平面关节型机械手毕业设计,1.4万字 34页包括开题报告,任务书,设计说明书,cad图纸,文献综述,外文翻译等整套的毕业设计资料,内容完整,推荐下载! 摘 要 在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化,自动化已经成为突出主题。在机械工业中,加工、装配等环节中运用的机械手已经越来越普遍。它可降低工人的劳动强度,提高生产效率和质量。平...

原文档由会员 keyes3607 发布
1.4万字 34页

摘 要
In modern industry, the production process of mechanization and automation has become a prominent theme. In the mechanical industry, processing, assembling, and other aspects of the use of mechanical hand has become increasingly common. It can reduce the labor intensity of workers, increase production efficiency and quality. Plane joint use of two-manipulator rotary joints and a mobile joint; two revolving around joint control before and after the campaign, and the realization of joint mobile campaign from top to bottom, their work space such as work space map, it's vertical rectangular cross-section of the rotating, vertical Cross-section of the joint high for mobile long trip, the two rotary joint corner of the size cross-section of the Rotary decision size, shape. Industrial machinery hand is a copy of the staff action, in accordance with the procedures set in advance, track or other requirements, and crawling, porters or operation of the automated tools devices. In the 20th century it had been used in the production of the 1950s, is expected from top to bottom in the auto developed on the basis of a mechanical devices, mainly used to automatically start from top to bottom and porters were expected to complete stand-alone automation and automated production line With the application of paragraph does not expand, now used for gripping tools and the completion of certain operations. Practice has proved that it can substitute for manpower the heavy labor, reduce labor intensity of workers and improve working conditions, improve labor productivity.
KEY WORDS :Manipulator;Bearing;Cylinder
目 录
摘 要 I
前言 1
1 概论 2
1.1机械手简史 2
1.2机械手发展概况 2
1.3机械手的发展趋势 3
1.4机械手的组成、分类及型式 4
1.4.1机械手的组成 4
1.4.2机械手的分类及型式 4
1.5机械手的应用及应用误区 8
1.5.1机械手的应用 8
1.5.2机械手应用误区 9
2 机械手工作原理及设计思想 11
3 机械手设计 12
3.1 手指设计 13
3.1.1 设计时要注意的问题 13
3.1.2 零件的设计 13
3.2 移动关节的设计 16
3.2.1驱动方式的比较 16
3.2.2气缸的设计 17
4 机械手臂部的设计及有关计算计 18
4.1 小臂的设计 18
4.1.1 设计时注意的问题 18
4.1.2 小臂结构的设计 18
4.1.3 轴的设计 19
4.1.4 轴承的选择 19
4.1.5 轴承摩擦力矩的设计 20
4.1.6 驱动选择 21
4.2 大臂的设计计算 22
4.2.1 结构的设计 22
4.2.2 轴的设计计算 22
4.2.3 轴承的选择 23
4.2.4 轴承摩擦力矩的计算 24
4.2.5 伺服系统的选择 24
5机身的设计 26
小结 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
[1] MasonM T ,Salisbury J K.Robots hands and the mechanicsof manipulation .Cambridge :MIT press ,1985 .
[2] Dechev N,Cleghorn WL ,Nauman S .Multiple finger ,passive adaptive grasp prosthetic hand.MechnismandMachine Theory ,1999 ,36(4) :1157 - 1173 .
[3] Butterfass J ,GrebensteinM,Liu H,et al .DLR hand ,next generation of a dexterous robot hand .Seoul :IEEE Trans .On Robotics and Automation ,2001 .
[4] Roccella S ,Gosselin C M,Cappiello G,et al .Design ,fabrication and preliminary results of a novel anthropomorphichand for humanoid robotics .Sendai :IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems ,2004.
[5] Edsinger - Gonzales A.Design of a compliant and forcesensing hand for a humanoid robot .Genova :IntelligentManipulation and Grasping ,2004 .
[6] 郭惠昕,张龙庭,罗佑新,等.多目标模糊优化设计的理想点法.机械设计,2001(8) :16 - 18 .
[7] 孟女卓,卜贺.规范化加权平方和法多目标优化设计.哈尔滨科学技术大学学报,1995 ,19(5) :76 -81 .
[8] 韩泽光,费烨,郑夕健.基于多目标遗传算法的圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧方案设计.中国制造业信息化,2006 ,35(3) :27 - 30 .
[9]周伯英.《工业机器人设计》[M]机械工业出版社 1995
[10] 龚振帮,《机器人机械设计》[M]电子工业出版社 1995
[11]藤森洋三,《机构设计》[M]机械工业出版社 1990
[12]加藤一郎.《机械手图册》[M]上海科技出版社 1989
[13] 成大先.《机械设计图册》[M](5)化学工业出版社 1999
[14] 刘鸿文.《材料力学》[M] 高等教育出版社 1991
[15] 濮良贵, 纪名刚.《机械设计》[M]高等教育出版社 1995
[16] 周开勤.《机械零件手册》[M] 高等教育出版社 1993
1.4万字 34页

