.3、余罪自首的成立要件 9
2.2.4、特别自首的成立要件 11
第三章 自首犯的处罚及法律适用 12
3.1、对自首犯从宽处罚的根据 12
3.2、自首犯的处罚规定及其适用 13
3.2.1、现行刑法典对自首犯的处罚规定 13
3.2.2、自首犯处罚规定的理解与适用 13
第四章 我国自首制度存在的争议及完善 15
4.1、是否应该将“悔罪动机”规定为自首的必备条件 15
4.2、应该增设坦白制度 15
结束语 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19
[1] 周加海.自首制度研究[M].北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,2004.
[2] 郑荔.论自首行为的心理诱因[J].江西公安专科学校学报, 2004.3.
[3] 萧典.中国古代自首制度考——兼论自首制度演变发展的特征及其价值. [J].武汉文史资料, 2003.5
[4] 吕中华,新刑法对自首制度修改探析[J].长春大学学报,2004,10(2).
[5] 秦慧敏.试论我国刑法中自首的认定[D].北京:中国政法大学,2005.
[6] 周蓝蓝.自首制度的理论解读及其疑难解答[D]. 重庆:西南政法大学,2004.
[7] 邢孝平.自首制度的理论与实践[D]. 河南:河南大学,2005.
[8] 张 华.自首制度的若干司法疑难问题探讨[J]. 法律适用月刊,2005,6.
[9] 和法军.自首制度研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2005.
[10] 乔军.自首制度的适用[J]. 人民司法,1998.2
[11] 郝守才.关于完善我国刑法中立功制度的构想[J].法商研究,2003.1.
[12] 李俊,赵雅杰.自首及其价值[J].当代法学, 2001.12.
[14] 郭善玲,王芳.论自首的构成要件[J].南昌高专学报,2003.1.
[15] 郑高键.论自首的认定及对处罚的影响[J].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2005,3(1).
1.5万字 25页
摘 要
关键词 自首 成立要件 立法完善
Studies on the system of voluntary surrender
Surrendered system has a long history in our country,which china give the high attention this system regardless of from ancient to present in the judicature or legislates,thus this system was also considered that is the Chinese legal system characteristic system.Our country present surrenders system is stipulated in 97 criminal law, that was the punishment combined with the leniency of which the farmal and specifical of basic policies. Surrendered in the existing system has a positive effect in urging the perpetrators to plead guilty defectors, repenting and starting anew, self-remolding as well as saves the national judicature resources, raising the judicial efficiency, avoiding implicating the innocent and so on .But there is so many doubts and the question were not been solved properly in the law about surrenders system's stipulation bofore formulating the new criminal law. It has a big adjustmen to the In the new criminal law system and the provisions are almost brand new. In this case, the old problems were not been solved and new issues were appeared, so it has important practical significance to have a further research on surrender system once again to make it more adapt to the new legal phenomenon.
Key Words: Voluntary surrender; Establishment essentials;
perfecting the legislation
目 录
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
第一章自首制度概述 1
1.1、中国自首制度的历史沿革 1
1.1.1、中国自首制度的起源 1
1.1.2、我国近代自首制度的发展 3
1.2、自首制度理论基础 4
第二章 自首制度的概念、本质及成立条件 6
2.1、自首制度的概念、本质及意义 6
2.1.1、自首制度的概念 6
2.1.2、自首制度的本质 6
2.1.3、自首的意义 7
2.2、自首制度的成立条件 7
2.2.1、一般自首 7
2.2.2、一般自首的疑难问题 8
2.2.3、余罪自首的成立要件 9
2.2.4、特别自首的成立要件 11
第三章 自首犯的处罚及法律适用 12
3.1、对自首犯从宽处罚的根据 12
3.2、自首犯的处罚规定及其适用 13
3.2.1、现行刑法典对自首犯的处罚规定 13
3.2.2、自首犯处罚规定的理解与适用 13
第四章 我国自首制度存在的争议及完善 15
4.1、是否应该将“悔罪动机”规定为自首的必备条件 15
4.2、应该增设坦白制度 15
结束语 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19
[1] 周加海.自首制度研究[M].北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,2004.
[2] 郑荔.论自首行为的心理诱因[J].江西公安专科学校学报, 2004.3.
[3] 萧典.中国古代自首制度考——兼论自首制度演变发展的特征及其价值. [J].武汉文史资料, 2003.5
[4] 吕中华,新刑法对自首制度修改探析[J].长春大学学报,2004,10(2).
[5] 秦慧敏.试论我国刑法中自首的认定[D].北京:中国政法大学,2005.
[6] 周蓝蓝.自首制度的理论解读及其疑难解答[D]. 重庆:西南政法大学,2004.
[7] 邢孝平.自首制度的理论与实践[D]. 河南:河南大学,2005.
[8] 张 华.自首制度的若干司法疑难问题探讨[J]. 法律适用月刊,2005,6.
[9] 和法军.自首制度研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2005.
[10] 乔军.自首制度的适用[J]. 人民司法,1998.2
[11] 郝守才.关于完善我国刑法中立功制度的构想[J].法商研究,2003.1.
[12] 李俊,赵雅杰.自首及其价值[J].当代法学, 2001.12.
[14] 郭善玲,王芳.论自首的构成要件[J].南昌高专学报,2003.1.
[15] 郑高键.论自首的认定及对处罚的影响[J].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2005,3(1).