

枇杷营养器官次生代谢产物含量分析,包括论文,开题报告,文献综述,其中论文6500字12页摘 要:对枇杷营养器官的绿原酸,黄酮,生物碱,皂甙和木质素等5种次生代谢产物的质量分数进行测定与分析。结果显示:5种次生代谢产物在枇杷营养器官中的质量分数具有一定的差异, 总质量分数以枇杷根中最高, 茎次之、叶最低, 5 种次生代谢产...
分类: 论文>生物/化学论文



原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布


包括论文,开题报告,文献综述,其中论文6500字 12页

摘 要:对枇杷营养器官的绿原酸,黄酮,生物碱,皂甙和木质素等5种次生代谢产物的质量分数进行测定与分析。结果显示:5种次生代谢产物在枇杷营养器官中的质量分数具有一定的差异, 总质量分数以枇杷根中最高, 茎次之、叶最低, 5 种次生代谢产物中, 木质素的质量分数以根最高, 茎次之, 叶最低; 黄酮的质量分数以叶最高, 茎次之, 而根最低;而绿原酸、总皂甙和总生物碱的质量分数均以叶最高, 茎次之, 而根最低。不同营养器官的5 种次生代谢产物质量分数之间具有一定的差异。了解枇杷营养器官各种次生代谢物的含量,有利于我们对枇杷更好的利用.

关键词:枇杷; 营养器官; 次生代谢产物

The analysis of the secondary metabolites in nutrient
organs of Eriobotrya japonica(thunb)lindl

Abstract: To the Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl nutrition organic yellow ketone , alkaloid , soap glucoside , lignin and green original getting sour 5 secondary quality mark , metabolites of result of organ determine and analyse. The result shows: The mark of quality of 5 kinds of secondary in different nutrient organs of Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl of res metabolites ult has certain differences, total quality mark radicle most high with Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl, haulm to take second place , lowest leaf, In 5 kinds of secondary metabolites results, the mark of quality of the lignin is the highest with the radicle, the haulm takes second place, the leaf is the lowest; The mark of quality of the yellow ketone is the highest with the leaf , the haulm takes second place, and the radicle is the lowest; And the glucoside of the green original sour , total soap and mark of quality of the total alkaloid are the highest with the leaf , the haulm takes second place, and the radicle is the lowest. Different nutrient organs Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl 5 secondary res metabolites ult quality mark of organ have certain differences. Find out about the content of different secondary metabolites of Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl nutrition organic,is favorable to our use better to the Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl .
Keywords: Eriobotrya japonica (thunb) lindl; nutrient organs;Secondary metabolites .

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