摘 要
In modern industry, the production process of mechanization and automation has become a prominent theme. In the mechanical industry, processing, assembling, and other aspects of the use of mechanical hand has become increasingly common. It can reduce the labor intensity of workers, increase production efficiency and quality. Plane joint use of two-manipulator rotary joints and a mobile joint; two revolving around joint control before and after the campaign, and the realization of joint mobile campaign from top to bottom, their work space such as work space map, it's vertical rectangular cross-section of the rotating, vertical Cross-section of the joint high for mobile long trip, the two rotary joint corner of the size cross-section of the Rotary decision size, shape. Industrial machinery hand is a copy of the staff action, in accordance with the procedures set in advance, track or other requirements, and crawling, porters or operation of the automated tools devices. In the 20th century it had been used in the production of the 1950s, is expected from top to bottom in the auto developed on the basis of a mechanical devices, mainly used to automatically start from top to bottom and porters were expected to complete stand-alone automation and automated production line With the application of paragraph does not expand, now used for gripping tools and the completion of certain operations. Practice has proved that it can substitute for manpower the heavy labor, reduce labor intensity of workers and improve working conditions, improve labor productivity.
KEY WORDS :Manipulator;Bearing;Cylinder
目 录
摘 要 I
前言 1
1 概论 2
1.1机械手简史 2
1.2机械手发展概况 2
1.3机械手的发展趋势 3
1.4机械手的组成、分类及型式 4
1.4.1机械手的组成 4
1.4.2机械手的分类及型式 4
1.5机械手的应用及应用误区 8
1.5.1机械手的应用 8
1.5.2机械手应用误区 9
2 机械手工作原理及设计思想 11
3 机械手设计 12
3.1 手指设计 13
3.1.1 设计时要注意的问题 13
3.1.2 零件的设计 13
3.2 移动关节的设计 16
3.2.1驱动方式的比较 16
3.2.2气缸的设计 17
4 机械手臂部的设计及有关计算计 18
4.1 小臂的设计 18
4.1.1 设计时注意的问题 18
4.1.2 小臂结构的设计 18
4.1.3 轴的设计 19
4.1.4 轴承的选择 19
4.1.5 轴承摩擦力矩的设计 20
4.1.6 驱动选择 21
4.2 大臂的设计计算 22
4.2.1 结构的设计 22
4.2.2 轴的设计计算 22
4.2.3 轴承的选择 23
4.2.4 轴承摩擦力矩的计算 24
4.2.5 伺服系统的选择 24
5机身的设计 26
小结 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
[1] MasonM T ,Salisbury J K.Robots hands and the mechanicsof manipulation .Cambridge :MIT press ,1985 .
[2] Dechev N,Cleghorn WL ,Nauman S .Multiple finger ,passive adaptive grasp prosthetic hand.MechnismandMachine Theory ,1999 ,36(4) :1157 - 1173 .
[3] Butterfass J ,GrebensteinM,Liu H,et al .DLR hand ,next generation of a dexterous robot hand .Seoul :IEEE Trans .On Robotics and Automation ,2001 .
[4] Roccella S ,Gosselin C M,Cappiello G,et al .Design ,fabrication and preliminary results of a novel anthropomorphichand for humanoid robotics .Sendai :IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems ,2004.
[5] Edsinger - Gonzales A.Design of a compliant and forcesensing hand for a humanoid robot .Genova :IntelligentManipulation and Grasping ,2004 .
[6] 郭惠昕,张龙庭,罗佑新,等.多目标模糊优化设计的理想点法.机械设计,2001(8) :16 - 18 .
[7] 孟女卓,卜贺.规范化加权平方和法多目标优化设计.哈尔滨科学技术大学学报,1995 ,19(5) :76 -81 .
[8] 韩泽光,费烨,郑夕健.基于多目标遗传算法的圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧方案设计.中国制造业信息化,2006 ,35(3) :27 - 30 .
[9]周伯英.《工业机器人设计》[M]机械工业出版社 1995
[10] 龚振帮,《机器人机械设计》[M]电子工业出版社 1995
[11]藤森洋三,《机构设计》[M]机械工业出版社 1990
[12]加藤一郎.《机械手图册》[M]上海科技出版社 1989
[13] 成大先.《机械设计图册》[M](5)化学工业出版社 1999
[14] 刘鸿文.《材料力学》[M] 高等教育出版社 1991
[15] 濮良贵, 纪名刚.《机械设计》[M]高等教育出版社 1995
[16] 周开勤.《机械零件手册》[M] 高等教育出版社 1993
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